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  1. Lol, I'm waiting for someone to say, "Why? Because f*** you, that's why."
  2. So I know how to get everywhere, that's not the problem. My problem is that this damn college is breaking physics. You the main building of the college on the first floor, the "Hall of Elements." The door on the left will lead to the Arch-Mage's Quarters while the right leads to the Arcaneum, the library. I've tried to draw this out, and to the best of my knowledge the main building of this campus has three floors. The Arch-Mage's Quarters occupies simultaneously the third and second floor, the Arcaneium occupies simultaneously the second and first floor, and the Hall of Elements occupies, as it should, only the first floor. Okay, my reasoning: Arcaneum Taking the door on the right in the Hall of elements will find you at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Take one flight up, turn, and another flight, and you're there. Now, you have the option of taking another pair of flights on the same side of the building in order to enter the Arch-Mage's Quarters. That would make sense if it applied to the laws of physics as it should: Hall of Elements on the First floor, Arcaneum on the Second floor, and the Arch-Mage's Quarters on the Third floor. Here's where it get's tricky. Arch-Mage's Quarters Taking the door on the left in the Hall of Elements will find you at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Take one flight up, turn, and another flight up and you're there. At this juncture, you may traverse the foyer and acquaint yourself with the opposing stair case. Descending the pair of flights, you will find a door labeled the Arcaneum. Hence my problem: If you go up a flight of stairs, then come BACK DOWN the flight of stairs, you should still be on the first floor!
  3. [zoidberg]It's amaaaaaziiiing![/zoidberg] Thank you. It's kind of hard to keep track with the patches because they could be listed under either mod or a third... Unfortunately, now the texture and some of the actual flooring (on the upper decks) have entirely disappeared. All I've done was install the patch, order with BOSS, rebuild my Bashed, and play.
  4. I'm having the exact same problem! Active Mod Files:
  5. I suppose it could also be a texture problem. I'll have to recheck the meshes I chose for it, but for some reason the quiver and bows are pure pink. (Meaning there's no .nif file?)
  6. So, excellent advice on enchantment costs and usages. One more question, though: My game crashes whenever I pull out an arrow in which a fire damage enchantment has been placed on it that has a magnitude of 500. Am I breaking the game by introducing variables that aren't normally achievable via normal enchanting, or is there a different reason it crashes only when I pull one of those from my quiver?
  7. So I should set the enchantment's Charge Amount equal to the weapons Enchantment number? Is there a benefit for the weapon's number being higher? What is the significance of the weapon's number?
  8. I'm in the construction set and I've made the following three additions: Enchantment: aaBermudaTriangle Effect 1: Fire Damage, Magnitude 100, Duration 120, Area 0 Effect 2: Frost Damage, Magnitude 100, Duration 120, Area 0 Effect 3: Shock Damage, Magnitude 100, Duration 120, Area 0 Charge Amount: 98902 Enchantment Cost: 98902 Weapon: aaWeapSilverBow Name: Hand of the Nine Enchanting: aaBermudaTriangle Enchantment: 65535 Weight: 3.00 Value: 500,000 Health: 777 Speed: 1.00 Reach: 0.00 Damage: 25 Ammo: aaEncArrow3Silver Name: Arrows from Hade Enchanting: aaBermudaTriangle Enchantment: 65535 Weight: 0.00 Value: 10 Damage: 25 Speed: 1.00 Every time I pull out my arrows (equipping them is no problem), the game will freeze instantly no matter where I am. Also, the bow will say that it has a full Charge, but 0 Uses. Why is that? Is it because of the cost of my enchantment? If it is, should I turn off the auto-calculate feature and change the Charge Amount to something less than 65535 or is it the Enchantment Cost that makes the difference? I'm a noob with the Construction Set, sorry! [EDIT] For the enchantment, I've changed both the Enchantment Cost and Charge Amount to 5, but now for some reason the bow in-game refuses to recognize that it's enchanted. It's just a normal bow now, with only 100 health. [EDIT 2] Dropped the Duration of my effects for aaBermudaTriangle to 0 so that I can select auto-calculate, and for some stupid reason now the bow recognizes that it's enchanted in-game. Trying it on the arrows now...
  9. I was looking through the other, similar, threads and I've noticed that a lot of us use or have used NVSkies at some point in our installation. I deleted my installation folder, replaced it with a backup I had on hand, and re-installed my mods without it and I've been fine since, except for the random crash every so often.
  10. Like the title says. The following are my mods exported by Wrye Flash: Active Mod Files: My system isn't a problem, either. I'm running two terabytes of hard drive space, 16gb of ram, and am using a Radeon HD 6950. The hard drive the game is installed on is neither the C:\ drive nor a page file drive. I'm using FNV4GB, the bashed patch, sorted via BOSS (where it recognizes everything but the Error Corrections.esp, which I put at the bottom, right above the Bashed). Tips? Any additional performance mods to help with bugs or anything else?
  11. I have a hunch it's from one of the mods that got merged into the bashed patch - OOO. Where may I find a proper bashed patch guide specific to FCOM? The Bashed Patch section on the FCOM website wasn't nearly as informative as it needed to be pertaining to which items and sub-items to check.
  12. Gah, finally. That was rough, I botched it up a couple of times so I had to revert to my backup directory... Here goes a first run just using FCOM and a couple of others. [EDIT] AAaaaaaand CTD upon start... time to start working backwards, eh? [EDIT] Running FCOM alone works, [aside]thank god[/aside]. I'll play through the sewers just to have the save and then try the rest a couple at a time. [EDIT] So on several Goblins on my way through, they had yellow starbursts as large as they were that seemed to be their weapon saying, "WTF? It seems I'm a missing mesh!" Also, anyone at less than half health or less turned green. Then it crashed upon trying to autosave when exiting the sewers, according to the wxPython traceback.
  13. Lol, by all means insult away. I thought I had a good grasp, but I guess I don't with Wrye... To be honest, I'm not familiar with the BAIN installation process, but I'm reading up on it now. Thank you for the advice. I'm also going through the FCOM website and it covers a lot more mods than I knew about, and the website is pretty verbose with the different things it covers and what to do with them. @goranga: I don't have any problems yet. All I've done so far is install the game with the DLCs and SI, and then put in OBSE, Wrye Bash, and OBMM. After that, I've made a full-length replica of the installation directory as a backup elsewhere in case I have to revert back to vanilla.
  14. If you read the bottom of my post, I have it already. The bulk of my concern comes in when I want to install large files like FCOM Convergence or Unique Landscapes or the ImpeREAL series that certain files are overwritten more than once by different mods. I would like to know which order to insall the larger mods to better optimize my setup. [EDIT] While I'm asking for help here, would anyone mind perusing my list and letting me know if I'm missing any compatibility patches?
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