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Everything posted by VanillaClark

  1. Any Steam buyers out there? I am writing a script to overcome mod paking problems. I'm on Origin, but I might as well get the STEAM path in as well cheers :geek:
  2. This is the best tutorial Take note of where quotes are used, otherwise it will throw up misleading errors, making you think its worse than it is! I've yet to find a version of unrealpak.exe (for 4.21) that works. I either get errors (magic numbers from 4.23) or the pak's are ignored by the game with legacy unrealpak.exe I've used Umodel to un-pak which maybe missing version attributes That's as far as I've got. edit: Tried again with unrealpak (4.21) successfully exacted the ubulk and asset files. (which Umodel will convert to TGA etc) That's where i am in the process. My pak files look good, structured etc. but game ignores them! Any one know if there are version or build settings required in pak? I seen and read about the "FileOpenOrder" but this isn't part of the paks containing mods!
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