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Everything posted by SonyJen

  1. As the title states, I'm seeking a mod trade. This basically means that I will make you several follower/chest mods in exchange for a house mod. What I can make: Basic follower In depth follower (One that can use magicka, shouts, etc.) What I can't do: Creation Kit will not allow me to use Dawnguard or Dragonborn, it crashes for me. So I'm sorry but those are out. I cannot do a custom voiced follower, sorry! What I'm seeking: A house mod. Teleport spell to it or not, its fine either one Either a house near the town of Rorikstead or one based on the Hall of Valor (Just the look, nothing else!) Must have: Alchemy (Can be table top) Enchanting (Important one. Can be table top.) Plenty of chests (Labeled would be awesome but again, not required.)(Hoping at least 5 or 6 chests, one for each category in your inventory. I.E: Weapons, armor, food, ingredients, misc, etc.) Weapon racks (the ones that are on the wall or standing, either or. Or both lol) Plenty of mannequins (At least 7 please if not 6) Smelter Forge and anvil (Or just the anvil) Weapon sharpener (Grindstone. Only one please) Armor improver (Workbench. Only one please.) Tanning Rack Hoping for Sovengarde music since its so soothing but any is fine. Hopefully, someone will work on this with me! Let me know below!
  2. (Just to say this first off, if you're going to reply to this and redirect me for the third time, please don't... I'm rather tired of the only reply I get is 'go here instead'... Anyways, on with it!) Hello! I recently made an Argonian mod, I based some features (traits, stats) on Veezara, other than that he's pretty much his own character. My problem is I cannot for the LIFE of me figure out how to get him IN the game! I've remade him twice, I currently have him standing at the beginning (where you enter) of Mara's Eye Pond after you enter the trap door so you'd bump right into him. But he will not appear, if anyone can help me, I can send you the data file so you can look it over for yourself! FOR THE NORMAL EDITION... (NOT Special edition...) Thank you!
  3. I need someone who knows how to model and someone who knows how to code! Can be more then one for each! My ideas: Horse cart - You know those small carts randomly lying in secluded places? They have no use from what I've seen, so why not put some use to them? Maybe make them so you'd have to add a chest to the cart, like buy the chest and put a building thing where you build it. Then attach a horse you own (Not one you steal) Natural horse mannerisms - You never see horses grazing, just standing there. Why not add a mod that will make them visibly graze and interact with other horses? Mind control - Controlling people for the NPCS with magicka power. If you are level 10 and down you can be mind controlled by the npc (depending on their power level, it can be for up to a day) and if you are 10 and up they are unable to control you.
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