Hi guys ... it's my first post in this forum i never had a problem i couldn't handle myself with investing a lot time but now the day came i don't know what to do anymore T_T first of all i want to say few things ... i'am not a nativ english speaker my english is quite bad but the most people understand me well so i hope you do too. For me TKAA is the best and only Child overhaul mod, why do i want to overhaul childs you ask ? Because they look like ugly potatos in vanilla and i don't want those potatos in my game. i focus my mod build on stability and performance wich works very well for me the only issue i expirienced sience my new playthrough is the TKAA bugg wich i will present you now ... Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/bM1Qhah.png https://i.imgur.com/5I4PBvY.png the faces are switchd to something ugly, and it's not only them other childs got changed too, i tested the mod with vanilla list but still i got this issue but i didn't had it in my last playthrough the kids faces where normal tkaa faces and i had 0 issues at all, thats why i'am completly out of idea's, i used Scripts with TS5Edit ( iWaterFix https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9087 and iActivate https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17305 ) but i did a backup on iWaterFix from the edited .esp's wich i reverted before testing the mod in vanilla against, and iActivate patch file was in my overwrite so i had the changes in a plugin wich i deactivated in the vanilla test of TKAA. Please any master mind help me D: