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  1. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  2. M&B Warband style combat would be awesome. Such a combat overhaul would basically complete Skyrim for me. I would not mind if the enemies would still be using simplistic attacks, as long as the player would have more control over his sword and shield. It is the only mod I am still missing. There are food mods, hunger, thirst, even cariages. Its awesome. But no good combat. :( Edit: Same as above with the rules.
  3. "What are you even gonna do with all this cabbage?" lol, :biggrin:
  4. I think the only ones currently trying to completely overhaul the combat system (with directional combat) is MERP team. The current system is what makes the game tedious after a while and not fun for me (ranged combat I find ok though).
  5. Favorite quote in my signature :biggrin: ("Need me some Skooma... the imported stuff... just one last time..." )
  6. That's great! M&B is such a great game series. Also, some alpha footage of M&B 2 . You can run around on a world map that has towns and villages on it, but when you enter a town or engage in a battle on open terrain, your character will be teleported onto a smaller map or zone. So you can't freeroam beyond the smaller maps/zones borders in 3rd or 1st person mode.
  7. You can try searching for tutorials here. If it is not there it will probably get added later. Here are tutorials for: -Weapon racks -Mannequins -Bookshelf -Also on bookshelfs
  8. You also have to "pack" your file prior to uploading with something like WinRar or Zip.
  9. Saw this in another thread, thought I post it here also:
  10. I can't really help out with this right now, but the compass looks great!
  11. Thanks, I'll look through the actor options in the CK again, maybe I'll find something. Edit: found it. Just need to check "Starts Dead" in the reference window of the NPC.
  12. Hello, as the title says, I can't find the "death" button.
  13. I'm working on a player house located near Anga's mill. It is based on the house Graymane in Whiterun. It features a functioning mannequin, wood chop block, alchemy and enchanting workplaces, cooking pot and player chests at the moment. Functioning weapon rack(s) will be added also. Perhaps a smelter too. Here a few exterior WIP pics: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/3708/snowyriver01.jpg http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/558/snowyriver02.jpg http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/23/snowyriver03.jpg http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/1091/snowyriver04.jpg
  14. Thanks a lot man! :biggrin: Changing the ID creates a new version of the base object while leaving the original intact? Edit: yes, it does.
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