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Posts posted by madman132

  1. There are some Children around in "Little Lamplight".A Town with nothing but children; apparently when you turn 16 you'll be kicked out to "Big town".


    "Bumble" is supposed to be the youngest of them but she's about 8 or something. She uses the same character body as the other Children.



    I figure Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create different Character models for Children of different ages. Still better than in "Oblivion", the game Bathesda made before that, which had no children at all.


    All the adults used the same body type , well, one for female and one for male.

    In fallout we had different Bodies for raiders.

  2. And yet, the lyons chapter was one of the most successful in gathering tech. Mostly because i unload a million plasma rifles there all the time :p

    For them, "helping the people" was a rather easy decision, They didn't have much technology; i doubt any brotherhood chapter would go through the hassle of attacking rivet city to get Harkness' plasma rifle.

    The Super mutants, everyone's enemy is where valuable technology might be, so go kill everyone's enemy.

    The purifier is valuable technology, it produces clean water, enough for all my troops and also the wastelanders.

    Enclave soldiers show up later when the scientist comes back with a plan to make the thing work so i need to kill the enclave, my troops need water.

    In the end, the BoS killed enemies of everyone and then gave water to everyone. It would be rather hard to not be good guys then =)


    But yeah, lyons had enough of the killing and i suspect he got that everyone can be a Brother of steel with kodiak. If Kodiak, the baby from the pitt, can be a brother of steel, then everyone can and that makes everyone a potential BoS sibling.

    In the end, that is the only practical way to fulffil part of the mission. The technology needs to be hoarded not only because its secrets wont be lost but also so that humans wont be hurting each other with it.

    If you create a state in which the BoS takes the lead or one of the higher positions, everyone is, in a sense, a sibling in steel.

    No more weapons in the DC wasteland outside of brotherhood control if everyone's a brother.


    Other solution, scavenge and repair weapons from super mutants, trade them against energy weapons with wastelanders. Maybe two hunting rifles for one laser pistol.

    You'll get energy weapons enough to fill a backpack so large liberty prime can't carry it.



    Compared to the laughable "successes" some other chapters had i'd say if the brotherhood wont adapt, they will indeed fade away, like Veronice predicts.

    And they'll be ok with fading away if it means they wont stray from their dead ended path like McNamara.

    I'd say they'd deserve to die.

  3. Oh please no more "haunting" of buildings.

    I recognize the "Ghost story" and then i get bored immediately and all atmossphere is lost on me. I will get startled by things and i know that i will get startled by things because oh so many ghoststories do that all the time.

    I found the vaults far more creepy then dunwich building. The dunwich building has ghosts and monsters i already saw, it is either that or humans possessed by "unknowable evil". And it's supernatural so it doesn't have to make any sense.


    In the vaults, i know the "evil", it was my species, the monster is not some unknowable BS, it is me.



    Furthermore, i went into fallout expecting silver age scifi overlayed apocalypse and the dunwhich is a horror/fantasy bit that seems out of place. You got survival horror in my game, and i don't like survival horror because it relies on fantasy way too much. Survival horror doesn't work for me because even if the game scares me sufficiently it will merely have me find a solution to a problem that wont work within the gameworld because it's impractical to implement.

    "Jump out the window! Oh, doesn't work because the window isn't a destructible object..."


    That is, *if* i don't immediately identify the bad guy as evil ghost creature thing. We've all seen that before, some unseen unstoppable evil that annoys protagonists of movies and need to be stopped by lifting a curse or just escaping from the haunted place because evil ghosts don't like to travel apparently...

  4. i deleted all the "neonsign" and "...buzz.wav" i could find in the Geck, made an .esp. I can't hear any buzzing sound with the Lamps, then again, i didn't really register them. Sounds that really are annoying me would be the vault door opening and closing and the freeside door. Very loud.


    Having E-DE with you must be horrifying :P


    Made the mod, had to upload it to nexus because the forum wont take "big" file attachments. Will delete it when you downloaded it.



  5. The Fallout timeline diverged from our own somewhere in the 1940s or so. Culturally, it got stuck there for some Reason, they stopped making new music apparently for some reason and all the Designs of pretty much every single thing is super charged with "art deco".

    The Fallout Universe is a portrayal of the golden age of scifi, complete with Robots with wavy arms and as we saw with Mothership zeta, the Aliens and the theremin music fit right in. And with the Mirelurk kings or Lakelurks we even have the "Swampthing". We have giant Ants, one could assume that "they came from the Desert"...

    Honestly, i'm wondering why we haven't seen "Tarantula" or "the Blob" yet.


    Fallout tries to portray golden Age Scifi and tries to somehow force it into something that makes Sense while trying to make it abundantly clear that this is to be taken with mountainous amounts of Salt.

    Point being: This Divergence is not a Plothole, Black Isle meant for this World to be like that and Bethesda like it enough to continue that.


    I would have liked some more explanations here and there; some Factions and their Dealings make very little Sense by their own Rules. How does little lamplight stay populated? Maybe random Wastelanders just drop off Babies there in Order to keep them safe from the Wasteland?

    If Elder Lyons thought of a Program in which the Brotherhood would pay People who bring them Technology he'd probably have the entire Brotherhood sway in the humanitarian Direction. "Bring us a Laser Pistol, we give you some Caps or some Ammo, bring us more advanced tech, we'll give you more Caps!"

    Like the Outcasts do. Funnily, i think the western Brotherhood Chapters would frown on them working with random outsiders.


    But Lyons Brotherhood Chapter is generally liked by the People and if Lyons would have random People paid to bring them Stuff, the DC Brotherhood would be able to build a scale Model of the Lost Hills Bunker consisting entirely out of energy Weapons.


    The Mojave Chapter fails so spectacularly that i'm wondering why Obsidian even put them there. What a pathetic Band of Morons. They don't search, find and preserve Technology and even with the Help of the Player Character they can't figure out that they couldn't miss the Point of them being there any harder if that Point was in another Country and they aimed in the opposite Direction. They are the biggest Scouting Party ever. And they aren't even all that good at that either.



    Obsidian tried to portray the NCR as an Entity that has become too large and bloated for its own good. And they failed at that. Seriously, the NCR does better then every single real World Government that ever existed or exists. They do a decent Job of keeping their Nutjobs, mad Scientists and loose Cannons in Check.

    While the Legion is portrayed as evil. Really evil. Bleh. The Legion doesn't have mad scientists, they all are Nutjobs and loose Cannons are promoted. They are saturday morning cartoon evil. Except for mentions of rape and the slavery. If Nazis where in this Game they'd tell Cesar to tone it down a bit. Seriously, the Nazis convicted rapists. For the wrong Reasons of course because they're Nazis after all and i don't want to get into that any farther.

    The Nazis also painstakingly avoided the word "slavery". They had People working for no monetary or other Compensation and they didn't value human Life all that much so its really quite an Achievement to make the Legion even more evil then the Nazis.



    The Khans are no longer evil. And apparently they are pretty oblivious. If i where Papa Khan, i'd gather as much Information about my new Allies-to-be as i can and then discover that the Legion has assimilated any tribe and their Identity they came across. Also, the Legion "frowns" on the only source of income of my Tribe. That's not all that hard to find out. Anders probably would have some things to say about that.


    The Fiends. The game needs some more generic Enemies to kill and the Fiends are not much more than that. With the Legion, Obsidian tried a flimsy excuse for them being evil, with the Fiends they didn't even try.

    The same goes for the Raiders in Fallout 3 of course; there are so many of them. There are more People supposedly making a living by robbing People then there are People that could be robbed.


    Walking Robots. I have to hold back my Nerd Rage every time i see walking Robots. Developing an artificial sense of Balance is insanely hard. Tube technology will add more limitations and i love the Robobrains for having threads and the sentrybots for the Wheels. You can put Wheels on your Robots and simply avoid the insanely difficulty of developing a artificial sense of Balance.



    The one thing that will come back if we nearly wipe it and ourselves out it would be the Plants. This irked me with Fallout 3; i'd want a portrayal with the delicious Irony that the Flora and the Fauna would do pretty well without the Humans messing with it all the Time. The Mojave Desert is a Desert, so i don't except large Forests there.

    But generally, plantlife would cover the Earth before Humans have the Opportunity to somehow have Brahmin grazing the non-existent Grass.


    Super Soldier Projects. I hate them.

    Fallout has to have its own super soldier Project but i'll let it slide because the first fallout games had their botched super soldier Project before the concept was worn down to a bloody Stump, at least in Video Games. I like that the Super Mutants got a smaller role in "New Vegas".

    I don't like Super Soldier projects in Fiction because pretty much all of them have immense flaws and are portrayed as something made by a mad Scientist.

    Super Mutants are large and i imagine they require a lot of Food. They are not exactly stealthy and even the nightkin are useless in that regard because as soon as they strike, they cause a huge commotion. Also, stick Laser detectors everywhere and you'll know when the "invisible" Mutants are.

    Super Mutants aren't useful for infiltration. They may be useful as cheap Shocktroops, except they aren't all that cheap and they aren't really useful as shocktroops either. "Normal" Soldiers in Power Armor are better for that. They can take more fire and they are more versatile. They can be used to carry out advanced tactics right in the Field and they even develop new tactics on thy fly. If an enemy Tank threatens them, Soldiers will probably hide and wait until that Tank is in a narrow spot and then attempt to destroy it. "Enemy Tank" evolved into "Road Block"!

    On top of that, the normal Soldier can be integrated into Society in Case of, you know, the War ends.



    How is that going to happen? It sounds like being ghoulified is something some People would like. How does it work? You get irradiated and then all your diseases are healed and you live forever? Where's my Pizza with Plutoniumtopping?

    At least they say that most People exposed to radiation just die. Also, there are several Strains of the Wondervirus FEV around and maybe some decendants of the "new Plague" are still around doing whatever the Authors need them to do.

    Ghouls have no Skin and generally don't look all that healthy. Apparently they can be killed quickly if you damage any vital Organ. Like Humans. Yet somehow they seem to do just fine without this one vital organ that we call "Skin".

    But whatever. I'd like to see someone who has some kind of terminal illness and then decides to get irradiated. If nothing else will keep him alive, Ghoulification just might do the trick.




    Why is it that the Fiends of all People are the first ones to come up with the Idea to live in one of those Vaults? I mean, not being able to get out might be terrifying but if you can get in and out whenever you want a Vault might just be one of the nicest Places to live in. Some Vaults have rather sickening social Experiments still running but i'd like to see something that tells me why no one has ever sought shelter there.

    Some Vaults are in dire need of cleaning but they are still better then some random Shacks in the Wasteland.




    Those are the Peeves that come to my Mind now...

  6. The Karma in FONV could just be scrapped since there are several Factions the Player can ally himself with.

    If i go with the "good Guys", the NCR (they should've been portrayed as a State getting too large and too corrupted, but overall they do better than any Country in the real World) you shouldn't be penalized for "stealing" all the Stuff from a Legion Base after you killed everyone. Not only because the Legion is basically facist and evil but because you're in a War with them. "Stealing" isn't really a Factor then.

  7. I suppose you know most of the Bugs and want to know which of them "bug" me the most? Hm. Crashing comes to mind. New vegas is infamous at that regard, its like it has a memory leak and after a certain time i run around the game just crashes. I realize this may be near impossible to fix, yo you may as well regard this.


    What is fixable is the crafting. Why do i need different Kinds of Powder? Why can't i juryrigg different Primers? Also, Bottles in crafting. A large bottle is large, i can get behind that, but why can't i fill my purified Water in a whiskey bottle? Or my homebrew sarsaparilla in a nuka cola bottle? For all i care, the Bottle can then turn magically into a sarsaparilla bottle, it just irks me when i have the ingredients ready and still can't make the Stuff because the empty bottle i have is from the wrong brand.

  8. My Lone Wanderer and my Courier would be Bros4eva. Or maybe something less stupid.

    If one of them had the ability to travel across most of the former USA he'd be tied up in cleaning up the different Regions on the Way. But let's just say they could travel to the respective other gameworld like they can go to the DLC areas. The Brotherhood would catch the eye of the Lone Wanderer.


    What will the Brotherhood do when they've reached their Goal? I mean, they pretty much have every Pre War tech. Wasn't that the Goal, to preserve the old tech?

    What now? Get more Tech? There is quite a bit of tech to gather then and because the Mojave Chapter consists of massive Failures most people can get pretty much every energy Weapon without ever seeing the Brotherhood. My Courier has more Energy Weapons then the Brotherhood.


    The eastcoast Brotherhood is more effective in gathering technology. They defeated the Enclave and now have access to some shiny post War tech. They where able to do that because of outside Help. Not only the Player Character, they also recruit wastelanders.

    They could make Flyers on which they'd advertise a Deal in which one could bring them them this and that tech and receive Weapons and/or Bottlecaps in exchange. After the Events of "Broken Steel", they would run out of Space in a Matter of Months. Give it a Year and they could rebuild the Citadel entirely out of Laserpistols. Don't touch the Walls!



    But then, what does the Brotherhood want? Gathering Technology that will eventually be outdated?


    Elder McNamara seems to be aware of the dwindling Population of his Brotherhoodchapter and that it will eventually fade away, either by outside Interference or just with time.

    So maybe we'll see abandoned Brotherhood Bunkers in Future Games.




    I doubt we'll see many functional Vaults in future Games. 200 Years+ is a long time and unless there has been another social Experiment that keeps People in forever like in 101, the People would have eventually looked outside to see real Sunlight.

    This has happened with Vault 15, they built a City around their Vault. Even without a Geck, People would eventually try to explore the Wasteland, like they did in 101, see the overseers terminal, they sent People out to Megaton.


    If my Character in a future Game somehow does find an intact Vault, i'd hope they pay some attention to my appearance before making stupid remarks about just that.

    You can walk back in the Vault 101 with shiny Armor and the Guy at the front Door says that he almost didn't recognize you under all that Wasteland Grit. I did a quick check and saw that i was still wearing my chinese Stealth Armor and my Gauss Rifle. Bleh.

  9. You could leave some of the Bases there, like CampMcCarran as an NCR Outpost and the Mojave Outpost because that's their Borderstation. Some Outposts of the NCR could be stronger and grow into fullsize Bases, like Primm. I don't think the Yes Man Regime will include all of the playable map, so the NCR will be allowed to make sure People can get to new vegas to spend their Caps.


    Even when playing "neutral", the NCR is better Business then the Legion. The NCR wants your Stuff. When they can't get to it, they'll try to trade for at least some of it. The Legion will try to kill you for being decadent.

    So some NCR Presence should still be there. But the Legion camps should be deserted.

  10. This isn't the Future of Skyrim Modding, at least not all of it. There will be Mods like shown in the Video and a lot more with the Artstyle, which i recon has the Threadstarter dying his Pants brown in all natural dye.

    For the sake of diversity i would like to see more like this. The modern Anime Artstyle isn't really my thing but the extreme ease of modding the Elderscrolls Games shouldn't lead to a closed off western Culture Ghetto.

    One should have Variety in mods and Artstyles used in Mods. We should be able to download Mods with Characters with giant Eyes and pointy Hats (if they're Wizards).

  11. Apparently, there are different Kinds of Dragons, some are sacred to the Empire and aided them in Battle. The Dragons in Skyrim will attempt to eat the Protagonist for Breakfast. So maybe the Skyrim Dragons are different somehow, we'll know more in a few Days.

    Maybe the "good" Dragons could be persuaded to be summoned to fight the "evil" Dragons. Or maybe that would make no Sense at all, again, we'll know more in a few days.


    A "Berserk" Spell would make Sense. Basically, the old Vikings ate a lot of Shrooms and went insane in

    Battle. They wouldn't feel Pain and their Enemies feared them as Beings made out of pure Fury which shrugged off all but the most devastating Injuries.

    They did know Pain combined with the Mother of all Hangovers when the Mushrooms wore off.

    A Buff that gives you a massive Strength and HP Boost for a while and a crippling debuff afterwards. Really crippling, so this would make for a nice last ditch Effort to get out of a tight Spot.


    "Warcry", something like that will be in the Game. If Bethesda forgot this for some Reason, a Warcry would buff the Caster and possible Allies, while debuffing Enemies.


    The "North Star" will guide you whereever you are. At least on the northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

    This would be a Spell that guides you somewhere, maybe by drawing a line on the Ground that you can follow to get out of a Dungeon.


    "White out" is practically a Death Sentence. Snowstorms in polar Regions can have a blinding Effect in which you lose Orientation. Everything around you is white and you can see as far as you can spit. You can get lost and freeze to death 10 feet from the Door.

    As a Spell, this would blind Enemies for a while as well as deal cold Damage.

  12. I will not make any "Inception" or "Yo Dawg" Jokes.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to create a projectile that releases other Projectiles in flight or on Impact. Something like the "jumping Bomb" Principle. You lob a Bomb somewhere, it explodes on Impact and jumps forward and then explodes again on the next Impact and so on.

    Or maybe like the Grenade of the Heavy Weapons Guy in Team Fortress 1, which exploded into smaller "Grenadelets" which then exploded too. Fun!

    The "HW Grenade" could be useful to smoke out Rooms. Maybe a Missile could act as the "Carrier" and explode into five Frag Grenades.

  13. Google is right, "Opfer" is "Victim" and "entkleiden" is a somewhat dated "undress". "entkleiden" wasn't in common use for about 50 years now, at least in germany.


    Maybe this is a specific function of the mod; like you have to do something to some npc that makes her/him a victim and then you can undress them.

    Or maybe the spell does undress its victims but the immediately redress. NPCs can dress and undress themselves slightly faster then the Flash.

    The computer will see that this NPC has suitable clothing in his Inventory and will put them on before your spell animation is finished.

  14. i made a small grocery store mod and was thinking about unique features i could add


    What about the ability to buy lottery tickets and potentially win?


    what im getting at is will any1 be willing to help me with the script? im very unskilled when it comes to scripts


    thanks for helping!

    You would have to store the prize somewhere. Well, you could just spawn the caps or whatever but that wouldn't be very atmospheric. One would expect a larger large security force to be present. Maybe they'll have new weapons and armor :D

  15. Previous Posts are rather uninformed i fear. There will not be a Windows incompatible with Skyrim. I can install Morrowind on Win7. Arena and Daggerfall will need the DOSbox to run on win 7.



    As for eyecandy to be seen in Skyrim: there isn't that much new stuff. The Game will be made to run on the Consoles as well and that Hardware is really old. Oblivion was already pushing it, In Skyrim, Bethesda will have some new tricks to hide some of the less nice looking things.

    Well, they failed occasionally in the Trailer where we see the same old flat ground. A Machine that can run Oblivion perfectly good isn't all that expensive and wont have much Problems with Skyrim.


    Bethesda *could* have some Stuff exclusively for the PC Version but i doubt they'll support new fancy techniques modern Graphic chips can do like Tesselation.


    Again, the Game is build to run on the Consoles and the Hardware of those is pretty old. Go into a town in Oblivion, you have a loading screen. That's because Oblivion was made to run on consoles and the loading screens are there because of the Hardware limitations of those Consoles (who don't have enough ram to keep the towns loaded).

  16. This annoyed me in FO3, not so much taking weapons away but not remembering hotkeys. Anyway here's the best way around it.... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36475


    I thought he meant he wasn't getting his stuff back at all, not just the hot key bindings but either way that mod should fix it. :thumbsup:

    Yeah, that's something i couldn't get around. I made these mods for oblivion, fallout 3 and fallout NV and of course the last one makes Problems. hmpf :/

  17. Well, no one can say for sure. There is nothing to even justify some sort of educated guess.


    I wouldn't be too mad if they ended the Elderscrolls. They have written themselves into some Corners here and there. The Empire has gone through quite a lot of crisis and some of it isn't even in any games. The Elderscrolls lore is so huge by now that one may run into some hurdles when writing new stuff. Ok, you have your ancient godlike entity rise up and wanting to control the world, nothing new, we have seen and played that many times before.

    But after enough games i'm beginning to wonder if the Scholars in the Gameworld wouldn't begin to wonder about what's so interesting about Tamriel. They'd be starting to sort out old doomsday phrophecies and then they'll have everything in place for the Hero that will arise to take down the next evil godmonsterdemonthing.

    One game may be like this: The unity of Scholars will put the player character through a series of trials, to be sure he is the hero that arose this time around. Then they'll have troops and support everywhere where you have to get magical things to build the deus ex machina or maybe they'll just have everything ready.

    Then some chanting will take place, epic battle, monster dead, player wins. Game over, then Cake.



    Also, they might want to do something different. Just a little bit, like a new magic system without schools and maybe they'd like to make a hero character. Maybe they want to make Orcs that are evil, some dwarves running around and Elves that are there as one species rather then four.

  18. Pick a state which gets named by foreign character who say they want to go there and raise a family and live on these things the americans call "ranch". Those Character who are mortally wounded or shot dead five minutes later.


    Montana is one of those States. Green Forests, fresh air and the like. And what happened to the infamous Summer Camps? I wanna see small Ghouls in Pathfinder uniforms :D

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