Seriously, I am getting major wrist cramps trying to use the WASD bullshit. What the hell is wrong with developers today? I want my NumPad bindings back! Without using some external program! 8 4 6 2 Forward, Left, Right, Back 7 replaces E, 9 replaces R, 5 does VATS, NumPeriod is crouch, Num0 is Sprint, / is reload..... is it really that hard to let us have something so SIMPLE? I'd do it myself but I suck at figuring out where the control scheme is located. It doesn't seem to be an INI file anywhere I've looked, so I am forced to believe it must be buried in a DLL or something. But hell, I'm willing to forward a nice donation to the person who figures this out first. No AutoHotKey scripts.... real key bindings. I'm probably not the only person who's willing to pay for this to be fixed either...