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Nexus Mods Profile

About AelaTheFoxx

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim Anniversary Ed.
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  1. Was thinking of a different mod than this one but yes there are quite a few in Riverwood Keep SE.
  2. No, not Legacy of the Dragonborn, I've never downloaded that mod.
  3. Hello! I'm on the path to making my first player home mod, and I was curious if anyone remembers the seemingly removed mod that (I think) was called home or hall of the dragonborn? It was a castle-style home that had a throne, and the dragon mask display in the front room. Anyway, that mod had a hall of mannequins in one of the wings, and I'd very much like to add multiple mannequins like that in my player home. Does anyone know of the mod or even the mod author of that player home? If nothing else I would at least like to use that mod again if it's still available.
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