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  1. Damn... no... as a matter of fact this subcategory is much more different than it seems at first glance... Should i attach some kind of script in blender before exporting? I don't have any controllers in here...
  2. Hey, Yes Fallout2AM i know what those lines in script mean... I wasn't referring to backward and forward directions for playgroup in script only to this: ---> http://zapodaj.net/fb80eed297768.png.html (my mesh has a blank space where "backward" and "forward" options should be...) Structure of my mesh and bethesda pintobean seems similar enough, although i can be wrong about this... But i checked console commands on my object in game and it wont work... So i guess there is something wrong in exporting settings i guess... cuz there is no other explanation for this... Regards, Lucas
  3. Hey... Yes sorry, i haven't been doing this for quite long and im more like beginner when it comes to scripting so i forgot what i wrote in that script. I of course copied commands from pintobean so i have a playgroup in that script - but it still doesn't work. Ive made a very simple animation in blender (2 frames one "moving" part just like in original bethesda animated plant... But... Now i've been looking closely to all of it and i noticed that bethesda animations dont work in my blender (i try to run them in animation editor but meshes stay still - they do however work in nifscope)... Also my animations work perfectly in blender and in nifscope (although in nif scope on animation panel i cant choose direction of animation playing (fallout files have an options to go forward and backward - i believe that is why my meshes dont work)... in my game however mesh is stuck on last frame and isn't moving even thou script is running and all other options work apart from changing the appearance of my object...
  4. Hello, I have a little problem with creating a mesh with few stages in blender. In fallout game we have few activators that uses meshes with multiply stages (like plants - maizes, pinto plants etc.) I wanted to make the same thing to some other objects (things like trees that can be cut down, rocks that can be crushed etc.) I tried to do this by creating an animation to my mesh, and it work great as animation it self, but it does not respond to "set stage" command via script. Does anyone has any suggestions what i'm doing wrong? Regards, and thanks in advance for all your advices, Lucas
  5. Wow... thanks Ladez it really is much simpler... I've tried before to do all commands in gamemode, but also in much more twisted way and it simply put me in infinite loop of message windows after preforming action... This on other hand work perfectly and also will help me modified my other scripts to run much better. Thanks once more! regards, Lucas
  6. Hi there... I have a little problem with some scripts that i wrote and can't find the source of it. So i wanted to make alternative ways to breach closed doors, and so i wrote something like this... Script works perfectly, except that message windows appear with 1 action delay (so if my first action is to breach door with fireaxe, and i don't have a fireaxe nothing happend, door remains locked, no windows appear nothing... Then i approach door once again and this time i choose option "do nothing", and all actions follow like they should but after i press the button i receive message from previous action - breaching doors with fireaxe (so the one with "you don't have necessary tools)... now i tried few combinations and it still doesn't work like it should... Could i please ask someone who knows whats going on to look throo my script and tell me what i did wrong? Thanks in advance, regards Lucas
  7. Hey there, Just reactivating current topic. I have difficulties making my animations work in fallout, i've made an animated object and i attached a script to it with playgroup commands... everything works, apart from animations... object remains just like it was... how can i fix my nif files animations to make them work in game? regards
  8. Is there any source (apart from steam) to obtain the Island of Akavir mod? I love Japanese style architecture, and clutter... but my skyrim box version don't work how it should with steam and i just can't download it...
  9. Hey everyone! I have further more questions about this problem... Im trying to make a script that would create an effect for ingestible object, so when player already has got actor effect (or spell - as GECK is calling it) on him, this script will change that effect to some other effect of similar sort. Has any one have any sugestion how a command to such a function should go? Cuz i've tryied various conditions and in best result im having a working script (one that allows me to save it and apply it to item) but simply don't do what i want it to do... Thanks in advance, Peace
  10. Thank you very much Aonghus... I didn't even thought about checking help option :tongue:... OOOO im such a goof... :wink:
  11. Hello there everyone... Im currently working on some mod, and im having a little problem... I know things or two about scripting, unfortunately i know very little commands that i can use to make my ideas a reality. Does anyone possess a list of commands (a little chi-chi, if you would like to call it that) that would contain some interesting lines of code. Im mostly looking for lines reffering to adding certain effects (base effects, actor effects, special effects ect.) with a time delay (from point of getting it, to the time they become active) or randomization of time they last. Also, i would like to make them evolve in time and become something else if left untougcht. Thanks for all of your help in advance, regards Lukas
  12. Hi, again. Thanks for the manual, i'm slowly starting to understand the basics of this editor. Although i still have one problem... I've already made objects that i want to replace the original files (actually I have made it some time ago) but now when i want to change references to those items it change only those elements that i somehow moved, placed or tempered with during my actual work in G.E.C.K. (for example it change 10 misc items into new ingestible copies in my test cell that i've created, but all the rest of original misc on the game world remain intact. Also in conformation window in editor only "my" cells are available to select all rest of the check-boxes remain gray and cannot be selected. What am I doing wrong here? Cause I simply don't get it. Regards, Lucas
  13. Hi... Yes, i know how to get resources and i know few things about GECK and such... unfortunately FNVedit is a tool that i don't know... i'm looking for some manuals about it right now. Hopefully it'll do the trick (if only I'll manage to understand its basics) Thanks for the tip, Regards
  14. Thanks for replaying Xaranth... Yeah... i was afraid so... still, i would like to try... Is there any guide or manual how to do that? I would really like to give this a try. Regardss
  15. Hi there everyone! I would like to ask you all a question that is bothering me for quite some time now... is there any way to change type some already existing fallout object... for example changing a useless misc object into an food or drug or whatever... (i don't want to create a new objects, only to replace already existing things with new usable versions of them)... Any help would be really appreciated... Regards Lucas
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