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Everything posted by ImmortalAbsol

  1. There's mod support, yes. But like I said those mods can't have custom assets within them. You can only modify vanilla assets to make new things, not add entirely new textures/audio/models. Sorry, you need PC or Xbox for that.
  2. Not really, Sony doesn't allow custom assets. I suppose you can use the VT lab coat, Cabot's lab coat, Father's outfit, the clean room suit and the science scribe uniform.
  3. A neat compromise would be if they changed into clean pre-war clothing outside of work hours and maybe on Sundays.
  4. Yeah I usually build in there anyway using Place Everywhere but a less janky solution than building the items in the build zone and walking them over one by one would be much appreciated haha. Becomes a power armour garage / Brotherhood museum whenever I do something with it.
  5. Haha, I'm tempted to use ‘Place Everywhere’ to disable workshop timeout and enable extra object selection to pick up and drag the things to the airport myself xD Only thing is if combat forces me to leave workshop mode I'll have to go back to an owned settlement to re-enable it and then walk back to where I put the object.
  6. I love the idea of marking things and them actually showing up at the airport. The UFO and the vertibirds like you said but also stingrays and APC's, maybe even tanks and trucks. If you're crazy enough to include the Yangtze then you should also go for the USS Constitution post-quest. No way I'm giving unique or rare loot to them for it to just disappear though. However, if whatever I give them is going to be neatly arranged on a display in a secure location, then I'd consider it. For example a master locked display in the room where Liberty Prime's parts start out, giving you the option to steal them back if you change your mind. As per usual I'm getting carried away but this concept has a lot of potential and I could go on good idea making this post.
  7. Cool idea, à la “Institute Danse”. ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48690/ )
  8. https://images.app.goo.gl/S9dJToeSCV4kEu2g8
  9. Yes I DM'd Dimensionlord1 a link to the Discord as soon as they made the thread
  10. I would like to see this handled in a more controlled and reliable way.
  11. In a Subversion ending the Institute could upgrade Nick and DiMA, and graft Kellogg's hippocampus and parts into a courser based on his younger self.
  12. The race and keywords of every robot would need to be modified as every robot outside of Automatron is a different race than it's buildable counterpart. But yeah I'd love this, taking it a step further a way to repair/revive dead robots with Robotics Expert 3 and a couple repair kits would open up characters like Sarge.
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