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About Sara231092

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  1. I've been having the same issue as well. NSFW collections require me to log in but when I attempt to do so it just tells me to use a different account, despite the fact that said account works perfectly fine on regular Nexus mods. This wasn't an issue a couple of days ago so I don't know what changed in the meanwhile. I'm using the latest version of Vivaldi, though the issue persists even after clearing cookies and cache and using a different browser (Edge).
  2. Not just when I attack, it crashes whenever I use stamina. I've been using the bow, but whenever I switch to a regular weapon that uses stamina, it crashes as soon as I swing it. EDIT: This has something to do with the new patch. I downgraded my game to an older version and now works fine.
  3. I was on planet vampire and downloaded lots of the mods and apparently they have one now that makes it okay to run it with win 7 64 :)
  4. are your comments showing?
  5. I did not even know about it... must go and get more info.. VTMB still is my fav game..so much atmosphere.. will probably have another run through when I am done with Skyrim :)
  6. Just passing by and saying hi :)

    You love Vampire the Masquerade just like I do! Are you waiting for the World of Darkness MMO?

  7. The armor probably looks like that on 3d studio because it has no lightning that affects its colors. You should try increase the color in the armor, or something to counter-effect the lights in game. Just an idea, not sure though...
  8. I can't believe I actually read this wall of text, though I must agree with everything you said.
  9. I want to help sexyvourtigaunt to create an entirely diferent world, its going to be like Skyrim but in ancient egypt. But we're going to need an entirely empty map and I was wondering if there's away to completly empty Skyrim of all trees, rocks water, scripts, forts, cities, NPC spawners, etc. I want EVERYTHING GONE! Because its going to be filled with sand(snow painted in a soft yellow-orangish unless I get some sand textures somewhere), diferent structures, nps, mobs, etc. I know how to open world regions(I always choose Tamriel) and then I select everything and start deleting, but that way it takes AGES! Editing the land is ok but sometimes I get black textures... I know that if you delete some textures already in the cells it gets a little better but still... I'm still a newb at dealing with the CK, so go easy on me if I don't get something at first.
  10. I was riding my horse on my way to Riverwood from Whiterun and when I look at the sky I see flying saberthooth cats swirling and spiraling in the air like leafs in the wind. First time I remember encountering a bug/glitch.
  11. Yes I know what you mean. As for the gods, I agree and I could suggest something similar to the Divines in Skyrim, like a blessing and/or even a random/dynamic quest for their appeasement, though its too early to say yet. Vourtigaunt might consider this a bit... off or annoying, because she is still doing plans for the mod and we're already throwing in what we want, but I guess its a just a sign of good faith, that we're looking forward to see this mod happening.
  12. If by real ancient egypt you mean the one that had Horus, Seth, Bast, Hathor, and others, as well as people with wigs that were open to sex and weared a lot of linen as well as cotton and used papyrus and walls to describe their history, then I think that's what it is about. But you should ask SexyVortigaunt. We call it egypt because its what people know it for, if we we're to speak to most people about Kemet, few would understand what land we're talking about. And its Kemet, it doesn't have an I :)
  13. I created a thread in the GW2 guru forums to help spread the project.

    Here's the link in case you might want to check it out from time to time.


  14. So I want to help you in your project but I have little experience... right now I'm watching tutorials on how to deal with the CK and so far I think I'm going well, if I do it a little everyday, I might be pro at it in no time :) I also know how to work images a bit, I'm better at GIMP but I also know a bit of Photoshop. When I was a IMVU user, I used to re-work my avatar's pics for fun, little tweaks, improving skin, add color and hair, etc. Tell me what you need.
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