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  1. I am using the Amazing Follower Tweaks Mod to give my companions the vampire condition, yet for some reason their faces and bodies simply do not even try to match up. I've removed all the mods I have put in that should be causing this, cannot figure out why it's happening, if anyone has any fixes then that would be great! Including a picture so people can see my issue. http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/4387/2012091000001h.jpg
  2. I am planning on doing a lets play for skyrim: Dawnguard, the idea is that I take a female in rags, and have her infected with lycanthropy, I am even contemplating using the alternative start system if one exists. I also want several followers and my own "wolf pack". The RP theme is all about the violence, the hunt, the kill, and the feeding, any suggestions you guys have will be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hey guys I am looking for a mod for my latest skyrim playthrough. What I need is some werewolf companions, yet I personally cannot find a single one, nor a good mod that adds it in, any suggestions would be appreciated, also a mod that allows me to include new followers or even design my own, that would be fantastic! Any help appreciated, or any mod that may help my playthrough - it's a female alpha, werewolf pack, with hyper realism. Shes going to be a master hunter, bored by trivial things but anything that really demands her attention for a hunt is great, any pointers would be fantastic!
  4. I use the mods 'locational damage' and 'more dynamic injuries' I've got the locational damage and I cannot find the more dynamic injuries mod. Would it allow me to decrease the amount of damage done by NPCs and their bows?
  5. Looking for a mod that will let me tweak the damages done and recieved. I'm currently employing a few different mods to bring a hardcore play through into effect. I've got the melee damage recieved and dealt fixed but need something for damage recieved on arrows while maintaining good damage to my enemies.
  6. Was wondering if anyone has done a mod that changes the way damage is sustained? I think I saw one but not sure if it was a fever dream. I want something that includes damage types like broken legs etc.
  7. In my opinion KOA is pretty rubbish, from the combat I saw I was really looking forward to it, but the world and even the combat system are just plain lacking. Not for me at all this game!
  8. Not sure as I haven't fussed about with those trees yet, but wouldn't it be possible to simply change the way the trees are grouped and have plenty more perks in the tree. for example take all the magic schools and bracket them together, the first perk grants a reduction in all spell school, which then divides off however many ways to account for the other trees.
  9. have you used the coc marker from the objects to specify the exact location you spawn in at? Navmesh wont dictate whether you fall through the world of spawn in the wrong place. It's only for NPC AI pathing.
  10. I've gone with what the bethesda tutorials suggested and I have downloaded both notepad++ and Sumblime Text 2. My question is, how the hell do you get sublime text 2 to compile? I dropped the papyrus file into the correct folder, then I modified the file location to the exact one. I loaded up Sublime text 2, it recognises the syntax and can auto finish and the like, but how on earth do you compile it? I've tried it and it usually says file path not specified.
  11. Are you running as admin? Sounds like it hates the idea of writing files into your C drive.
  12. if its possible to create a repeating quest which I imagine isn't very difficult then you can use the tutorials on the wiki to create a repeating quest given from an NPC outside of the arena, all the triggers then could happen on ambushes etc.
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