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Nexus Mods Profile

About ArcottRamathorn

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. How is it that no familiar, standard, run of the mill Hunting style shotgun came with the vanilla game?
  2. http://i68.tinypic.com/mu8sh5.jpg I like that hat so much i learned some sewing so i could make my own... I dunno if i could figure out modding though...
  3. Am i the only one who misses the Stormchaser Hat from Fallout 3 and New Vegas? http://i66.tinypic.com/2mys1s3.jpg I would assume that a talented individual could make this happen in Fallout 4... Could even make it part of a nostalgic hat pack. http://i65.tinypic.com/34eyqmf.jpg Never enough homicidal, psychopaths in the wasteland. Anyway thats my plea to the modding community. Ive always loved that stormchaser hat... could be a party for everybody though. "Hats of the Wasteland"! http://i63.tinypic.com/2dvspaw.jpg
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