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Posts posted by Nimbus21

  1. I have a smilar problem, with the addition of old characters that don't exist anymore and I can't remove. I can refresh the alcoves, this causes the characters to disapear, but you still can't load new ones. They also still show up in the alcove menues.


    The author really need to add a purge fetures that resets the mod and removes all characters.

  2. Anywhere but around Whiterun, you stick it there you're likely to conflict with some other mod 9 times out of 10. After that it's a matter of where you like to hang out, if it's just something your doing for yourself primeraly.


    If you want an intresteing location you could always conect it to an existing dungeon like Bleakfalls Barrow

  3. Ok, the problem I have is geting clear screenshots when I'm ether using spells or shouts. There is this "dramatic" blur whenever you use spells and more importantly shouts that turns any close ups to s#*!. I had the same problems with bloodsplater but I found a CC that fixed that, but nothing for bluring.


    I head that you can go into the .ini file and change s#*! in there to get rid of it but I haven't found out exactly what and I don't feel like mucking around when I don't know what will happen.


    Would be gratfull for any help.

  4. First, I'll point you to the mod detectives thread where this should have gone



    Then I'll point you to Call of the North which is the mod I believe you are asking for


    Right, sorry about that, I've been away from the game for awhile, had totally forgotten about that one so I didn't look for it.


    Thank you though, that was the right mod :) Much appreciated.

  5. I'm looking for a mod I dowloaded a long time ago, it was similar to Mantle o the Silver hand in that it had a series of wolf heads you could wear as armor. If anyone know the mod I'm talking about, please Point me to it becaue I can't seem to find it.


    Thank you.

  6. There are lots of reasons. Compatability, work load, lore, the difficulty of making believable characters with some purpose out there instead of just plopping generic extra's around lackadaisically, etc.

    True I supose, still... lackadaisical strikes me as better then nothing

  7. I've been playing around with diffrent race mods lately and a sudden realization struck me as I was monkeying around Skyrim in my new custom race (the dryad one if anyone is intrested) There is no others of this race around.


    Is there a reason why a mod author for a race mod wouldent place NPC's out in the enviorment? I've seen many mods that adds new NPC's so I'd guess it's just an oversight.


    Just something I thought I'd bring attention to.

  8. I will definately keep a close eye on this, most follower mods is just a pretty girl and that's it. I can get the same effect my CCing an NPC and drag them around. So far I have found ony six other follower mods that can compare or exeed oficial content in terms to execution, and only two of them have solid voice actors. So you're already ahead of the curve. I would suggest you check out Inigo, it's my favorite follower mod and the one I use the most.

  9. Looks really good so far, excellent voice + responses. Will definitely be following this one.

    As for suggestions: I would try to add things that make her feel like an individual who has her own personality and doesn't just revolve around what you do, ie things/places/people she likes/hates and will act on (not just comment)

    This, should have added that myself.


    Also, snappy one liners in combat could be cool


    "My you're ugly, nothing a fireball to the face can't fix!"


    (Terrible, but I never claimed to be a writer :)

  10. The voice acting is stone solid, this will get alot of attention. I like the outfit, stylish but untilitarian, just the way I like it. No skimpy stuff is a nice bonus. Looks are not to my personal taste (bit to pretty) but hardly a dealbreaker (I'll take any custom follower as long as the voiceacting is good :).)


    Suggestions. Hmm, A costom staff maybe? Coments on various locations is always good for immersion. As is comments on diffrent opponents, maybe an aversion to spiders or undead. Add a funny reaction if she is with you when your naked. Maybe add something for us that use stuff like UFO and AFT, maybe comments about other followers in the party. That's about it.


    It'll be fun to see the finished product

  11. A solid name so people looking for mods like your can find it if it get buried. Good pictures, can't stress this enough. A picture as worth a thousand words and all that. And the best picture you have is the one you should post first so it shows up first. A good description on what your mod does, a short and to the point description at the top and a mre involved one after that. Make sure to add info on how to best install it and what programs are best ot facilitate installment

  12. I use AFT, less twitchy. Yeah I like the ones from dawnguard as well. But there is only two of them which don't do it for me. I requested this because I did want dogs to be closer to what you get with normal followers. Mostly I wanted some interchangable armors and maybe a new look all in one pack because I have only 5 slots left in my load order that I can fill, and while I've seen a few mods that change the looks and other stuff they are all over the place.


    I did find one mod that I'm gonna test out and see how it works "Let Slip the Dog of War" Turns Meeko into a German Shepard with removable armor. So at least I will have 3 dogs now. Gonna send a PM to the author and see if he'd be intrested in extending the mod.


    It would be nice to have other armors for it though, the dawnguard set leaves alot to be desired in the cool department. I supose I could have also asked that someone just add three more dogs to the Dawnguard, but few seems intrested in modding the expansions, and there are those that don't have them to begin with so I have found it's better to request changes to the vanilla game.

  13. Dog folowers.... I doubt many uses them for anything, and why should they considering how pathetic they are, even in a group. Which is kind of sad. Being a dog owner myself I know just how much damage a trained dog can do to a person. I got into my head to play a sort of Beastmaster type character and looked around for mods that aid me in that, to slim results. So I’m placing this request in the hopes that someone will be interested.


    SO what’s wrong with the dogs, well first and foremost they have poor health, they have no armor (except those two in DG) and they don’t do too much damage. Add to that they don’t look all that cool ether.


    So this is what I’d like to see in a mod like this.


    1. Better health, duh. This one is likely the easiest.


    2. More named dog followers. Probably fairly easy as well.


    3. Armor. And in this I mean the player can craft and give armor to the dog. There have been several mods hat have created armors for horses. Considering the similar structures it shouldn’t pose to much of a problem to adapt them to dogs. I know someone adapted the elven set to fit a saber cat.


    4. As for damage, I suppose one could just up it in the same way as with the health, but I’d really like to see some weapons. They can’t use weapons I hear you saying there. Right you are. But wouldn’t it be cool if they had teeth made of steel, kinda how they wrapped an elephants tusks in steel back in the day, or some analog there off. And claws fastened to their paws, kinda like they do in those rooster fights. Stuff like that wouldn’t even have to be visually apparent. This would likely take some time.


    5. The last and biggest thing would be to update the textures, honestly they look like ass. If I had a dog that ugly I’d shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards. Hardest most time consuming part no doubt.


    I would also like to see some sort of kenel where you can buy these dogs to add a bit to the immersion.


    I think it would be a cool thing to do, even in parts.


    Now for more silly stuff. How about a talking dog? Yeah I know there are already one, and he's sorta annoying, but the concept is funny. And how about a dog that can shoot spells out of its mouth, eh? To much? How about a reversed wearwolf transformation? A talking do that shoots fireballs out of his ass and transform into a poodle at full moon?


    Eh. Feel free to add in your own silly stuff.

  14. Some bumbping and good news. Gabriel*Raziel is back and working on his LoK mod again and hopes to have it up Before the end of the year. Check out some of the cool screenshots he has






    Send him some C&C, and if you can help I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

  15. The concept of the Argonians is one I have always liked, but I have never feltthat the actual model is all that intresting. Don't get me wrong, its better then previous versions but I still don't really thing it has reached its visual potential. I personally use Drachis Argonians and Bigger Argonian Tails to beaf them up some


    The mod makes use of pre-exisiting dragon textures adaped to the Argonian body and I think it looks pretty nice as far as the body goes, now imagine it with alduin textures instead.


    Look at the back of the model to the right, now imagine it over the whole body. I'd piss my pants!!!


    Now the head could do with some improvments as well :) Anyone seen Dreadwing from WOW, that's intimedating.


    (ignore the wings and the ears) Or like this maybe


    And then there is the horns, they are rather boring in general, and small. Which might make sense with the females but look weak on the males. Also the textures of the horns, I know there are at leas one retexture fo the horns, but it just makes it look more real (a good thing) but if i had horns growing out of my body I'd carve some cool lines onto them


    Like so... notice the rather cool warpaint as well (hint hint)


    Anyway the general feeling I would like to see when i se an Argonian is this


    Not this



  16. A avian race with animated wings, that would be something. i know there is a mod that has a skeleton that suports wings but that's it. Script animation and textures, those will be hard. Don't know anything about the first two but I do know that textures on moving parts tends to stretch oddly.


    Still, I wish you luck because I would really like to see something like this

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