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Posts posted by RandomlyAwesome

  1. From what ı understood from your post there doesn't seem to any problem with The quest which means that the package is the problem.

    Problems with the package may be:

    • The Package not pointing to her properly.
    • The package not being high enough in the Package Stack
    • It being overriden by another package(which shouldn't happen unless some mod plays with her packages or she is in combat)


    Also for future referance the higher the priority number is the more priority it has

  2. I don't have the compiler since this is my laptop so it may not compile but you can try this script:

    Sound Property LuteSound auto
    int instanceID1
    Event OnUpdate()
           If Input.IsKeyPressed(39) == 1
                   Game.DisablePlayerControls(True, True, True, False, True, False, True)
                   PlayerREF.playidle (IdleLuteStart)
                   instanceID1 = DDDplaylutesound.Play(PlayerREF)
           If Input.IsKeyPressed(207) == 1
                   PlayerREF.playidle (IdleLooseStop)

  3. I actually made a FNV mod (for myself) that did exactly that. The way I made it was by extracting all the anims from the mesh bsa and then renaming all the normal anims to their sneak version file name. It took some work, but it's probably about the same for Skyrim.

    I tried the same thing, but im unable to find the normal stand and stealth anims in my data folder. That is why i posted here :(

    download The BSA browser or The BSA Unpacker (whichever works for you) and use it to chack the .bsa files in your data folder..the animations should be there.

  4. Creation kit Y U NO WORK PROPERLYლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

    as much as I want to post pictures my creation kit somehow suddenly refuses to work with scripts(and it's driving me crazy :wallbash: )

    so try clicking the add property button and create a new property with the magiceffect type and the name Speedspell then try clicking edit value on that.


    BTW I have to ask where you are putting the script since enchantments don't have a script window that I know of(might be wrong about this).I normally put them in a seperate magic effect or on the weapon/armor/item itself


    Scriptname AnkletSprintScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
    MagicEffect Property Speedspell Auto
       If  Game.GetTargetActor().IsSprinting()


    As far as I know Whirlwind shout seems to work on some crazy principal in that the shout doesn't actually have a real effect it just triggers an animation which sends you forward at great speed(so basicly I don't know the smallest thing about it)

    Sorry I had already made a speed effect for a test so ı forgot it doesn't exist normally :tongue:

    So you basicly create a new magic effect like this picture:(leave everything else as it is)


    And then when you create the item you put the script on it by pressing the add button at the bottom right and after you added it you click the button that says properties while the script is selected,than select the property in the box that comes up and press edit value after that you just need to select the magic effect you made and BHAM it is finished

    (I can post pictures if you want)

  6. If I understand right and the anklets are supposed to increse speed when sprinting:

    • Create a spell with the SpeedMult magic effect and adjust the speed you want
    • Put this script on the anklets:
      Scriptname AnkletSprintScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
      Spell Property Speedspell Auto
         If  Game.GetTargetActor().IsSprinting()

    • Set the speed spell you created as property Speedspell

  7. Let's see..

    • A npc's(or the players) size can be changed with the papyrus script command SetScale(more info at: http://www.creationkit.com/SetScale_-_ObjectReference) also as far as I know scale should give a slight boost to speed and attack power(damage)
    • You can increse a npc speed with a simple SpeedMult magic effect
    • While I'm not sure if it is possible to move static objects(they are static after all) two different versions can be enabled/disabled by the switch to give the illusion of doing so

    Not sure about the door tough.Good luck with your mod :smile:

  8. EDIT:fixed somthing

    Yeah Fg is right it replaces the race so.....

    Use this script instead

    Scriptname DemonTransformationScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
    Spell property Heal Auto
    Float Property HealthPercentage = 1.0 Auto
    Spell Property Demonformspell Auto
    Bool isdemon = false
    Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked )
       HealthPercentage = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValuePercentage("health")
    If isdemon == False
     If Healthpercentage >0.1
        isdemon = True
    ElseIf isdemon == True
         If (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace(PolymorphRace))	  
      isdemon = False

  9. This should at least compile by the way isn't this a bit to overpowered(since it technically stops you from dying) would you want me to add a cooldown or something if this one works

    Scriptname DemonTransformationScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
    Spell property Heal Auto
    Float Property HealthPercentage = 1.0 Auto
    Spell Property Demonformspell Auto
    Bool isdemon = false
    Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked )
    HealthPercentage = GetTargetActor().GetAVPercentage("Health")
        If isdemon == False
     If Healthpercentage <0.1
        isdemon = True
    ElseIf isdemon == True
         If (Game.GetPlayer().HasMagicEffect(DemonFormEffect))	  
      isdemon = False

  10. Edit:If I understand the percantage part(it being between 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 100 always confused me) it should activate at 10%.

    While I'm not an expert or anything this should work just replace Demonform effect with whatever the name of the effect for demon form is and put the script in a magiceffect(and an enchantment I suppose). By the way the mods page says that you can upload any updates/improvements if you credit the author(Zigurd88)


    Scriptname DemonTransformationScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
    Function Toggle
    Bool isdemon =False
     Spell Property HealSpell  Auto  
    Spell Property DemonSpell  Auto
    float Property PercentHealth = 100.0 Auto  
    GlobalVariable Property InvicibleTimer  Auto
    Ref Property PlayerProperty Auto
     Auto State Humanform
     isdemon = False
     PercentHealth = GetTargetActor().GetAVPercentage("Health")
     If PercentHealth <0.1
            Function Toggle()
    State	Transformation
    if isdemon == False
       Function Toggle()
    ElseIf isdemon == True
       Function Toggle()
    State Demonform
    isdemon = True
    if (Game.GetPlayer().HasMagicEffect(DemonFormEffect))
      Function Toggle()

  11. While I don't know how to create a hazard(stupid me :wallbash: )

    Messing around in the CK for a bit reveled that poisons use the AlchDamageHealth Magic effect wich also has poison resitence built into it,there is also a duration one named AlchDamageHealthDuration (these are IDs by the way not the ingame names).The AlchDamageHealthRavage is an instantenius version and wouldn't suit your needs.

    So...A hazard that appilies one of those magic effects

  12. I'm not sure but it might be worthwhile to look into creating a hazard that appilies poison damage,Letting the game make resistence calculations and bypassing the need to learn the player/actors poison resistence entirely.
  13. glad you got it working

    also about the playable thing it is a check box on the spell edit/create menu that determines whether the player has access to a spell or not it should be on if you duplicated an existing one.(I should have watched the video before I asked that)

  14. Awesome

    Tough I think you should be able to return once you finish the stroyline at least that is what I think it is your mod afterall.

    Also advanced technology........I call dibs on a minigun :tongue:

  15. I'm not A scripter but this may work


    So instead of

    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
                   if combatState != 0 ; 0 = not in combat, so if the state isn't 0, they entered combat


    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
                   if (Follower.GetCombatState() != 0)  ; 0 = not in combat, so if the state isn't 0, they entered combat

    Replace the word follower with your follower's id/name tough(not sure which one is needed)

    And if THAT doesn't work try this

    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
                   if aeCombatState != 0 ; 0 = not in combat, so if the state isn't 0, they entered combat

    Edit:Ohh well I'm too late fg109's script should be perfect tough.

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