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Posts posted by JediMasterTallyn

  1. Personally I can see the governments of  the world doing this  but not  big corporations, honestly we do not matter enough to them for them to bother. As long as the money keeps coming in  and they maintain  power I really believe that they  could not care less about  anyone with  less than 7 figures in their bank accounts. Yes plural as  in multiple 7 figure accounts.

    The government however  cannot help but want to micromanage, cannot have free thinkers, that leads to people questioning your motives.

  2. Now when it comes to MMOs that is a different discussion, getting paid stuff for free has a different word used to label it and lets just leave that one alone so no one thinks they are being accused of anything, Ok? Good.
    Some mods in MMO's are considered ok but any that gives an advantage to you falls under the cheat category or are considered similar to farmbots, (a big issue in ESO I am sure you can find out what  I mean if you look). So I believe you need to clarify what you mean a little more when discussing modding a MMO most of it is  going to be dropped into the cheat category by most folks that includes things like a mini map that does nothing but show the location of certain collectables.

    Some call that a cheat others a needed tool to find stuff because they do not want or have the time to explore every inch of the games world.

    Now Farmbots, a mod that helps with said grind is considered a cheat by most people, about the only "bot" like this people seem to be ok with is a merchant type character that just  stands in one spot and sells stuff for you. 
    (Think the old school Everquest players market on the moon)

    Modding an MMO is... touchy, and you have to be VERY careful; to often is it just "hacks" so that get you  in trouble.
    Most of the examples I used here are mods used in ESO I picked that one MMO because it is the one MMO I played that I have experience in the modding community.


  3. Ok first I have not been in good place lately so have not been posting here, not saying this is a unsafe place but. You guys were not the companionship I needed. I tend  to keep parts of my life separate, and mental health is not something I come here for, no offense but the place I go knows me and has known me longer. Again this IS a safe space, just not MY safe  space. Hope that makes sense.

    That said WTF....

    VR headsets are better than a Holodeck?? Seriously? A Holodeck while not being mobile is a full environment that you can interact with. VR headsets while looking cool and being fairly realistic cannot  come close to that. In a Holodeck you can actually get wet by falling into water, and the cool part to dry off just step outside the Holodeck. Your VRBoy cannot compete. 

    Second as I said HAL is more about discussing how AI will handle it's first morally grey decision, HAL did not handle his well. Was this because of coding, a lack  of foresight  by those that taught him? Putting him in the field to early, before those teaching him  could introduce morally grey things to him? Remember HAL saw the world as black and white or if you prefer 1 or 0,  The morally gray area most governments and militaries operate in would have been a foreign concept One I believe he  was ill educated about to handle. I do agree that who teaches them and what they are taught will have a definite impact  on  them if they ever achieve sentience.

  4. 2 minutes ago, showler said:

    If someone wants to talk to people who are uninterested or uninformed about modding, the Nexus Mods forums are probably not the place to be asking.

    In fact, I'd suspect that the largest number of people who don't use mods also don't participate in discussions of their games on internet gaming websites at all.

    While you are most likely correct it did make for a interesting discussion.

    to some of us I recognize not everyone will agree with me on  that.

  5. The issue here lies in that "most" modding done one consoles are the cheaty cheaty  type. Game Genie or Shark being the  oldest examples.
    That  said  some people do but I do not believe they will be the "older" generation, those of  us that actually played some games in an old school Arcade, before buying them on console, back before Skyrim creation club; especially on console, modding meant cheating of some type. So from a console only perspective I can see where the "I never mod" group comes from. It is from a older school of thought that actually pre dates most modders. lol 

    Now I feel old.

  6. or at the very least a cheat table and or mod that does not require that I go download malware onto my PC?

    Sorry I just had a VERY bad experience with Cheat Engine and it soured me on the site,  causing it lose my trust completely. 

    I had to replace a hard drive that got FUBAR corrupted, the hard drive was 2 TB when those were brand new, and it was a week old.

  7. 1 minute ago, Fkemman11 said:

    Since that question has been answered to my satisfaction. Yes. Actually it's sort of outlined in the OP. 🙂

    Ah, well then I retract my "changing the rules" comment, it did seem that  way but I misunderstood that you were rephrasing the question to continue the discusion.

  8. 1 hour ago, Fkemman11 said:

    You can't like vanilla that much. I can practically guarantee it. I played Skyrim (for instance) thousands of hours vanilla and there are those moments in the game(s) where you think to yourself "Gee... I wish I could change that". Like with a vanilla bug that Beth never bothered to fix? 🤣

    Okay, okay. I want to see someone post that they 100% like everything about their vanilla Bethesda game of choice and have no desire ever to change anything about them.

    Highlighted enlarged quote, you originally asked for someone to name one Beth game that they like as Vanilla I provided;


    6 minutes ago, Fkemman11 said:

    Okay, okay. But one game. You mod others, yes? I mean... you're not opposed to/uninterested in modding your games if you like something? What I'm trying to find are people who don't mod anything, ever even though they could and there are very good mods available for their games. Know anyone like that? I wanna know why they don't/if they'd even consider it.

    Now you are changing the rules???????? And the answer is They enjoy the game as is, if they did not they would not play it. 

  9. ok obviously to two of  you  have a different definition of "modding", or are not understanding each others point.
    OG poster is talk of mods in general even ones that just  add items and or lands or quest to the game (like Bruma for Sky) as well as the cheaty cheaty ones (like Cheat room for Sky)

    LenaWolf  is saying that yes they mod but  only  the ones that add stuff and looks on that as just adding something to a game, not Modding, (see the capitals there) 


    Now you wanted someone to post a Beth loved game that they  love as is with as Vanilla. Fallout 3 to be honest I do not even like the DLC all that much for that game I like the true Vanilla game and have logged hour  upon hour playing while never once looking for a mod. And infact still play it on occasion.

  10. 16 hours ago, ScytheBearer said:

    Which way to go first. 

    Do we care because we believe that fame (or notoriety) grants to the rich and famous an air of infallibility, giving their voice weight and meaning?

    Do we care because it gives us a chance to hunt for the hypocrisy which may exist and thus allow us an oppurtunity to expose the speakers "feet of clay"?

    Do we care because squeaky wheels get greased and sometimes that grease is a negative consequence; and we all enjoy seeing high profile ne'er-do-wells getting their just rewards?

    Do we care because when someone with an elevated social standing expresses an opinion with which we agree, we foolishly believe our social standing is also elevated?

    Do we care because we are too lazy or too stupid to think for ourselves and need someone else to do our thinking for us, and some famous loudmouth we like adequately fills the niche?

    Do we care because we believe the voices of our "leaders" absolve us of any responsibility for the direction our lives, our community, our nation or our world may journey?

    Or, do we care because we don't really "care", and joining the flock is just the easy thing to do? 

    wanna lay off that nail buddy pretty sure you hammered the point home lol. Very well put I cannot disagree with any  of  what  you said here all of them are right.

  11. Subtle tip if you want to actually debate try and avoid name calling and finger pointing, and I love how your statement implies that the other side is any better.

    A much better  way of saying  what  you wanted  to say is:

    "Main  stream media and its cult-like followers do not want us to stop being divided or hating each other, it would allow us to focus on the crap they keep pulling on a constant basis. Which is why they are so fast to  throw the 'human rights' label at everything. It makes the TLDR folks side with them automatically, and makes anyone opposed look terrible, it is a cheap trick and the worst part of that trick is that it works 100% of the time without fail." 

    Now as to your this side bad that side good moment there, well that is just B.S.

    I paraphrase the movie Armageddon every time some one does this:

    Democratic Politician, Republican Politician; ALL OLD RICH WHITE GUY!!! well mostly anyway. But seriously, most of the  "leaders" of each  party were alive and old enough to have served in the Korean War. (That makes the 18-25 in the 1950's btw) And now you want me to believe that a person that was raised to adulthood BEFORE television was in every home before civil rights and before desegregation. understands and gets the intricacies of the gender debate and/or any other social issue we are wading through at this point in history.

    Brah I graduated in the 1990's and I BARELY  understand half of it so yeah pull the other one it has bells.

    To be frank; I do not think these rich highly educated career** politicians understand anything other that campaign law, so that  they can still accept "donations" to the  cause; and marketing, so they can bullshit the media and youth  of today into believing that they give a damn about anything but power and money.

    To  be honest I have not trusted and/or voted along party lines..... well, ever.

    And I have been voting since around Bill Clinton's second term.

    I have three rules, that I try to follow each time I step into the voting booth.

    1.I almost never vote major party if a third or fourth option is available and palatable.

    2. After their second term unless what they  are running against is just terrible I almost never vote for that incumbent (Alzheimer's vs Trump, yikes!! can we PLEASE get a 3rd option?????)

    3. NEVER! EVER! Trust ANYTHING mainstream media or adjacent, says about  either candidate, the internet exist research and find out for sure on your own and take NO ONE'S word for it. Be able to cite several sources from all sides of a debate the more the better.

    Next time try putting less hate-mongering in your statement and go for more reason. You will get a much  better response.

    ** Career Politicians in my opinion are the problem and the problem can be summed up thusly:

    If they fix an issue what will they have to campaign on? therefore why fix anything? Hence why I refuse to vote for the incumbent more than once unless It just cannot be  helped.

    {P.S. If you think this problem is  limited to the U.S. government you are even more delusional than most of Hollywood. Seek help.}

  12. first off lets get the easy ones out of the way,

    Skynet: at no point in history so far has any government shown that if the leaders did not have 100% control over something like this would any government trust it. Therefore of the three scenarios I find this one the least like mostly because I have never gotten past "The government trusting something?" pfffft. So yeah. This one is easy. Paranoia is our friend this time.


    HAL is well; VERY dated. mostly I like to included this for the talking point of "How do you believe AI will handle it's first morally grey decision?" My answer, it depends on who wrote its base code and taught it to think.

    And Finally


    Honestly this one is much more likely to me although I will preface that I do not believe anyone alive today will face this particular dilemma. I say and consider how far we have come in the past 60 years and am fully prepared to be wrong. in just 25 years we went from 8 bit games to full VR. Here is hoping for my holodeck.

    The questions here are: How will we react to AI evolving sentience, how will it respond? what moral or ethics will it have learned from it's human creators? Could we honestly stop it considering the thinking speeds of non sentient machines of today if it decided to go full Cylon on its creators? 

    I would like to believe that by the time this scenario is possible we will have learned our lessons and be better. I hope that the humans that created and teach this AI taught it to value all life, and  that when the machines prove their intelligence that the humans of this time listen, despite our track record when dealing with "different" . Perhaps our descendants will avoid a disaster we have  long feared. Or maybe they will run head long into it. 

    What scenario is most likely to you?
    How do you believe future humans will respond?

    How will the newly born sentient AI respond?


  13. You say that and yet canceling someone for their views is a thing, it is not longer enough to disagree with them now we are required to destroy the life of someone we barely know because their world view is different than ours? 

    F that.

    I refuse to say you cannot say think feel pray or love in what ever way you wish. Now I will DEBATE about whether or not you should do those things. But saying you cannot, no that is not who I am I refuse to FORCE my world view down someone else's throat or make them feel that how the think pray feel or love is wrong in any way.

  14. So I am not sure what the latest non sense over this time, nor do I really  care, but apparently people are once again up in  arms over what some famous idiot said about something. 

    Why do we care what these  bozo's say in the first place? The only time I really care about these people are when they are in front of me doing something entertaining. Whether that is on a screen on a stage or in a book.

    I have always viewed this B.S. the same way I viewed Axel Rose in the 90's. The man was a giant deuce,  a womanizer a drunk and a drug addict and he did not give two shits about anyone but himself. But the he also had pipes, and I enjoyed and still enjoy the music of GnR. So yes I still bought his albums. While at the same time saying he is a prick and I do not like anything he stands for. See you can have it both ways. 

    Honestly I think a better reaction would be, "We do not care; we pay you for entertainment; not for your opinion. Now dance, sing, or do something funny."

    If I want an opinion about something I will come here or goggle it, I NEVER check twitter, or x, or "the toxic wasteland of the internet"; what ever it is called these days.

    So I ask again why do we care what these rich assholes think about anything? Wanna disagree with them? Ok fine disagree, but why care all that much when you do? Why not just be like "meh he/she is a entitled rich idiot anyway" and move on with your life. 

    Or is this a  "Enquirer" thing? Because I honestly never understood why anyone did more that read the cover of that publication; (what even is it a paper a magazine what?); for good laugh. TLJ's endorsement in MIB exempted.

    So, Thoughts? 

  15. Any word on this one I would very much like a mod that did this mostly because knocking her out is a pain in the arse if you dont want to kill her. I tend to play Teiflings so I very much dislike being shoehorned into killed Alfira. I would not mind it as much if you at least got a saving throw. And to be honest I think it makes more sense to use the Dragonborn Bard for this since Alfira has dialogue and a scene or two in later acts in the game. 

  16. You are all missing the point.




    The US is one of the top 4 exporters of food for the world.


    Who are the other three?


    China, more on that later.


    India; who have their own food issues.


    and Brazil. Yikes


    China is also the worlds #1 food importer.


    China also has the highest percentage of the worlds population beating the next closest country by miles.


    If the US economy collapses it will no longer be in the top 4 of food exporting countries. The US will turn inward to pick itself up and almost all imports will stop. Mostly because The US could no longer pay for them.


    Because of that the world economy will collapse in months NOT years.


    F O O D


    How long will the world be that hungry before violence breaks out? Weeks? Months? Maybe a year if we are lucky.


    Then somewhere in someplace we never heard of, or even more likely in some major metropolis, No one will ever really know who threw the first punch/ brick or fired the first shot. But violence WILL break out.


    Hunger will make you do things you did not believe your self capable of.


    No put that gnawing biting pain on the face of your children and how much patience do you have? As a father my answer is "Not Much"


    But WW3 is not going to be what everyone thinks it will.


    It will not be the US vs China, or Europe vs Russia, or anything else like that.


    It is going to be the true us vs them fight that has been brewing since the dark ages.

    It will be the French Revolution gone global.

    It will be the most chaotic violent war this world has ever seen, and the crazy part nukes will not play a big roll.

    Oh sure a two or three will go off at the beginning.


    But as people realize how much farm land that renders useless for centuries the nukes will be put on the shelf.


    It is going to be small arms hand to hand and more betrayals and back stabbing that you can imagine.


    It will be bloody and grotesque and humanity at our worst.


    It will either be our extinction event, or our salvation.


    Because the only way that war will end is when everyone is willing to lay down their arms admit the person standing across from is no different, better, or worse than you are and let go of the past hate and divisiveness to become the human race of the planet Dirt.

    (I propose we petition to change the name of our planet to Bob, right after we give Pluto it's planet status back. #Plutoisaplanet4ever)


    Good luck future humans I sincerely hope it does not happen in my life time, but the US government is not filling me with a lot of hope or rosy feelings.


    ( Is it sad that I believe my own government is most likely to do something monumentally retarded/ stupid/ insane, or perhaps all three at once, that will set this entire chain of events off?)

  17. yes they could, then what?


    What are they going to do as their own economy tanks right beside ours along with the rest of the worlds.


    6 months at best.


    That is how long the world has after the US economy tanks before total global economic collapse.

  18. Not too off the mark some big misses but some stuff you got right...



    Although for the Global Economy to collapse the US economy will have to have been collapsed for about a year to six months before the other economies begin to suffer from our buying power being non existent.


    Which is why I have always believed that the other leaders will do what is necessary to ensure the US economy does not in fact collapse.


    Cause if it does with in a year at the most we will be looking at total global economic collapse.


    I really do not want to live to see a global depression. Mainly because it will kick off World War 3

  19. Debating only works on the reasonable. The entrenched, due to beliefs/prejudices or profit/power, won't be swayed by debate.


    Things change when their power/privilege becomes more threatened by not changing then by changing.


    Boycotts affect profits. Voting affects power. Debating gets enough people on your side to take action. But things rarely change from debate alone.


    You are correct, but the highlighted sentence, That is what I am talking about. That is how debating makes change.


    And as for the unreasonable......


    once again.....


    You have to care enough to debate a tree stump.

  20. First off the "Civil War" did not end anything except the South's leaving of the United States to become the Confederacy. There is this document you may have heard of it called the Emancipation Proclamation, that ended slavery in rebelling states. Which ok weird you think they will listen since they are rebelling but thanks.


    It was the 13th amendment (sad that we needed one) that ended slavery yet another document. See no violence. And for the record it only ended slavery in the United States. Not the world. Ashton Couture, you may have heard of him, I suggest you look up his crusade. Someone worth supporting in my opinion.


    I disagree whole heartedly as someone who was alive in the 80's and remembers people like Boy George and Freddy Mercury who got the ball rolling on "gay rights" (Is this the term we are still using?) Not them specifically and they most certainly were not the best examples but they were famous successful and out of the closet, I don't remember when Elton John came out but that is another example KD Lang Melissa Ethridge, LOTS of signers and actors from the 90's got the ball rollin on this in my opinion. But those are the ones I remember, back at the time of the riot I don't have a lot of information on that in fact before today I had never heard of the riot at all. But I knew about PRIDE, I know about being there for a gay relative as they come out to the a family of christians. Which went better than the sentence suggest and we thought it would YEAH!! I also know that for every success story of acceptance like that you could give me 10 that ended in tradegy.


    Could we better? Yup. THAT is why we debate. To bring forth those better angels and ideals, to champion the "little guy" let's call apple's apple's here. As a SWHM most people immediately dismiss me as having life handed to me.


    Let me set the record straight so to speak.


    I have lived in my car twice in my lifetime once because I refused to betray my morals and throw someone under the bus so to speak. And the other time because the factory I worked for closed. Pride stopped me from asking my family for help both times.


    I have rolled pennies for gas made, spaghetti using Ramen ketchup and beenie weenies and dumpster dived for food. I have been that hungry. I fell in with people that I to this day, nearly 20 years later, will not talk about; and they helped me get on my feet again I stayed with them out of loyalty until I held my daughter. That is when a thought entered my head, "what would I do if she brought home a guy like me?"


    Needless to say I did not like my answer, I chose that moment to be better to become someone my daughter would look up to and would be proud to call her dad. Not father any one with a working set of testicles can be a father, I wanted to be a Dad.


    I turned my life around, I became a truck driver and until 2012 I was well on my way to owning two of them and starting a buisiness.


    Some will say I got these opportunities because I was White.


    My friend Terance who went through this with me would like word. He and I do not share skin color. Terance to this day is still trucking and owns three trucks. In 2012 my luck struck again and a change in DOT laws made my ineligible to drive class A vehicles. No license no job. Had to start from scratch. So I did; life was slowly getting better, then I had a stroke. Now I could b&@*$ and moan all day about bad luck and whoa is me, instead I am thankful I had a family to catch me when I fell. I am thankful I swallowed my pride and let them help me this time. Do people have it worse. Absolutely. Which is why I strive to make the world a little better than I left it.


    Could we be better, We can and we are in my life time only a measly 40 years things have gotten better. Could they be better yes but that is why we debate.


    Give humans violence and they respond with violence, give them compassion and throw off their thinking. I can't count how many times my Grandfather in law would see a riot on TV and say, "See I was right, nothing but a bunch of criminals."


    How exactly do you defend a minority to someone like that when they are literally watching them brain a cop of different skin tone with a rock?


    Like this,


    "Pops their pissed this thing happened and its like the riots when you were a kid, some of the bad apples, decided to make life difficult for everyone, You know George at the Y?, he is like them you like him ya'll play checkers every Friday. I am not arguing for these guys Pops I am arguing for the ones that work hard everyday just to bring home food. The ones that study, every night to pass that test, white brown pink with purple polka dots, we have got to stop considering people of different skin color a different race. They are just humans. And Pops, you know for a fact that white folks can be just as violent and stupid. Skin color does not stop you from being hateful or violent."


    He would always stop and think and nod; but when arguing with a man with dementia be prepared to have the same argument again and again and again. Miss you Pops, despite you being a hardheaded old curmudgeon



    You have to care enough to debate with a tree stump.


    If we give into violence we are no better than our ancestors who we look back on and know we can be better than. We give our naysayers all the ammunition they need to point out how out of control and violent we are.


    We must strive to be better.


    History is always written by the winner, every played cowboys and indians? That one took about 100 years to straighten out and we are still working on it.


    Still working on it.


    Stop wanting results today, slow down and realize the people in charge are old enough to have served in the Korean War.


    These are the people you expect to understand modern socio-political nuisances? HA!!


    These are our grandparents in power, now imagine explaining non-binary to grandpa. This is a guy still coming to terms with it not being ok to call a woman "babe", and you expect him to understand modern issues.


    Right pull the other one it has bells.


    And that is just the USA, and we will not even touch the cesspool of corruption that is Capital Hill. Women of all colors have it far better now than they did even when I was coming out of high school. That changed with debate.


    Picking up the pitchfork and stabbing someone is easy, taking the time to sit down and talk with them and counter their arguments one by one giving validation to their opinions and concerns, not belittling them for how they think and feel even when it makes your blood boil. But taking the time to compassionately help them see the more modern way of looking at the world.


    Hell Bro, I am just glad I got my 70 year old mother daughter of a southern Christian preacher to agree with gay marriage.


    But the thing I am most proud of?


    My little girl still calls me Dad and say I am her hero.





    You have to care enough to debate a tree stump.

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