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Posts posted by madman132

  1. I havent played any of the addons yet but is Joh henry The President in any of the add on and if so which ones?


    There may be a Misunderstanding; at the end of the Game you meet President Eden. The big fat Computer that wants you to get the FEV Vial to slip in the Purifier to kill anything mutated is John Henry Eden. There is no Humanoid NPC with the name "John Henry Eden" because the self proclaimed President of the U.S. is an artificial Intelligence. He doesn't come back in Broken Steel, which is the only DLC which can only play out after the Events that lead to the end of the normal Game.



    I'll report my Post here so that a Moderator can move it to the "Spoilers" Section.

  2. That Death-Ray fires at some other Location in the U.S., if memory serves right it may have obliterated Nevada. It wont affect the District Columbia in the Slightest unless you actually crack the Planet's Crust open (which may very well happen when you fire something that leaves a blast Crater of this size) but then again the Aliens must have some wondrous Shields when you can shoot them with Weapons that transform Nevada into a black Plain a few times before those Shields go down.


    Well, Bethesda had us killing some freaky Aliens, i liked that ;D


    I wondered more about the Characters, where will they go? Will they manage to learn how to fly the Ship around? Will they fly the thing to the Aliens Homeplanet and then find out that their Alien Captors where actually the absolute Scum of that Society who doomed themselves to be sent of to this Planet of hairless Apes to rot in orbit for a few Millenia? They had Doctors there who can not anesthetize People. They where there for a very long time and could not Manage to get their Hands on an MRI Machine since their own Medicinal Knowledge is so inept? Oh Well...

  3. One Advice hasn't been given yet:


    Refine your Ideas!


    Take a little Look at your thought process; you probably have some Idea and then your Mind builds it up until it's so overblown that you come to the realization that you can't possibly make one tenth of your "Vision" real.


    I'll take one of your Ideas as an Example, making the Talon Company more menacing.


    For anyone not familiar with Fallout 3; the Talon company hires Mercenaries to assault the Player when he has good Karma, i.e. plays a good guy and doesn't kill everyone.

    The Mercenaries can spawn somewhere the Player zones to and assault him.



    You could just scale their Skills up a bit, so that they'll do more Damage. Give them more HP or something. Should be easy enough, you'll be punching Numbers.

    It may be tedious to balance it, so that the Talons aren't too strong afterwards but with the right Balance the Player will curse a bit whenever he sees the talon guys.

  4. My Recommendation to every "Newbie" to any game, not just oblivion, is to play the Game first instead of modding it to death before even playing. When you play it first and play it through, you'll have at least some Sense of what mods you may find useful.


    Most people play through the game at least to the extend where they know which weapons are "real" and which are modded, so they won't bother picking up the modded ones unless they like breaking their game.


    The mods are usually done like something special, like the long lost ruins of whatever with the special magic Powers of Karl-Heinz Müller, larger mods are usually something super special with weapons that are supposed to be super strong.


    Introducing leveled items is something rather difficult and annoying to implement, so most people wont even bother since people who download the moist are at their endgame anyways.

  5. i collect Ingredients. Alchemy is a Key to quick Money, so it's the first Skill i'll be master in with every character. I'll grind up everything i can find. Even stolen Ingredients can be ground up and the resulting Potions are yours.


    When i don't need Money anymore, i collect the Ingredients anyway. Sometimes i wander aimlessly for hours, kill the occasional Animal and pick every Plant i can find. The West Weald is one big Garden. I found every Nirnroot and it's impossible for me to carry all my Ingredients around, i stashed them in a chest in the skingrad Basement.

    I have like 4000 Flax Seeds, 2000 Amanita Caps, 4000 Cheese wedges, 3000 Foxgloves, 3000 Sacred Lotus Seeds and so on. There is no Ingredient of which i have less then 100.


    Also, i collect Soulgems and Sigil Stones. And Arrows. I collected 1000 Steel Arrows, that's about enough of the cheap ones, 3000 Elven Arrows, 2000 Silver Arrows, 2000 Ebony Arrows, 1000 Daedric Arrows and so on. Of course i keep all the magical Arrows, i have more then Bothia's Chosen could dream of ;D


    With my earlier Characters i collected Books, until i realized that they wont fit in my Skingrad House, so now i only collect the teaching Books, the Quest related Books and some of the Scrolls. I never saw "Rufio's Ghost", that Scroll sits on a Chest in a Skingrad house...

  6. It is. Infact, this configuration is well above the Specs necessary to run Oblivion at its fullest.


    I once had a Radeon 9600 Card with an Athlon xp 1800+ and two gigs ram. And with some Mods, like Low poly Grass, and some tweaking, like turning the flickering of the lightsources off, it ran pretty well. Actually, i managed to run Oblivion smoother on this old rig then it runs on the xbox360, which is funny when you think about how much you pay for the xbox and how much you'll pay for something that is as fast as my old Rig.

    Funny tidbit; i managed to run GTA4 an old A64 with 2 gigs ram and an 7800 Geforce and once i had installed a mod which got rid of the "gritty/greiny" filter that makes GTA even more, well, gritty and grainy, it ran perfectly smooth. So i had this rather old Rig which ran GTA4 smoothly and it looked even better then on the xbox ;D


    The radeon 9600 rig from above is pretty much one of the lowest configurations you'll manage to run Oblivion playable;


    With more mods like "Oldblivion", you'll run Oblivion on Computers which are even older.

  7. no not your mod, i downloaded a mod that changes the weather yesterday, not yours someone else's and it dont work, it makes it sunny for a few seconds then just rains again

    most weather mods try to make a slow transition, allowing the weather to morph. With the console command "fw 00038eee" the Weather will turn to clear sky instantly. Try that; if it works, the weatherspell in my mod works with that command.


    If not, i suspect some mod may influence your weather, maybe this "always sunny mod" has somehow screwed with your weather. What mod is that, could you give us a link?

  8. temriel (:



    thank you for the mod madman, but it wont work, i downloaded a weather spell yesterday. and it works for like a minute and it just rains again. i dont no whats wrong with my oblivion honestly. its just rain rain rain, i need to permanatly delete it out my game.

    what didn't work? The Merchant got stuck in a Wall, i thought i fixed that? Anyways, if she get's stuck again, just wait a bit outside, it seems she doesnt like being watched when she teleports to her destined Location, which is on the upper Floor, next to the cupboard...

  9. You're in Luck, because just yesterday i uploaded a mod here. I was pretty annoyed with some Weathermods requiring obse and having a menu pop up which is imho not very useful because i want only the one Weather anyway, clear Sky.

    I made a mod which adds a Trap Door to the Basement of the Rosethorn hall. The room there has a cupboard with some Superweapons, just leave them in there if you dont like cheating. There is a merchant there which will sell you some of the master Spells and three Spells i made; simple script effects to change the weather with the "fw" rather then the "sw" console command, which means that you'll caast the Spell and *poof* you'll have a clear Sky.

    Or an Oblivion Sky, useful for Vampires.





    The Merchant also sells a useful teleport home Spell ;D





    Strikerdes, i think Macromicro meant the Region of Cyrodiil you where in; It rains nearly all the time in the Blackwood forest...

  10. Well...

    There would certainly be more adult mods...


    Yup; i think the Generation of Humanity which has perfectly working holodecks for all members for the Species will be the last generation of humans...


    But at least we will go out in Style, doing something that we like until the end, not like every other extinct Species on the Planet.


    People who like having real Children will have a hard time searching for someone who isn't enthralled. But then again, who would want real children? If you have a simulation that seems to be so real that you have no chance of knowing the Difference between the real thing and the Simulation because the only thing telling you about the very concept of "real" is the same thing that tells you how realistic the Simulation is; your Brain.



    That would be like the "Matrix"; I think if the Machines where to develop something to reintegrate People into the Virtual World they could release all the Humans, then move away to some Continent to setup the following Situation:

    Humans live in this Part of the Planet, Machines somewhere else. Machines would issue a standing offer to every human being that they could got there to be integrated into the virtual world whenever they want.


    Within ten Generations, there would be no human left living outside the Matrix.


    Maybe something like that already happened in the matrix universe.

  11. First of all: Girlfriends (or Boyfriends) are for those who can't figure out how to download Porn.



    What kind of Shields do you use? Since texturing is really arduous and only leads to People complaining about having to download extra files beyond the mere .esp because most People are stupid, lets try and make that work a little easier.


    If you use Shields like the Armor Shields in the Game, you could use some of the Vanilla Shields for that. The Chorrol shield for earning the escutcheon of Chorrol for example.


    "Diplomacy - Every Count or Countess has a Disposition of or over 75 towards you". An Achievement like that could earn you some Sort of Table or whatever with all the City Banners on it. With Salvian Matthius Disposition towards you above 75 you could use the half burned Kvatch banner in there and wont even have to make a texture for that.

  12. Freddy Krüger is not very scary when you are a lucid Dreamer. I don't have Nightmares. I can let the "Story" of my Dream play out and if i don't like it, i'll rewind the Tape and alter the Events.

    If Krüger showed up in my dreams and annoyed me too much i'd probably use my Psychic Power to tear him apart. Because in my dreams i can have psychic Powers. Or Superhuman Strength to rip him apart the old fashioned Way.



    So i'd like to be able to kill Kruger, or torture him a bit for funsies. I could kill him, resurrect him and kill him again, anything is possible in a dream.

    Torturing Demons is Fun ;D

  13. *all of the lore people scream*


    At any rate this would be pretty difficult if you intended to put rollercoasters and such in there, but sweet stands and things like that are probably doable without pulling out your hair in frustration(in english without it being annoyingly difficult).


    In other words, maybe things like bumper cars would be more likley to get made.

    rollar coaster wouldnt be too hard eh?


    player sits in cart

    cutscene starts, no getting out

    car rolls along track

    gets back, and you can get out


    Too much work. PC Activates the Car, Cutscene starts. The whole car would be an activator Object, so you don't have to make a stool or bench to sit on ;D

  14. I never even heard of a bug like that. Can you recall which Character buffed you?


    This may help with your current issue as well as with future problems: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11368



    you can try to toggle your night eye off with this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10331


    First, you could try to dispel yourself; buy a dispel potion or a dispel spell and any buffs should go away.

  15. After i played through every quest the game has to offer and then some more the game didn't have to offer i started cheating to make things that are annoying the first time and would be more annoying the tenth time go away.


    Waiting for NPCs to go behind that wall so i can sneak past them? Getting jumpy because the battlemusic starts to play only to find out you are being harassed by a mudcrab? Are you tired of hearing the same Sentences about you over and over again? "Look at the Muscles on you!" Especially when the Appearance of your Character hasn't changed one bit?


    I can do very well without that. So i enchanted me some Armor to be completely invisible with 100% Chameleon. While that is possible in the normal Game without the use of the console or cheat mods and therefor technically not really cheating, it led to some more experimenting with the console when i played through the game and every single quest again. I spawned Stuff and NPCs, mostly "denvyr" because he is a merchant that has FFFF Money, which is 63535. I got tired of selling so many items underpriced...


    I TCL'd through Oblivion worlds, because they really become a bit boring after you saw them for the hundredth time. I think "TCL" stands for "Toggle Collision, Lol!", TGM means "Teh God Mode". "TFC" is missing an "S" and an "M", because it obviously means "Team Fortress Classic Spectator Mode"... :D



    After i did everything possible with the console, i downloaded me some mods. Some of those where crazy hard and some turned out to be cheat mods. I had a mod which had a sigilstone with a really mighty enchantment. The Modder seemed to have forgotten to uncheck the "Automatically calculate enchantment cost" Button because it used up more energy then sheogoraths "Hold!" Staff...



    Finally, the Construction Set was on my Radar. I read tutorials and made me some superweapons with just about enough damage to instantly kill everything but the strongest enemies. I still need to sneak up on those ridiculously strong Goblins...


    I made a ring with 100% Chameleon, some health, mana and fatigue regeneration and 1000 Feather. With that i can deal with just about everything the game and most modders can throw at me while i'm half asleep =)

  16. is there any possibility anywhere to go in a chatroom to find People there talking about elderscrolls? UESP has a chatroom, but they don't like having people there talking about the games. They'll talk about their site and the wiki there.


    Is there any Chatroom in the World where i can go in and, provided someone is actually there, ask a Question about Glassarmor without People going "what now? an Armour made out of Glass?"...

  17. Guards now about every offense you committed because they are psychic. If you do something which is illegal and someone sees you, or a guard is somewhere near, the Guards all now about this, in all of cyrodiil.


    If you do something minor, guards wont chase you when you're in another town. They will run after you if they see you stealing, but if you enter a town with a small bounty on your Head they won't do anything until you talk to them.


    Maybe you committed thefts all over the Place until your Bounty went high enough so the Guards will notice. Then this one Guard who really likes you, takes care of this.


    When a guards disposition is high enough, he will walk up to you saying that he'll take care of the fine.

  18. Another simple Reason, it's been done already. Just about everything one could think of has been made already. I try to do something new, something that hasn't been done already and better then i could ever do it.


    Now i am good a conjuring things out of nowhere People did never think of, but there are more then 1000000 Mods out there. There are mods in which you can transform enemies into apples, where you can fight Pikachu or have Girls run around with K-Cups. You can have Morrowind GOTY Edition. I don't mean morroblivion, someone made Objects that look like the Box and the Discs of that game.

    You can take a dump, you can cook food and bake Pies, you can have Sex and you can travel via Stargate. You can have a giant monstrosity out of Cheese follow you around, you can fire Laserbeams and "forcepush" People.


    Now, i want to make something useful. On the Top of my head, i'd say female hygiene Products have never been made into mods. Btu i wouldn't download that...

    I want to make something new, which is as you may have noticed, rather difficult.

    And i want to make something that i actually can do.


    With these Restraints, making new mods will take some time :D



    I will continue to read tutorials, but this is something i'm not very good at; until i am really adept with the CS, i'll be reading tutorials which tell me whats new in the Elderscrolls 5 Construction Set :D


    And then...


    I wont make much Quest mods. I do not like those too much, you have solved all the Quests and then you'll have your Rewards.

    Most of the Work goes into something the Player will experience once.

    Because the "Crusader of the Nine" Mod conflicts with my lighting mods, i play it through and then deactivate it. I play it again sometimes because the Werewolfs are awesome, but now i don't have anything from the rewards...

  19. We have reached a Point where it is difficult for new Modders to mod.

    Everything has been done already. I don't have a playerhousemod, nothing i've seen fits my needs. I am sure however, that there is a Playerhouse mod out there which will suit me just fine. I haven't found it yet because my time on this world is limited and i want to spent some of it *not* browsing the nexus...


    I have 84 mods. I think i may be a very boring Person.

  20. Those Artifacts are not leveled. However, the Princes wont talk to you until you have reached a certain level. Azuras Quest can be done pretty early in the Game. "Azuras Star" is basically a Soulgem that won't disappear when you use it. If you use enchanted Weapons, Azuras Star will come in handy.


    All the other Stuff is has very little use. There is a Sword as strong as a daedric sword with a 20 point fire damage enchantment.

    You could enchant a daedric sword with "weakness to fire" 100% for one second and 20 points fire damage (or more) for one second, plus one second "soultrap". This Sword will do more Damage then the Artifact one and with azura's star, it will trap souls so you'll never have to recharge the enchantment again.


    The strongest Sword in the Game is another Artifact and it would be really cool, if it wasn't enchanted. It has a soultrap enchantment for 120 Seconds, which is not very useful. No magical damage, which will make the enchantet daedric sword do much better.


    There is some Fun stuff, a staff that will turn your enemies into a random creature. Turning Ogres into Sheep is fun.


    I recommend you play the Quests, some of them are really funny. But the Rewards are rather boring...

  21. Has anyone beaten the quest 'Rosethorn Cache'? It surprised me that I even found this quest.

    What does the riddle mean?


    "Two bodies have I. Though both joined in one, the more I stand still, the quicker I run."


    If you've never done this quest, you have to buy Rosethorn hall, then find a secret note in the bedroom. It's on top of the outdented wall that the door is on. Jump on the chest, then the bookshelf next to it, and the note will be up there.

    It's an Hourglass. When you find the note, the Hourglass will magically appear in the Basement of the Rosethorn House lying between on of the diagonal wooden Supports and a center support. I think it's the one with the Garlic Clusters.

  22. It appears that English is not your native language. And you may be using a computer translation. Computer translations are notorious for being inaccurate and confusing. If you can tell us what your preferred language is, maybe we have someone here who speaks that language who can help.


    I come from Germany, so if your native Tingue is german i could be of some Help with that.

  23. I'll need my Linguistic Books to understand your english...


    You have installed many mods and now Oblivion won't work. You deactivated most mods now, but it still doesn't work. Is that about it?


    What are the Mods you have running now and what mods did you load there? This maybe and Issue with the Load Order, i remember the "DarnifiedUI" making some Trouble and after i deactivated it Oblivion still wouldn't work. I had screwed with my LoadOrder, "The Romancing of Eyja" has to be pretty far back there. After i had my Oblivion Mod Manager load the Eyja Mod last, it worked fine.

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