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About TabeTheLeecher

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  1. Updates like this is one of the reasons why the modding community is a thriving one, keep it up chaps!
  2. Hehe, House is the man, but I kind of figured NCR troops would be simpler seeing as how there are no securitrons in Fallout 4, then again maybe House has synths? Seeing as how he is connected to MIT?
  3. Ahoy! I'll get straight into it, someone should ask for unoctium permission and then make NCR Scouting Parties that roam around like for example the Outcasts in Fallout 3 or like the Brotherhood in Fallout 4. Feel free to make up a story why they are scouting here and so on, voice acting would be nice but since the G.E.C.K is not out yet... Heck any of this might not be possible without the G.E.C.K, but at least it's out there now. Feel free to do what you want with this idea. Cheers, Tabe.
  4. That works? How do you do that then? setcustomhead('head_robbery') to reset setcustomhead('head_0') try replacing the 0 with other numbers if you dont like the result Thank you so much! Worked perfectly! Now I just want a way to change the color of it.
  5. Ahoy! So you get this face mask to make you look like a bandit in a quest with Dandelion. Could somebody mod this into an item or perhaps replace one of the other 3 masks you can get in the game? Link to picture of the mask: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/7YHTWPnx5j4/maxresdefault.jpg
  6. I edited the .esp and .nif files to be able to wear it with a hood... Took me forever to figure out, and now this!.......
  7. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Pernix_equipment?file=Pernix_set_equipped.png Here is the set, it looks sick imo. Would love to see it in Skyrim. Just a suggestion. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks for the link, but I can seem to get MCM working;( Tried everything, I have NVSE installed and mod manager ofc but I just can't get it to work If you haven't already try using the method in the Gopher tutorials: http://youtu.be/I-3c1a9cLL8?t=14m5s I just removed it, and reinstalled it and now it works fine;) Thanks a lot for the help, auto loot is amazing :)
  9. Thanks for the link, but I can seem to get MCM working;( Tried everything, I have NVSE installed and mod manager ofc but I just can't get it to work
  10. Greetings my fellow wastelanders, I've got another mod requests for you, this time around we are facing that eternal struggle all we hoarders have: Weight to price ratio. So here it goes, I want a mod that automaticly loots items on an adjustable scale, so for example, you would automaticly loot an item if it weighs 1 pound or less and is worth 30 caps and you could adjust that accordingly to your personal preference. This mod would me my life a lot easier. Thanks in advance Cheers, Tabe
  11. Hello ladies and gents'! As one of the biggest Borderlands fans out there, and I could possibly say the same of the Bethesda Fallout's. Anyways, the graphics in Borderlands are amazing to behold and really gives the game a whole new level of awesomeness, that is why I would love to see a cel-shading mod for Fallout, I do not know how much work this would take but no one can deny that is would be amazing. Oh and I already know about the cel-shading mod out there, but I really can notice a difference between it and the vanilla game, thicker strokes needed :pinch:! Thanks in advance Cheers, Tabe
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