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fraquar last won the day on December 5 2024

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  1. TBH, you will be hard pressed to find any "pack" that has what you want - there will always be some things you don't want - and some things you do want that it doesn't offer. The best solution is to learn to use the tools to put what you want - together.
  2. TBH, I never connected with anyone - except Mama Murphy. When she told me the line about when I meet the woman and the Fat Man - I realized real quick she was the ONLY one that was telling you things straight - even if they were curved and angled when she uttered the words. Her previous "sightings" - meh. Didn't pay them much mind. ----- Everyone else is selling you a line a 5h1t. She's the only one telling you things straight - well as straight as a strung out old lady can tell you things. The rest is on you kid....
  3. Yeah, anyone that reinstalls through Steam - they will be on .984 - by default from here until they decide to do another update. GOG users - they will be on .163 by default. They don't offer the .984 upgrade (for obvious reasons). ----- You be you. If you see mods that are .163 only that you deem absolutely essential to requirements (with no alternative - or any hope on the horizon of an "upgrade") - then you'd consider a downgrade and all that comes with that. There is no easy answer - especially if you plan on modding the bejesus out of the game. The mods that are the most important to you will dictate the choice you make in most cases. ----- GOG users have it easy. They'd need to see tha absolute killer mod they couldn't live without only available on .984 to even consider upgrading. To do that they'd need to install/reinstall Steam and either load it up from their library or purchase it. I have it on Steam and I haven't had Steam installed in years. I'm not the 100-200+ game library guy on Steam - I'm an 8 game guy and 6 of those were already available on GOG. Easy choice to move platforms.
  4. Here's the rub with UFO4P. It has literally stopped support for Old Gen - they only move forward. So if you are Old Gen player and think that UFO4P is going to make this (Glitchfiunder's mod) obsolete - it never will. They (UFO4P) are the tip of the spear - they don't look back. Always forward. Design choice on their part that has been consistent since I've started playing Bethesda games - it won't change. Not asking them to either - just it is what it is. Not an issue on my part - just giving the lay of the land for those that don't know better and WILL get blindsided if they don't know.
  5. There are mods that can pretty much shut everything down except for the base game - and even many of the main quest lines in the base game. I use most of them. Start them when you want to start them - or not at all.
  6. FO4Edit is a great utility for people with tinkerer mentality. Load up a mod and a patch for that mod - see how the patch was made - replicate it with another mod. Yeah, some things can't easily be replicated (i.e. STS/FTS patches, animations, etc). For those that can though - FO4Edit is all you really need.
  7. Only one I know of after the listed one above: Combined Arms - Modern Weapons Pack (and it's sister mod Expansion Pack) - combined adds 17 weapons [by NovaFinch] Only you can decide if they fit what you are looking for. "Modern" is a very loose term.
  8. Yep. In the case of the SAA - FO:L replaced the .45 ACP with the .455 Webley. Didn't even have to change the ammo type - FO:L already did it by default. Easy - Peasy. Added: Whole reason I added the SAA was that the U.S. shipped a bunch over chambered in .455.
  9. You are trying to load a save that was based on a load order - the one when everything was working. You'd literally have to repeat that load order - in some cases verbatim. Do "Collections" repeat the load order verbatim?
  10. Whatever mods you added lately - they are the ones you need to look at - not the entire list. In MO2 there is an Installation column in the left pane. Right click on the header, tick Installation and sort on that to find the most recent mods you added and start from there. Not sure how Vortex does things. ------
  11. You can attach mods using the console. Ex. You can add Ballistic Weave to a piece of clothing - without having to do it through the workbench. I'm not aware of being able to edit atomic values though.
  12. When I played a modded Fallout:London I did so with 3 mods. 1) CROSS Mojave Manhunter armor mod. 2) F4NV SAA revolver 3) A completely stripped down version of Toggle Revolver Fanning - Wild West Cowboy with the F4NV patch added in. ---- None of that was added to any Leveled List - I just added them with Perchik71 In-Game Mod Explorer when I reached certain points/items in the game. Ex. When I got my first Webley revolver - I added the SAA revolver. Etc, etc. Had no issues with the game loading any of that content. -----
  13. A separate file for every patch is for distribution purposes. On your own PC - you have the flexibility to manage your patches however you see fit - since the files stay on your PC. Whichever way is most comfortable for you to manage. ---- Two examples: a) Patches for supporting mods I will always use - those patches I integrate. Ex. Tactical Reload/Bullet Counted Reload/etc. I just copy the loose files to the main weapon mod, integrate the patch changes to the main .ESP and delete the patch .ESP. -- b) SalientPhantom's patch(es) for Mk18 CQBR, or any other complex "overhaul" patch that adds new assets. I leave those puppies as is - for very obvious reasons. ---- In other words, one size doesn't fit all. You do you.
  14. Not sure you understand the "why" part of why they were disabled. You need to understand that first. ----- Simple math. Lets assume you want the F4NV revolver to fire 10 different ammo types. You'd need 40 different receivers (4 receivers x 10 different ammo types - since the receiver is what is changing the ammo type) if you do it the F4NV way. ----- Now look how the patch does it. 1 receiver for each physical model = 4 receivers. 10 ammo attachments - 1 for each caliber to fire from it. Total Attachments? 14 vs the 40 above. ----- The short of it. He marked them disabled instead of just outright removing them. You don't want or need those disabled attachments anymore.
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