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Everything posted by Matthi205

  1. Far Cry 3 could use some Bethesda elements. In my opinion they should be (in no particular order): a) switchable 1st/3rd person view like in Skyrim/Fallout b) character customisation (would be nice, but obviously wouldn't fit the story) c) weapons crafting d) a decent inventory system e) Modding tools (though this is more of a CryTek element, given that Bethesda's modding tools are as intuitive as alien technology) Most of the other Bethesda elements should, in my opinion, be omitted (just think of the "silent protagonist" concept).
  2. 1.Graphics.... The last thing about which I care is graphics . I haven't had a good computer in my life (and probably never will own one) , so I just don't care . 2.Gameplay Agreed . The gameplay is bad . But is there ANYTHING better really ? I mean , the only game that I played that had a "balanced" gameplay feel , was Two Worlds II (but it hasn't really got that "open world" feel) . Magic . Badest system I've ever , ever seen . Playing as a pure mage is nearly impossible at early levels way too easy at the upper ones . 3.Depth Shallow , to say the least . I mean : didn't the developers learn ? They could've made a system like in Exile II/III (or Avernum 2/3 , I forgot which one it was) where you can ask people about something you can freely type in .
  3. I've got that issue too . It seems as if Bethesda WANT us to use anything BUT the CK... Server 2008 R2 x64 , 4GB RAM , Turion64 X2 @ 2.2GHz Laptop CPU Good thing is , in all that time until the release of the CK there were quite a number of freeware tools developed . So , if you don't like using the CK because of whatever reason - you just don't .
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