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Everything posted by Exergist

  1. I'm looking for audio clips of the dragon shouts spoken in-game (as well as for popular mods like Thunderchild), and I'm going to use these to develop input commands for a voice control mod. I see that a post by @ToMuchForYa provided a related link to the complete shout audio on the Elder Scrolls wiki, however these clips contain additional background sound effects that mask some of the sounds. Are there other audio resources that include just the voicing of the shouts? Or perhaps does anyone know how to extract the audio files from the game?
  2. I need to create a Papyrus script function that can pull a text string from an SKSE64 plugin (C++ library). As a starting point though I need to learn about the basics of making an SKSE64 plugin. Unfortunately the SKSE team has not released a plugin sample with their SKSE64 source code (though there does appear to be some kind of sample included within the SKSE source code). I did find this GitHub wiki related to Skyrim LE plugin creation. Based on everything I've read the process for Skyrim SE plugin creation is similar to Skyrim LE but the file contents will be different. Also when looking at source code for SKSE64 plugins I can find (like Chesko's mods for instance) there is usually a lot of extra stuff that goes well beyond what I would need, and it is difficult for me to pick out what I DO need. Where can I go to learn about making basic SKSE64 plugins? Or (even better) can anyone offer a Visual Studio *.sln template for creating an SKSE64 plugin and associated Papyrus script function? Thanks!
  3. Did you ever get this to work in Skyrim LE? I tried it out in Skyrim SE (with SKSE64 or course) and it didn't work. The console did open but nothing was typed in the console. It seemed like having the console open paused the execution of the key taps because if I manually exited the console the taps appeared to resume. Or did you end up using something else like ConsoleUtil to run your batch file?
  4. Ok so I've done a bunch of research on this subject, and I believe it would indeed be possible to have Papyrus communicate with external programs via either: Reading/writing a text file using PapyrusUtil (via the ReadToFile and WriteToFile functions within MiscUtil)Sending keys or other triggers via batch file executed from the console (and plugins like ConsoleUtil come in handy here)Sure this is somewhat indirect, but as @cdcooley already mentioned there isn't anything more concrete in place to do this (based on what I've found so far).
  5. I understand that the SKSE Input Script has functions for sending virtual input from Papyrus to the game, specifically TapKey, HoldKey, and ReleaseKey. During my testing I found that this input is contained within the game itself, so other applications do not "see" the virtually pressed keys (there must be some hooking going on behind the scenes). Is it possible for Papyrus to send key input that CAN be "seen" by other applications? Or perhaps is it possible for Papyrus to trigger another application (such as AutoHotkey) to send virtual keys that are visible to other applications? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'll try out some of your suggestions.
  7. I'm working on a mod and I need to have Papyrus change states in response to a key press combination. So for example, when I press keys "A," "B," and "C" (and only when all 3 keys are down) I want to change to a different state. I'm staying away from IsKeyPressed to avoid issues with constant polling for updates, so I've been looking at OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events. Though perhaps a combination of the two would work, with an OnKeyDown event associated with "A" subsequently triggering a RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) followed by checking if both "B" and "C" are also down at that instant. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the feedback cdcooley, that hadn't occurred to me. I'll check out the non-english keyboard key maps in Interfaces.bsa and see what else I can find. I'll probably need to add logic for handling all of Skyrim's supported languages, but for now I'll stick with english during development.
  9. I'm working on a Skyrim/SSE mod that will leverage the ControlMap.txt file. I've perused the web and the work of multiple other mod authors in order to translate all the hardware codes found in the ControlMap to their equivalent keyboard, mouse, and gamepad names. The only two codes that I haven't figured out are tied to the "Multi-Screenshot" and "Console" actions. I'm doing this for a US (english) keyboard layout. The default ControlMap shows these actions and (hexadecimal) keyboard codes, and I've translated what I know so far (with the unknown codes and keys highlighted in RED): Does anyone know what the "0x9d" and "0x94" hexadecimal hardware codes correspond to on the keyboard? Thanks!!
  10. Thank you for your comments BigAndFlabby and PeterMartyr. I did some additional testing on my Windows 7 PC and I got both the syntax highlighting and Autocomplete (both from the CK Npp wiki) as well as the 64-bit version of PapyrusPlusPlus to work with 64-bit Notepad++. I'll have to do some additional work to get the same results on my Windows 10 PC. I also realize now that the Autocomplete is case sensitive, so typing "get" will produce no Autocomplete results but typing "Get" shows lots of options. Does anyone know if there is a way to have the Autocomplete be case insensitive (in other words typing "get" or "Get" will bring up the same Autocomplete results but the code gets properly case-formatted upon selection of the desired code)?
  11. Well I finally figured it out. Turns out that I had the 64 bit version of Npp installed, which doesn't play nice with the Autocomplete. Now that I have the 32 bit Npp everything is working as expected. Later I'll try out PapyrusPlusPlus to see how that works. Thank you everyone for your help!
  12. Thanks for mentioning the case sensitivity regarding the actual Autocomplete. Maybe I was trying to type code off-case during my testing. I'll give it a try tomorrow.
  13. Yea I used Npp to save the file, so one would think that should work.
  14. Yeah I saw in another forum that the case for the word Papyrus matters, so making the file name match the file contents is probably a good idea. All the wiki content show capitalized "Papyrus" in the file contents so I figured Papyrus.xml was the way to go.
  15. Hmm. I was directly copying the content of the github page, pasting it into a text file, and then renaming the text file (and changing the extension) to Papyrus.xml. Maybe I need to try saving the github content like you described.
  16. @BigAndFlabby well crap. I used the same file and named it Papyrus.xml and put it in the API folder but no luck. Ugh I may need to reinstall Npp and try the Autocomplete again with no other changes. Is there anything special about how you made or saved the Autocomplete xml file?
  17. @nightscrawl did you have any luck with the Autocomplete portion of the wiki guide?
  18. Thanks for sharing the great (and detailed) info BigAndFlabby! I haven't tried anything related to compiling yet, but I got everything to work EXCEPT the Autocomplete. I followed the CK wiki and still no luck, Autocomplete only shows options for entries already in the current file as opposed to all possible entries. I've doubled-checked to ensure that all locations that say "Papyrus" in either file names or file contents say exactly "Papyrus" and not "papyrus" (or a mix of the two), and Autocomplete is enabled within the settings. Do you use Autocomplete with Papyrus for Notepad++, and if so would you mind going into more detail about your Autocomplete XML file as well as setup steps? Thanks!
  19. I'm just starting out with the CK and scripting and there isn't a lot on the web regarding setting up Notepad++ for Papyrus scripting in Skyrim Special Edition. Sure there's stuff for the same with regular Skyrim but I think these guides are missing some of the nuances that SE introduced. I found this thread that talks about making sure the Script extraction during first run of the CK doesn't screw up the Scripts and Source folder structure. I also tried installing PapyrusPlusPlus (which is on the regular Skyrim Nexus), but after opening a few base game scripts I think it is only partially highlighting the Papyrus syntax. Next I think I'lll try to comb through the mess in the Notepad++ CK wiki article to see if that improves the situation. Are there any other beginner guides for setting this all up for SE? Any thoughts about Notepad++ vs. Sublime? Any general recommendations would be welcome as well. Cheers!
  20. I plan on making a Skyrim SE voice control mod that leverages the excellent VoiceAttack application. Sadly VoiceAttack is not free, but it only costs $10 (the stuff you can do with VoiceAttack is unreal and it was totally worth it IMO). Never modded Skyrim before, so I have to learn more about using the CK to make a mod for reducing the "shout button hold down time" (related variables fShoutTime1 and fShoutTime2) to optimize the game response time to voice commands. But the usefulness of voice-activated shouting (or whatever you want bound to a voice command) highly depends on being able to equip and use a shout (or other action, item, etc.) in very few key presses while avoiding all menus during the process (though maybe equipping isn't needed if clever coding is applied?). I don't have the knowledge to make such a hotkey mod myself, but I'm hoping that (in time) the awesome modding community will provide and I can build my VoiceAttack framework from there!
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