99.9% of the time BOSS rearranges your load order correctly and warns you about possible conflicts and whatnot between your mods. If by screwed you mean the load order is different from how you made it yourself, that's only normal, since BOSS follows a set of rules on how to arrange the mods for better compatibility. Though you can set your own custom user rules, in the event that some mod isn't placed right OR update the BOSS masterlist (the app has the option to do it), you might be using old sorting rules. Also what do you mean by "main menu selections"? If you mean the actual main menu of the game, that happens cause a mod you're using is missing a master file. For example if you would've used BOSS instead of manually rearranging your mods, it would have sorted "Sneak Tools" correctly, the way you have it now, it will CTD at the logo. "Sneak Tools.esp" has to be before the other 2 plugins of similar name. I only noticed that mod so far, cause I was familiar with it, who knows what else is placed wrong; a BOSS log is a lot more useful than a screeshot of a load order that doesn't really say much. (NO1 rule always backup your files/settings when using third party tools "for fun" if you're not entirely sure what you're doing.)