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Everything posted by FriezaLivesOn

  1. Well the redesign of the site is ALOT more cleaner, smoother, and looks great something like the Steam website look. Better then the compressed, crappy older version personally it feel a LITTLE too much was on the site. I like it simple with everything in one place with some top 5 stuff in a main area then anything else on the side bars(However when it comes to replying I feel as if having the reply button on right instead of the left and the report button on the left feels awkward, usually I see it on opposite sides. I don't want to accidentally report someone.). Just giving my honest opinion on this.
  2. Improvements make the world go round. Respect points have been received. :)
  3. Hey Happy New Year everyone! I'm new here started using this website more as of late. Anyways feels awesome to be apart of the Nexus community! (Even if I am not the only newbie here :P) :)
  4. Hello everyone. :)
    1. Shadiva


      imma late as hell but still hope my hearty hello will be as good :D
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