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Nexus Mods Profile

About codztar

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Im just interested to know what happened to NZ, I tried googling but cant find anything.
  2. A mod that lets the adoptable children train using magic instead of wooden swords, for example the hearthfire kids train on training dummies using wooden swords but with this mod they could use magic, you could just take the magic animations that the college students have and give it to the children :P, the way they could get magic is if you give them the spell tome for a spell.
  3. I think what you need is dark souls XD
  4. Hi :3 idk what to say so lets just get to it. I have been thinking and it would be awesome to have some dark souls combat/ walking animations for skyrim also please tell me if there is already a mod for that. Thank you for your time.
  5. Ok so I was planning on what to do in my next settlement build and I was going to go for some recruitment camp for either minutemen or bos. Then I was like " I would find it pretty cool if you could sit down and do sort of a G.O.A.T test with settlers wanting to live in the settlement kind of like how it is at Covenant and at the end of the test you get to decide if they get to live their or not." So yeah if theres anyone out there that can do this please do as you are ensured a endorsement and download :)
  6. Ok so I was hoping for a mod that would make guns rare and hard to find :) that would be noice
  7. No i meant like a music replacer i already have tht mod and also i meant Deathwing soz
  8. A deathwing theme that replaces main menu theme and combat would be awesome :)
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