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Everything posted by UnwiserSphinx

  1. Christ, how can people be so immature. The game has been out for five days and counting. Play the game, Judge it when you're done. And if you get less than 30 fps play console or buy a new computer. If you don't do these two things you're setting the game up to be a failure. It's gorgeous, honestly it's leaps and bounds ahead of skyrim without mods. It's got a hundred mechanic changes compared to fallout new vegas, and if you actually look around a bit, with a decent pc or console, the world is gorgeous. It's well designed and had the smallest of details. With the mods which will release with the GECK this already goty level game will be even better. If you don't believe me, do yourself a favor and give it a try.
  2. In my game any scope, modded or unmodded has two slim grey borders on either side of the visible area of the scope. I've seen a similar bug, but it had to do with FOV, and mine doesn't, nor does mine have to do with resolution. Please help, this is game destroying for me, I'm all about immersion. Thanks! This hasn't happened before, I've played New Vegas with no problem as well. Fallout3.esm BrokenSteel.esm ThePitt.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Anchorage.esm no blur on hit.esp Total active plugins: 7 Total plugins: 7
  3. You have so many unrecognized plugins that it must be your load order, play with it a while and I'm sure it will work.
  4. Yes, the only problem may be the dual core, but I run Fallout 3 with dual core and of lower grade, so it may be just fine. Try it out. Either way with some tweaking it will work well.
  5. Definitely try the multicore fix it seems to be the problem plaguing the world..
  6. No offence guys, but I think you misunderstand the situation it's not the save game that's the problem it's the game it's self. He probably has some kind of hardware clash. So OP how many cores do you have on your PC? If you have more than two it's a common problem the 1.1 fallout patch ruined the compatibility with anything upward of two cores, so you should google the Fallout 3 Quad Core fix, it's very common I'm sure you'll find it. Another problem has to do with your Graphics card, you may need a .dll to fix it. Look that up too. Hope I helped.
  7. It's probably just a weird corrupted file, you may have to reinstall and keep your saves. If you have a few mods this is the way to go. If you can't stand reinstalling you may have to be tech savvy and delete the perk it's self from your game via GECK and make an .esp that creates the perk with the icon and all that crap. imho Reinstall. ~USphinx
  8. Just go to: My Computer and at the top there is something that says System Properties click on it and copy all the info from it on here. Then we can help you.
  9. If you have more than two cores you may not have compatibility with any FO3 version over 1.0.15, a fix is in the INIs. So, if you have more than two cores go to your INI and change bUseThreadedAI=0 <----- that to this -----> bUseThreadedAI=1 and make another line right after it with this -----> iNumHWThreads=2 This will limit Fallut 3 to 2 cores and fix the instability, if you have performance issues after that look for INI tweaks and mods. Another thing that could be causing it would be Windows 7, fallout 3 wasn't made for it and may have a few bugs so you might one to run in compatibility mode or look for a .dll file to fix it. I have a few more theories so get back to me if you need more help. ~USphinx
  10. Alright, so as many of you know FOV and Resolution can sometimes have bad effects on the scope of a sniper rifle. And I've been having problems with mine, however I've tweaked the FOV and the Resolution to no avail, I've also unpacked the texture and mesh of Scope01 included in the BSA. Any help would be appreciated. I really don't want to trash my INIs because I've tweaked them a LOT to be working, but if I must I will. Again it's not the FOV or the resolution. Please help! I was going to include a screenshot, but I remembered it's installed on my other comp haha. So instead I created a mock screenshot. I am aware the screenshot is from fallout 3, but it shows what I have in NV. You all wish you had my mspaint skills right? The borders also apply to custom scope interfaces as well. ~Thank you!
  11. You really should move this to the technical support forum, but to answer your question you should be able to see your load order in Fallout Mod Manager if you use it, or even in the plugin selector in the fallout launcher. (:
  12. First thing first check for any know mod compatibility issues and load order problems, then try to disable all of your plugins and see if it crashes, one of the mods you are trying to enable probably isn't compatible with a current mod you have. Tell us your result and we'll try to help.
  13. Alright guys as you can see in many recent games such as GTA IV or Sniper Elite V2 the resolution 800 x 600 stretches to fit the screen, however in bethesda games the 800 x 600 resolution leaves borders around the picture this for my OCD mind is completely unacceptable haha. But, I was wondering if there was a fix for this maybe a mod or a way I can change my resolution on windows 7 to stretch as the other games do. This has been bugging me for a while, if anyone can help, thanks a bunch! Sorry for my lack of computer know-how I've never really gone into depth with graphics so I'm basically illiterate as far as resolution and aspect ratios go. Thanks(:
  14. What do you mean with 'is fixed'? The stuttering or can you run Fallout 3 without ini-Tweak which sets the Cores usage to 2 to prevent crashing? Maybe you just needed to update the game and Steam auto-updated to the last version (which also has the Hyper-threading issue btw, but may have a better performance)? That is extremely odd I never had to change the INI while using the steam version, but now I do..
  15. Just found out that it's fixed through steam.. hmm..
  16. There is no Intel Core i3 which has 4 physical cores. They all have 2 actual cores which act like 4. Yes, there are kind of 4 virtual cores running on 2 physical. This is managed by something which is called "Hyperthreading". This processor feature is not supported by Fallout3's engine. That' why it causes crashes and freezes. Darn that sucks, guess that means no fix. Haha, I suppose I'll just play FO3 with the FNV engine. Thanks for the reply though.
  17. Alright guys as most of you know fallout 3's 1.1 update caused a lot of mayhem by completely stopping support for quad processor computers, my question is: Are there any unofficial fixes to get all 4 cores running simultaneously? The current fix, that works beautifully I might add, limits fallout 3 to two cores through the ini.. I've tried manually changing the affinity through windows task manager, but to no avail.. In any case... I'm running fallout 3 on a i3 quad core processor at 2.20ghz with Win7 home premium and 3000 Intel HD video card (think that's what it is called) anyways, thanks a bunch without all processors I won't be able to run anything besides the vanilla game without stuttering.
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