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Nexus Mods Profile

About viper1458

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Hey, I've been having issues situating my load order. I get weird graphics glitches in the land in the distance that looks like its being stretched. Then I have another issue that when I look at Whiterun from afar (like from the outpost where you fight your first dragon), the textures on the walls would flicker and flash and stuff. I've seen some people have problems with the flashing and flickering on Dragonsreach, but my problem isnt on that its on the walls of Whiterun. I have JK's Whiterun installed and 2017 textures. Could that be why? Im really confused. I also have some other glitches and stuff in my game and I really just need some help situating my load order. Load order:
  2. Would anyone be able to help me situate my load order? I'm having some issues such as the land being stretched out in the distance and Whiterun's textures being all jacked up if I were to look at it from afar. This is my load order so far:
  3. yes I have that installed for a water mod and maybe another one
  4. Can anyone help please? Any suggestions are welcome I really just want to resolve this issue :(
  5. Even if Im far away and I look in the direction of the dead body my screen goes crazy!!
  6. So this is my mods load order I guess. Although, doesn't show all the mods I have?? So how will you know if the problem is from these or not? Because Idk I think it might be a problem with my skins.
  7. So I was reading and I saw somewhere that it is apparently an "exploding mesh" ? Does anyone know how to fix this? I really don't want to re download my game because I came so far with my character.
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