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About Rizla2112

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  1. Will do. I'm currently running the Ellen the Cartographer companion so I'm playing nice for a while. I'll try Wintermute when I've done Ellen's quest.
  2. I think you're probably right. If you want something done, etc. I just hoped someone might have already either been working on something along the lines I was after or had an "easy" fix. Given the amount of posts I've seen elsewhere from people who have done completely evil (as they can be) playthroughs, I am genuinely surprised something like this hasn't been requested more often. I haven't checked out lover's lab for ages either so i'll give that a look. Thank you for the time you took and all the information.
  3. Nice. I appreciate the thought although, having looked at some of the companion mods where the author has plans for affinities/romance, it looks as though it's either complex or tedious or both. We shall see.
  4. I'm going to have a look at Wintermute. Looks interesting, if not exactly what I'm after.
  5. Yeah, I'll take the noob hit. I have already looked at all of these, except Wintermute as I only read the cyborg part of the description. I'll probably have a go with that one. As you say, my requests were pretty specific and, unfortunately, none of these do exactly what I'm looking for, ie, no romance option, no indication of the likes/disilikes I'm looking for. Wastelander Barb likes it when you defeat humans but it doesn't specify if they are hostiles like Gunners or normal settlers that you attack first. I know I'm being picky, which was why I wondered if it would be possible to edit likes/dislikes in an existing mod. I haven't really looked at the Creation Kit per se. is it even do-able?
  6. Hi all. I've had a long look on the nexus and cannot find a companion character that enjoys the nastier side of life in the Commonwealth. I'll try and be brief. My character isn't entirely sane. This started right from the moment she woke up in the vault and slowly became aware of what had happened to her, her family and the world in general. Having now finished the main quest and all the dlc, she's seen so much madness and killed so many people (and become so powerful) even playing as a paragon that she has developed certain urges which usually involve luring settlers to vault 88, sending the ones she likes to other settlements then butchering the rest. She finds it most amusing selling Soylent green to the BoS and ghoul-flavoured dog food to Goodneighbour. This is done alone as none of the usual companions (except Strong) would approve. She needs a playmate. I know that there are companions available that have no likes/dislikes but what I would really like is one that will essentially have like/love markers in all the bad things with a romance option associated, even a short, bloody quest. I also realise how much work goes into making something like this so I'm not expecting a fully-voiced all-singing/dancing companion (although if someone wanted that challenge, I'm sure it would be popular). An edit to one of the existing romanceable ones on the Nexus would be more than good enough, if that is possible. I only have three "musts". 1. Must be female. 2. Must be attractive (no messed up face, etc) 3. No ghouls. Did I mention my character has a pathological hatred of ghouls? She hides it well but you woudn't want to see what happened at the Slog! Any and all help/advice would be appreciated, even if it's to call me a noob and point me at an existing mod. Thank you kindly.
  7. I did use Loot but, as bben46 said, I don't think it's a mod issue. Using CCcleaner has helped but not completely eliminated the issue. It only happens once or twice a session now and I can kind of live with that until I find out exactly what is causing it.
  8. Nice, I actually haven't used CC in a while. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  9. Hi all. I haven't seen the issue I have posted anywhere but hopefully someone can help. I'll be playing along nicely then the game will suddenly minimize. It doesn't crash so when I click on the icon in the quick launch bar it comes back on the pause/save menu and I can continue as before. Where I am and what I'm doing in the game doesn't seem to matter. It's happened mid-combat, in workbenches or just wandering around and in high/low load areas. I thought it might be because I tend to watch vids/listen to music while I'm playing with the other thing on my second monitor but I've tried without anything else running and it makes no difference. I've also exempted my games drive from being scanned by AVG in case that was it but no joy. I'm running the game well within my rig's capabilities so I don't think it's that either. Any assistance would be appreciated. Specs: Intel i5-2500k CPU @ 3.30ghz 3.30ghz 16gig Ram Nvidia GTX 970 4gig vram Mods: Simple Intersection.espBetterSettlers.espCraftableAmmo.espCraftableAmmo_plus.espEferasShoulderBag.espSettlerRenaming.espBillyro Curie.esp I've got a couple of texture mods as well but I don't think they can be the issue.
  10. No, I don't have any unofficial patches and I've been through Breezehome plenty of times since installing Dawnguard; the alchemy lab has always been there. I'm going to load a save from before buying the new bedroom and see if it's definitely that that causes the CTD. I think, if it does, that the hideout will have to go. Thanks for the idea though.
  11. Hi all. A quick question which I think I may know the answer to. Having bought and installed Hearthfire, I purchased the child's bedroom for Breezehome with the intent of adopting. Having chosen a child from the orphanage, I returned to Whiterun to see that my new daughter was safely installed and under the watchful eye of Lydia. When I tried to enter Breezehome, however, I got an immediate CTD. I reloaded and tried again with the same result. The only mod I have installed which could potentially conflict with the child's room is the Dovakhiin's Hideout, the entrance to which is very close to where the alchemy lab room was. Do people think this is the likely culprit? I really only use the hideout for a crafting/storage base and could easily do without it but I have a lot of stuff there which I'd have to relocate before disabling the mod plus it is the only way I can now enter Proudspire Manor, the outer doors of which having long since ceased to function (different issue but if anyone knows of a solution to that I'd be grateful!) Any thoughts?. Thanks.
  12. Hi all. I came across this blog using Stumbleupon. http://vegvisir.blogg.no/ Apart from there being a huge amount of inspirational artwork and photos on it, the blog owner is a pure Nordic beauty. Take a look at that first pic and tell me you wouldn't want a follower based on her. I certainly would but don't have anywhere near enough talent to do her justice. Please, please, somebody make this happen. It would only be courteous (she is a queen, after all) to ask her permission to use her image. I couldn't see an e-mail address but she has a tumblr (also worth a look) and is on the facebook (which I do not have). Many thanks, in advance, to anyone willing to give it a try.
  13. Hi all. someone has already requested a Xena/Gabrielle armour set but the armour that always did it for me in that show was Callisto's. http://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/default/4cc20c324e2ac/Xena--Warrior-Princess-TV-1995/Xena----Callisto--Replica-Costume.jpg It looks as though Aela's draugr armour would be a good starting point and there's plenty of visual reference available. All I lack is the skill to create it. Extreme kudos and eternal gratitude to anyone who could make this. I'd love to have Lydia or Mjoll (or even my main character) dressed as my all-time favourite psycho sword-swinger. Thank you kindly in advance. :thumbsup: Ps; Callisto's hair would be awesome too!
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