Hello everyone, not so long ago i was wondering is it possible to change shout sounds like FUS-RO-DAH into DE-MA-CIA (Demacia is a city from League of Legends) while myself i dont have a creation kit. why i need all this? well first of all it's because i got character very similar ( at least i think so) to Jarvan IV (yes he's from League of Legends too). i got Jagged crown and retextured original Daedric armor into golden one so my little warrior looks like him http://timeline.leagueoflegends.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/timeline_image_lg/JarvanIV.jpg so, i want to make a request to anyone who can do such a thing ("play" with audio files, cuz i cant xP) to create a sound that would replace unlerenting force shout with new one (DE-MA-CIA) here how it sounds: