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  1. Hi everyone, I'm seeing some purple pine tree branches and roots, and I assume that the origin is a missing texture. See the following screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/chczzmg/Skyrim-SE-2023-06-30-20-09-26.png Full mod load order: https://justpaste.it/aiink I already took a look at "treepineforest03.nif" in nif-skope. It's using two textures: textures\landscape\trees\vurt_pineatlas03.dds textures\landscape\trees\vurt_pineatlas03_n.dds Both are present and seem to be just fine... Do you have any hints for me what I might try to fix this?
  2. Hi folks! Coming over from Skyrim LE, which had the awesome original Quick Loot, I find myself at a loss for options in SE. Sure, there's QuickLoot RE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21085) and there are some reskins for it, but judging from the comments, most of them are broken. I've got three major issues with Quick Loot RE: The centered textThe lack of iconsThe lack of color (e.g. gold could be written in yellow, iron stuff in gray, leather stuff in brown etc.)So basically, quickly skimming through the contents right now is a pain. Everything looks the same (it's just text) and it's centered to further hamper readability. Is there any other alternative that I'm not aware of? The github request for icons has been open for months and months, and nothing has happened in that regard. Any clues?
  3. Hello folks, finally, my Skyrim SE mod setup is running as intended. I am facing just one final annoying issue. I play Skyrim SE on my primary monitor, and there's a second monitor next to it. In game, when I move the mouse cursor to the right (or look right, doesn't have to be in a menu), the cursor itself stays in the game, but when I use the mouse wheel, I can scroll through windows on my second screen! It's like having a "ghost cursor" in windows. To me, it looks as if the game fails to properly trap the mouse cursor within the bounds of the first screen. Any actual mouse clicks are processed by the game exclusively though, it's just the mouse wheel input that gets processed both by the game and the applications on my second screen. When opening the steam overlay in game (Shift+Tab), the mouse cursor is indeed on the second screen sometimes. I play the game in full-screen on Windows 10 on a GTX 970ti, with ENB and Reshade. Does anybody have a similar problem and/or a fix for that?
  4. That was very helpful information, just what I needed to know. Thanks everyone!
  5. Hi, I'm one of the "Oldrim" players out there who just waited for SKSE64 to come out to make the switch to SSE. I had a look at every single mod in my Skyrim load order and looked for ports in SSE. I was pleasantly surprised that a lot of my favorite mods already have SSE versions. However, some of them don't. What I would like to know is: which categories of mods can be expected to work in SSE by simply using their Skyrim counterparts? For example, what about: - Texture overhauls (retextures)? - Sound overhauls? - Standalone followers? Also, what kind of problems can you typically encounter when trying to reuse Skyrim mods in SSE, and how do you fix them? Obviously, some things can't be easily fixed such as papyrus scripts (they need a recompile at the very least, as far as I am informed). I've heard different things about porting characters (i.e. followers) to SSE. Is there any kind of guide or tutorial?
  6. Overall I like the new design, very modern. However: Where do I find the "Files of the month" section? Does it no longer exist on the new page?The CSS styling of the comments section needs to be improved. It currently wastes a lot of space and is rather ineffective when it comes to visually separating individual comments from each other.
  7. That's EXACTLY what I was looking for, THANKS! How can that be, I've been using the nexus happily for YEARS now and I never had any idea that this feature existed...! That magnifying glass is extremely easy to overlook ^^'
  8. Hello everyone, as someone who frequently experiments with mods, it would be nice to have a directory tree / file tree view of the files offered for downloading in nexus mods. Example 1: Skin mods When downloading a skin mod for skyrim, the authors rarely state in their descriptions which files are actually contained (e.g. diffuse, normal map, scatter map, etc.). A file tree would allow me to directly look at the directories and file names before downloading the mod in order to judge whether it's the right mod for me or not. Example 2: Female followers In search for a female follower in Skyrim, it is crucial that the follower uses the correct "skeleton_female.nif", otherwise game stability and performance is at risk, because skeleton mismatches can cause CTDs. Some followers (or any mod that adds in NPCs for that matter) contain their own "skeleton_female.nif" file, others don't. So for those that bring their own, I need to create a patch with the correct override. It would be nice to know that before downloading a mod. Example 3: Files you don't want to be touched Especially when it comes to larger mods (> 200MB), there's always the question which files the mod actually touches. And maybe you realize after the download that it modifies a file and conflicts with another mod you have installed. Depending on the setup at hand, there may be certain key files that you really don't want to be touched by any mod. A file tree would allow to check that - before downloading hundreds of megabytes. For an example of what I mean, have a look at Unity's Asset Store. It's like a paid resource page for game creation that offers packages. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/14047 Look at the "Package Contents" area. That's exactly what I'm talking about. The preview window is nice, but not even strictly necessary in the context of Skyrim.
  9. Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I had the same "black main menu screen" problem with the v264 ENB on my Radeon R9 290. However, v262 works like a charm. By the way, version 262 is also the one recommended by mod authors, for example the description of RealVision ENB explicitly recommends 262 over 264.
  10. @gamerdave69: Thanks for the suggestion, looks interesting indeed! Will check it out! @Anikma: I can say for certain that my game is not CPU-bottlenecked. As I've written in my first post, I'm using an Intel i5 @3.3 GHz and Skyrim uses its capabilities to about 50%, which should not cause any real trouble. But the thing is, I'm starting to think that you are right about the overheating stuff, except that in my case, it affects the GPU, not the CPU. I'll try the HiAlgo Boost stuff, maybe it helps. Thanks guys! Any further suggestions are welcome as well!
  11. Hello everyone, I'm using the latest version of Realvision ENB. I love the way it looks, but I've got a peculiar problem with it. When I play the game, at the beginning it is running with about 25fps. Not terribly high, but my GTX 550 can't really do more with Realvision active. I'm perfectly fine with that. However, as time goes by, my framerate starts to drop dramatically. For example, when I start Skyrim and load a savegame from Whiterun (exterior), I get 22-25fps. However, when I play for an hour or two, visit some areas, then come back to the very same place (!), the FPS drop below 10, which makes the game almost unplayable. The funny thing is: when I save again, completely exit Skyrim and re-load, I'm back to 22-25fps. It's also noteworthy that the problem seems to be limited to exterior areas only, interiors (houses, caves...) are always running just fine. Does anybody have an idea what could be going wrong here? One reason I can think of is textures, but I'm running the game with VANILLA ones which should be small enough. Also, I figured that some other mod could potentially cause CPU overload over time, but according to my CPU meter (i5 @ 3.3GHz), the CPU usage is nowhere near 100% (more like 50%), whereas the graphics card is running at 100% GPU usage. I'd be grateful for any advice. If you need more technical information, please let me know. Thank you, Alan
  12. Hello everyone, I don't know if I'm the only person who feels that way but usually, my Skyrim Playthroughs look like this: Level 1-20: Gear changes rapidly, chests often contain usefull stuff Level 20-30: Start to use smithing skill to produce armor. Chests rarely contain anything useful at all. Gold is no issue anymore. Level 30+: Smithing skill allows for epic-quality armor. You won't find anything better ANYWHERE, including merchants. Gold is worthless. You effectivly have "hit the cap" of what's possible. ... and this compares to: Level 1-20: Intro quests, some side quests Level 20-30: Main quest Level 30+: Main quest done Now I have several problems with that: When I stop finding useful items in chests, the game increasingly becomes less interesting. When I reach "perfect equipment", my motivation ususally drops to zero. I never played any of Skyrims Add-Ons because I'm usually "done" when the main quest is over. According to the "law of 3 golden L's" (Lynch, Level, Loot), this is rather poor. Isn't there a mod which introduces a proper "item progression" such as in Diablo for example, where each and every item has hundreds of randomly generated variations, level requirements, and various magic effects, such that no matter how far you are in the game, you can still find BETTER equips to make adventuring worthwile?
  13. Hello everyone, I've discovered the Immersive First-Person (IFP) mod today (find it here) - I really love it, adds a lot to my game experience (fighting dragons in 1st person is really fun with this mod!). However, there's one problem with it. I've Victoria's High Heel Walk (VHHW) mod installed as well (this one) which allows the character to walk towards the camera in 3rd person mode when pressing the down arrow key instead of walking backwards. Since IFP replaces the 3rd person cam and not the 1st person cam, my character turns around 180 degrees when I press the down arrow key. Since the camera is attached to the character's face, it turns with it, causing major disorientation (and I'm used to walking backwards, OFTEN). The only "fix" that I'm aware of is to draw the weapon, as this VHHW only applies to normal walking. Is there any other solution? Perhaps disabling the camera trick of VHHW while IFP is active or something? Or am I the only person who happens to run these two mods in tandem? Thanks, Alan
  14. Hi, sorry I somehow couln't get it fixed. Thanks for the instructions, working nicely now :) Thanks, Alan
  15. Hello everyone, I'm using a custom race (Lovergirl) for my character, which originally used the UNP body. I've replaced the meshes and body textures with CBBE versions. It works nicely in-game, the only problem is that there is a strongly visible seam in color and brightness where head and body textures meet. Now, I know that there's a tool called TexBlend by Caliente, and I already tried to use it to fix the problem. However, apparently TexBlend will always use the default textures (from Data/textures/actors/character/female) and won't let me choose the files to blend manually. This is a problem because the texture files for the lovergirl race actually reside in a different folder. Does anybody have a hint for me how to tackle this problem? I know that it's purely cosmetic, but the texture seam is so plainly obvious that it's really disturbing the game experience, especially because it affects my player character. Thanks, Alan
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