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About DaleTheeMagnificent

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Fallout: New Vegas
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Dragon Age: Origin
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Hmm, maybe have the original door disabled and replaced with a door that is inaccessible during the quest stage, parenting one to the other and using opposite to parent flags on the doors. Then have the original enabled again at the end of the stage? Being opposite to parent will make sure only 1 door is enabled so wont have issues there at least? I dont know for sure if npcs can bypass the inaccessible flag but I dont think they can. It might keep them out of the room once you get them out and the door being marked inaccessible might prevent them from even trying to path back in there till the original door is enabled again. Just all some wild and half baked thinking lol. And still doesnt address your issue of getting them out at all, which seems to be the biggest part.
Well, I didnt get it to function quite yet like I wanted, but I am going to try making the recipes visible only if the player has a specific note in their inventory using the GetItemCount function. Itll hopefully work almost like I wanted, plus guess its better to let the players make it anywhere once they 'unlock' it. As to my original problem, Im gonna go with a script and just make a specific activator for future recipes instead. Though would still love any ideas on how to do it like I originally hoped! Edit: Oh hey, theres a GetHasNote function that does exactly what I need. Yay.
So, just a random question, did you use a mod manager to install it? If so, maybe try a manual install and see if that helps. And is it fully updated to the latest release? A few of the older ones had issues with hooks, iirc. Worst case, you'll need to post the crash log on the ShowOff nexus page and hopefully the current user maintaining that page can help you.
So Im trying to make it so a few recipes I added in my mod will only appear when using a specific campfire, but I cant seem to figure out what function would do that inside the geck. Or would it be easier to make a script that makes them visible only when using the campfire I want to tie them to? I also thought about making a unique campfire with a unique ID and then using GetIsId on Target for the recipes. Havent done that yet, but its the plan for tonight. Any ideas?
After a few weeks, today I woke up to my first endorsement on my mod. A big deal mostly cause its a mod I made originally for me and to simply track my skill level at serious modding, so its a nice indicator that I'm able to put a coherent mod together to at least one person. It tells me the mod works, and thats the best part. But what about everyone else? How do you veterans judge if your mod is 'good'? Do you all judge based on endorsements and downloads? Or even judge the mod in general? Its all for fun and enjoyment, but Im curious what other motivations play into mod makers and what they create I guess? Or really anyone who mods in general, even new folks like me. Why do you create mods? Whats the end goal for you? Like, I enjoy modding because its a nice between to making a game and playing one. I get a huge sense of accomplishment working with my hands and making something function. Regardless if its using a wrench or a keyboard. And modding is another skill I can get a sense of accomplishment from. And far less greasy. Lol.
I'm not really sure what that error is, to be honest but here are the settings I used to get it to import. (It will still throw the error at you, but you should get everything in.) Make sure all these options are selected. Import Animation Import Extra Nodes Combine NiNodes + Shapes Realign Bone Tail + Roll Send Geometries to Bind Position Send Bones to Bind Position And just in case you have issues exporting, I did a run of that and these settings worked. (I didn't do anything but move a few pieces into different spots.) Left Options. Export Geometry Only Force DDS Extension Stripify Geometries Stitch Strips Smooth Inter-Object Seams Flatten Skin Export Skin Partition (You can probably get away without this.) Combine Materials to Increase Performance Fallout 3 Middle Options Metal Solid None Right Options Default Type Z Buffer Shadow Map Empty Unknown 31 Export Dismember Body Parts Hope this gets ya up and running my friend.
Tough call. Both weapons are ones I use regularly for a good chunk of the game. I'd have to go with the repeater I think though. Personally I love the peep sight but even irl thats my preferred sight for a gun so a little biased there. Its higher damage is nice, and I seem to find the ammo for it more often in early game which is just an absolute boon. The service rifle with its fire rate mod is amazballs though with its higher ammo capacity. Can really throw out some lead.
As someone pretty darn new to modding, I've taken what I consider a 'shotgun' blast approach to it. More or less, getting my feet wet by just trying to do a little of everything. Some stuff I did okay at, a lot I just outright crashed and burned at. (To be expected ofc.) Now that I've gotten farther into my journey and some minor experience in using a lot of the tools, I want to go back to some of my first failures and re-try. The biggest being a custom backpack. It uses Qwibqwibmods Canvas Backpack as a base which I have added regular static meshes onto to give it a more unique look. (Throwing hatchet, bedroll, pickaxe, trooper helm, etc.) It was a pain in the ass for a good bit since I really learn best by just doing and failing but I slowly made progress till I hit a wall. I managed to get it into blender and added weight to the static meshes, linked a bunch of stuff that felt like it needed linked to things? A lot of the work done was me clicking random things, figuring out what it does and deciding if it was necessary or not. (Probs not the best solution but, I did find a lot of functions lol) I got the new backpack to show up when adding it into the GECK as a equippable. By itself, everything showed up in the render window the backpack, pickaxe, hatchet, bedroll, as a single item. The problem that got me to drop the mod was equipping it to a NPC, the backpack still showed up but all the additional pieces that I added did not. I couldn't quite get it fixed and chalked it up to inexperience. Now I would like to revisit this and hoped someone here could give a basic run-down of what functions are needed to make statics into equippable items? I would greatly appreciate it. EDIT: I should mention that I still have the .blend file for the backpack at the exact point I stopped. If someone needs it so they can look over Ill happily make a link for it. I can also export it to .nif if need be so you can see what happens on the other end.
- blender 2.49b
- meshes
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If you need to learn to make a new script as a whole, I'll try and find the topic that explains how to set that up. I don't want to give you wrong info on that. Maybe someone who is more confident can explain how here too. It's really easy to be honest. EDIT: Found out that sometimes making an object into an activator won't always work. (Just had one of mine not work when I was doing some testing.) I also found what seems to be a solution for those objects. I figure you'll need this info eventually since you'll be doing the same kind of modding I am. Making an Activator with GECK
I'm sure there is probably a better way to do this, but I'm also pretty new and this way works for me really well. I use this script (I found it on the Geck Wiki, think it was called a light switch script. So you can use it all you want.) I'll type out the script of it here for you. ScriptName MyScriptName ref light Begin OnActivate ;ShowMessage MyMessage if light == 0 set light to GetLinkedRef endif if light.GetDisabled light.Enable else light.Disable endif Activate End The show message line I added just so I could have text appear when a player interacts with the object I have placed in the world. If you don't want a message to show up, you can delete the line. If you want a message, delete the semi-colon or it wont run that line. If you wanna make an activator it helps a lot to get a .bsa extraction tool (I think most the mod managers have one.) and extract all the meshes. Make a new folder called 'Data' and put the meshes folder in there. That will let you keep it separate from your actual game folder but let you select from that folder and keep the file paths the game needs to find the meshes. I have mine on my desktop lol. Afaik, as long as the 'meshes' folder is in a data folder you can put it where you want. Once you do that then inside the geck you can make your activators. I normally just pick one and start editing it. Put in its own ID, the name you want it to have, and switch the mesh to the object you want. (If it's supposed to be a log, select the OasisCouch mesh inside the folder you made earlier.) Then in the same edit box you changed the name in, it'll have a spot for a script. Select your script from the list, and that should be it. Hit 'Ok' and select 'Yes' when it asks if you want to make a new form. Always hit Yes, otherwise you're editing the base object and we don't want that lol. Place the newly made Activator where you want it to be in the world. Now add in the object where you want it inside the store. (If you wanted a log bench on the side of the room for customers to wait, put it in.) Double click the object in the render window to open the reference box for it. Put in a Reference Editor ID and it has to be unique. Once you do that, at the bottom tick Persistent Reference and Initially Disabled. Click OK. The kinda annoying part now is linking the Activator and the Object in the store. Go back to the Activator out in the world and open the reference box like you did previous step for the in-store object. Where the tabs are, click on the right arrow until you see Linked Ref. You can either select the reference in the render window, or if its inside the store, select the cell name for the store interior in the cell drop-down menu. After that, go to the next drop-down menu called reference and select the reference ID you put in the previous step for the object inside the store. Now, click the right arrow button on the reference box again till you see enable parent. This step works exactly like the previous step. Select the Cell then select the Reference. After that, check the box that says 'Set Enable state to the opposite of parents'. This will make the world activator disappear after activating it. If it all went well, you're done. Hit Ok and close the window. If you don't have a cell that pops up like my mod, you can always use the cell view window and just pull it up in the render window. Then you will use the 'Select Reference in Render Window' option when linking the ref and the parents. Always remember if you're going to link to objects like this, one or both need a Reference Editor ID. The object you're LINKING to always needs a Ref ID. Now when you're in game, you can test if this was done correctly. Just go to the object out in the world and you should be able to activate it. When you activate it, if you have a message it will show up then the object should disappear after closing the message window. Head back to the store and the object should now be inside the store where you want it. And a PSA, I recommend you make new forms for any container you want to use in the store so you can edit them freely without editing the base game container. (I.E. If you want an Ammo Box, find the base game ammo box. Change the ID to something else 'RGHAmmoBox' for example, hit okay and click yes to add a new form. You can change that ammo box all you want without changing every single ammo box in New Vegas. The wording might be hard to follow, hopefully this makes enough sense to get ya moving forward. I'll try and get some screenshots if you still have trouble.
I had a feeling fiddlin' with world spaces would be tricky considering how often the GECK has crashed doing simple things lol. Unfortunately, I will end up experiencing the headache eventually as I want to try a little bit of everything for modding. Ive opted to keep the original wilderness cell name for now, mostly cause I found out I was making it harder to link refs than it really was. I can just open the activator I want to link up then just manually search the actual cell to load it up in the render window. No need for me to use the cell list. Its a couple extra clicks but thats considerably faster than say, slowly scrolling from Nellis to the camp to link a single ref lol. Right now Im at making my own scripts and thats so far been either really, really easy or really, really frustrating lol.
I'm building a player camp that is going to have several options that can be added by finding resources in the world. (Like walls, decorations, and crafting benches.) Its in the open world in a Wilderness Cell (02,07) and its a pain to link refs from the otherside of the map mostly because the wilderness cell doesnt show up when I go through the cell list for ref linking. My solution has been to rename the wilderness cell Im using to a new name and it pops right up. What I am worried about is the can of worms that can possibly open, if any? What should I be on the lookout for? Or what would be a better method for getting the open world cell Im building in to actually show up? I imagine the cell being renamed will cause conflicts with any mod that edits the same cell or am I wrong in that assumption?
Just an update. I have successully nif bashed armor into a custom set. And it works in-game! I've also managed to add a custom effect as well which was far easier than I expected lol. My next step will be cropping existing armors and adjusting them to a new shape in Blender. My idea is a Arziona ranger/bounty hunter look. Possibly adding a unique decal as well but if its to difficult Ill wait. I think I got this now though. Thank you guys for the tips and the forums in general! Even if its 20 pages back, I probably saw it and used it to learn from. Spent HOURS last night making frankenstein armors for shits and giggles. Haha.
- 4 replies
- blender
- export issues
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