Hi again! I tried that though... loading previous saves to see if that helps, with no luck as the walls still were invisible. But finally I think I've found a fix! What I did is to open the Fallout4.esm in the CK, then load the cell in question, go to "World" tab > "PreCombine Geometry for Current Cell"...then, go to "Visibility" tab > "Generate Precombined Visibility for Current Cell". I don't know why, but just exiting CK without saving anything, run the game, and everything is back! It was so depressing.Thank you for be with me in those depressing moments. Lol :laugh: It works because now in your data folder you have a VIS folder that contains visibility data and in your meshes folder you have new Pre-Combined meshes for that cell. So is it good to keep those files there? (I deleted them and the settlement still looks ok). Is it possible to accidentally overwrite the Fallout4.esm? I thought somehow it just was "untouchable". Hey, you know that center building at Sunshine Tidings? That one that cointains the workshop... Well tried to move it in the CK and noticed that I have two duplicated buildings at the same spot. Is that part of the game or I just duplicated it before by accident?