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About m3talc0re

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  1. A step was skipped or you left something out... I'm trying to make a stand alone retexture of the steel shield and I can't find a texture set for it...
  2. katie, those are your options right there XD In your control panel. Make a new application profile, I'm guessing it's like nVidia and you need to add the application's exe to the profile. So you'll add the TESV.exe I believe. Then where it's got the checkbox and the Use application settings, untick it so you can set your own settings. Then go through and fix them so they're like the page I linked. And in the skyrim launcher, go to Options and disable the antialiasing and anisotropic filtering.
  3. They aren't there? Would you be willing to let me have a look? Just install this: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx?cdsplit=C Then PM me on here your messenger of choice and an ID for it (msn, aim, yahoo, etc...) and we'll connect and I can take a look at see why your settings aren't showing. You can try some of what eltucu said, could be a driver conflict if you didn't get all of the nVidia stuff removed. I would hold off on that OS reinstall though.. Just to cover our bases here, what psu do you have exactly?
  4. That's nice. Lol, me mad... Anyway, OP, you said your drivers are up to date, right? Is it that you just can't find those settings are they don't exist? I don't use an AMD card, so I can't look for myself, but on the left of the Catalyst Control Center, you should see Gaming and under that, 3D Application Settings. Maybe here? Step 1: Right Click your Desktop & Select the “AMD Vision Engine Control Center” Option Step 2: Locate the “Gaming” Option & select “3D Application Settings” Step 3: Under “3D Application Settings”, try those settings in the link.
  5. Try again. Your whole statement was biased and opinionated. Lets compare the 560ti vs the 6950. Idle, the 560ti is using less power than the 6950, under load, it's using about 30 watts more. The difference isn't very far off in either direction really. Not to mention, even using more power under load, the 560ti is still cooler than the 6950. Prices for each are around the same, also. For a more in depth comparison: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1533/16/ And no, the company ATi is dead now. All cards are AMD and are referred to as such. AMD doesn't even make 1st party video cards anymore. ATi used to make their own in house cards and you had 3rd party companies like Sapphire and such. Not anymore :/ Also, not to mention driver support. Lately, even AMD fanboys (not using that term derogatorily) are even jealous of nVidia's driver support vs AMD's. This is all the argument you're getting. I'm not turning this thread into an AMD vs nVidia thread. Anyway, OP, let us know if anything has changed.
  6. Don't get all butt-hurt over me recommending an nVidia card over AMD (is no more ATi btw...), which she was coming from an nVidia card in the first place. Your opinion sounds just as biased as mine, if not more so ;) Also, check in your CCC (is it still called that?) for your card's settings and see what it's got going on. At low settings, is the in game AA and AF turned off or just low? Make sure they're both off and try that I link I posted previously.
  7. Tried that. It's either the wrong file or it's ignoring it.
  8. Should've gone with nVidia :P Best I can do right now is direct you here: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/332396-33-6950-issues-skyrim-possible-solution-inside Hope it helps.
  9. There is a specific audio track in Skyrim - Sounds.bsa that I want to remove, or just replace with another file. Every time I get an Autosave... message or something in the top left, it seems to trigger this file to play and it keeps playing. The longer it goes, the louder it gets. At first the music and other sound effects cover it up for the most part, but after say 30-40 minutes, it's just too loud. I think I know what sound it is, but I can't seem to fix it for the life of me. I remove the file from the Skyrim - Sounds.bsa file using the Archive.exe that comes with the creation kit, but once I try to save it, Archive.exe crashes. I'm wanting to replace it with the "silent" file that was included in the Sounds of Skyrim mod. For reference, the sound I keep hearing is: Data(Sounds.bsa)\sound\fx\ambr\wind\mountain\file It's the only file in there not in a directory. I thought maybe someone could make a mod or something to tell skyrim not to use this track, but who's to say the stupid thing wont load the track anyway. Since it's obviously not being called or unloaded correctly in the first place :/
  10. I think I know what sound it is, but I can't seem to fix it for the life of me. I remove the file from the Skyrim - Sounds.bsa file using the Archive.exe that comes with the creation kit, but once I try to save it, Archive.exe crashes. For reference, the sound I keep hearing is: Data(Sounds.bsa)\sound\fx\ambr\wind\mountain\file It's the only file in there not in a directory.
  11. Ever find a fix to this? Same problem here.
  12. I'm having a similar issue as OP. Except, mine isn't related to saves. If I restart the game, the sound is gone for a little while before coming back. I'm not exactly sure what's triggering it. It's some constant wind noise, maybe up in the mountains in a blizzard or something. But I can get it without going through any mountains or blizzards. If I go inside or in a town, the sound still plays. Restarting the game gets rid of it for a little bit, but then it comes right back. It's annoying as hell... If I could find the right sound, I would replace it with a silent sound or something... Edit: After trying to watch and take notice what seems to trigger it, I think it actually is being triggered by white text on the top left of the screen. I didn't really hear anything, then an Autosaving... message popped up and up starts the sound. 2nd Edit: I'm trying to figure out which sound it is exactly. I've extracted various wind sounds from the bsa. I'm putting a silent file into their paths in the data folder. These files should play instead of the ones in the bsa, no? So far, I've had no luck making this work. I've put quite a few so far into the data folder as silent files and I still hear the damn constant wind!
  13. I have posted in the comments section of the mod, with no replies. I cannot get this mod to work. I have tried all of the Crash To Desktop fixes in the Readme and none of them fix it. The only way to get it to run is by deleting the d3d9.dll which kind of defeats the purpose... And the injector doesn't do anything either. No other mods use the d3d9.dll I tried launching from the launcher, from the nexus launcher, from the skse_loader, etc... Link to Mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11318 I'm using a GTX 560 Ti 448 with the latest whql drivers and Skyrim is up to date.
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