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About calbandra

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  1. You're welcome :) I'm excited for the new version I've been using the original since you made it :smile:
  2. Your mod actually works being imported into Frosty (as a daimod), idk if you tried it out. Pretty much everything that applies to diffuse textures applies to tattoos. What really matters is the dds format in Frosty. For tattoos it's BC3_UNORM. The DAImanager used the nvidia texture tools to save DDS files but frosty needs the intel one. When you go to save your texture in photshop as an intel DDS there will be a menu where you can pick color + alpha, then BC3(Linear for UNORM I think). But really you can just upscale + save as TGA and Frosty will auto convert it for you. It's what I do for all my textures. Easier and works the same.
  3. I did the same, just with version of the modmaker.
  4. Here you go. Tested it with a bunch of other mods and in cutscenes, no crashes for me.
  5. As far as I know, reassigning textures to one character isn't possible. The easiest and probably best solution would be to just switch out his skin tone (#3 i think) with a darker one. That way it won't change all men, just the people using his skin tint. The npcs that don't have their own complexion (anyone that's not a companion/advisor) will have this sorta staticy thing going on with their face, but only 15 npcs in the entire game use his skin tint so it really isn't that big of a problem imo.
  6. In the toolset it's da3//factions//orlais//appearances//uni_hm_adventureorlais_epc01a, but beyond that it doesn't have a name since player characters can't equip it. And since it's a npc outfit, you can't mod it so your character can wear it.
  7. If you're the same person that posted on the dai tool forums then I have good news and bad news. Good news: I took a shot at this!! http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1594/? Bad news: The one you wanted in particular was a b&@*$ to edit and probably looks the worse out of all of them. Sorry lol :/
  8. Okay I found the qunari armor! :wink: Except I don't have the dlc so you're gonna have to tell me how it looks lol. I added it under optional files.
  9. Okay before I get into it I just wanna let you know there's an easier way to change the color of it other than making it tintable. It is a little inconvenient though. If you have photoshop or gimp you can download the nvidia texture tools (which you're gonna need to make it tintable too) and extract the diffuses for the armor and just color them how you want in the program. Okay back to tinting. If you want to add an extra tint slot you should read this . I can't find the qunari armor so I'm going to use the elven one as the example. I will also be using photoshop as I have no expierence with gimp but I'm sure the gist will be the same if that's what you're using. imgur album here of some of the steps and the finished product in case you need a visual open up the mod maker and go to da3>factions>elvahn>appearances>uni_em_dalish_arc and export the tint map. I also recommend you export the diffuse. once you have the texture tools installed open up both the files and choose 8bit when prompted.copy and paste the diffuse over the tint mapyou'll see that on the tint map some things aren't colored in and some are. red is the main cloth, blue is the secondary cloth and green is metal and leather. So to start with the sleeveless coat take the magic wand tool/quick selection and go over the coat on the diffuse layer till it's all outlined. Hide the diffuse layer and click on the layer the tint map is on and go the the channels.Choose which channel you want. I wanted to tint it to be great bear skin so I chose the green channel to make it leather. Use the paint bucket to fill in your outline with whiteGo back and repeat the process for any other part or the armor you want to be tintable.When you're done make sure you have all the channels selected again so everything is red blue and green. Delete the diffuse layer and save it as a DDS file. Import it back into the modmaker and check it out at the tinting table :thumbsup:I still made the mod for the dalish armor if you want to look at that first but idk if you'll like what tints I assigned to certain parts. www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1565/?
  10. You should be able to destroy those items. Sounds like you have a bug. I looked through the mod maker but I can't seem to find any of the research items. :( Have you tried moving them to the storage chest in skyhold?
  11. I was wondering how people make complexions that already have skin tones on them like the companions/advisors transparent so inquisitors can use them like that one isabela complexion mod. Help please?
  12. i'm trying to make a mod for briala to give her an appearance closer to the book with darker skin. i know that you can simply swap out skin tones and even though it changes multiple npcs i don't really mind. except when i do it they come out blue. when i swap the channels their bodies come out looking nice + normal but their faces are red and splotchy. anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
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