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About an0nym0uz

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  1. Not talking about the banner or anything from our added content, its all about the nexusmods modpage background image itself, with the mountains & forest etc. in this greyish tone. I want to align my banners visually to it.
  2. Chrysler 300(or C Version) DUB Edition (black like this one: ) BMW i8 Coupé [1st Facelift] (like this one:
  3. thats exactly the reason why we all only changed the iris, because the sclera is shared throughout npc aswell for now there is no workaround, and we have to wait for creation kit, but thats no guarantee that we will get a way to have seperated sclera so my hopes arent that high already its very disappointing already
  4. i understand the frustration, but on my side its more about modders dont answer at all but i also met a lot nice modders helping out and sharing their knowledge its all about perspective, u cant change people, but u can be better and learn out of others mistakes or bad habits it will get better, knowledge cant be gatekeeped forever ^^ hope u still have a good day
  5. it seems.. when we use console commands to get back into the character creator, the biometric id is randomized if we go to the enhance-service, we cant even see the biometric id again, right? is there any way yet, via console command, mod or hex editing or whatever to find out the biometric id again, which we used to create the character
  6. title. also, my latest mods got a warning, because somebody has fun reporting them now theyre under review, i fixed them, how do i request another check of them or do i have to just wait for it, however long it takes?
  7. so out of nowhere, whenever i use the controller and try to run my fps drops almost to zero immediatly but when i use my keyboard, it goes to normal fps immediatly aswell which mod/settings could be the culprit of that? i literally cant play actually because i always play with controller, except in shipbuilder is somebody able to help me somehow? my actual control settings in the .ini: [Controls] bMouseAcceleration=0 fMouseHeadingXScale=0.021 fMouseHeadingYScale=0.0336 fIronSightsPitchSpeedRatio=1 fPitchSpeedRatio=1 fGamepadLookAccelSec=0.8800 fGamepadLookMultExponent=0 fGamepadLookAccelYawMult=0.88000 fGamepadLookAccelPitchMult=1 fLThumbDeadzone=0.3 fLThumbDeadzoneMax=0.94 fRThumbDeadzone=0.2 fRThumbDeadzoneMax=0.94 # Delay in seconds before the player grabs an interactive object fQCZKeyDelay=0.3 # Delay in seconds before the player grabs a basic object fZKeyDelay=0.15 EDIT: so i tried to delete the whole [Controls] Section in the .ini and voila its working again seems something in these control settings really mess up the fps for an unknown reason to me considering the fps drop happens in literally under a second, is insane does anybody know which part of it, could be the culprit, so i can add the rest back in?
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