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Everything posted by Phrosen63

  1. Hi. I'm rather new here so forgive me if I posted this in the wrong section. I uploaded my first mod the other day and when I looked at it in NMM it looks plain and boring, just a bunch of text really. When I look at other mod's descriptions they look really nice. What I would like to do is: -Change the background color to the same gray color that this forum uses. -Change the font color to white. -Change the font size. -Maybe add a picture. I think I can figure out every point on my list, except for the background color part. -Feel free to reply to all points if you know how, though, to make it easier for me. Thanks in advance. =)
  2. Since it's "OnTriggerEnter()" your character has to leave and enter the forge. I guess this can be done with a "jump script" or whatever. I don't know about levelling up the character, but I did test levelling up the Destruction Magic skill. I got it from 16 to 18, then I got bored. (It took quite some time.) OffTopic (sort of): The damage the forge does is too small, in my opinion. I haven't tried it in real life but I'm guessing that standing in a blacksmith forge is rather painful and probably lethal.
  3. Hi. I came across this bug when I was trying to make fireplaces dangerous in one of my mods (which I succeeded with, by the way.) I was advised to check out the "BlacksmithForge01" script by Bethesda; which is attached to the "CraftingBlacksmithForgeWR" furniture. Here is the script: As you can see it forces the player to cast "FlameDamage" on him/her-self. This is all good. The problem, though, is that the Magic Effect ("HazardFireDamageFFContact") that the player is affected by belongs to the Destruction Magic School. -Meaning that entering the forge actually increases the player's Destruction Magic skill ever so slightly. It would be easy to fix this by copying "HazardFireSpell" and "HazardFireDamageFFContact"; change the Magic School to "None" and make the copies unique for the "CraftingBlacksmithForgeWR" furniture. I don't consider this a serious bug, since it takes so much time to actually gain any skill in Destruction Magic this way. I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in a tiny bug fix mod for this? (Maybe someone is working on a big mod with lots of tiny bug fixes like this.) -Or better still; is there a way to report this bug to Bethesda so that they might fix it in a future patch?
  4. I was playing Skyrim this morning and realized something: When I craft an item at the forge (for example leather helmet); if I craft 10 of these they stack up. However if I improve them (for example Leather Helmet(Flawless)) they don't stack. -Would it be possible to craft an item and replace it with an already improved item -in order to prevent them from stacking? I completely agree.
  5. You might be right. However, OnEquipped only has "Actor akActor" as parameter. I'm afraid my script will need more parameters than that.
  6. Hunter Traps Mod Launched!
  7. But then the downloader would have to unpack it twice? EDIT: If I upload here to Nexus, does the website take care of the Mod Manager? -Or do I need to do something special to make my mod work with the Nexus Mod Manager?
  8. I guess I have to be careful with "Return", then. =) I like your idea of having a custom menu to control the activators. However, I prefer the simplicity. One "E" click to snap the activator shut. The second "E" click picks up the trap. Drop it, and it's ready to go again. Click and hold "E" to drag the activator into place. (Only downside with this is that it's easy to accidentally set off the trap against other objects or traps lying around.) The only thing I would like to improve is to change from drop activate. So that players could add traps to their Favorite list. (I first thought of making the Dummy Item out of a potion, but quickly realized it would look silly.) Do you have any ideas for a misc object that can be activated? (I wonder if the "OnActivate" event would work for this.)
  9. Ok, I think I understood. Thanks. =) I made this as a Read Me: Would you please read it and see if it's correct and understandable?
  10. I'm pretty sure my mod is clean now. Can I check it somehow with TESVSnip if there's anything I missed? If I understood you right: I have a couple of textures that are located in "...\Skyrim\Data\Textures\Trap" so I should create a folder called "Textures" and inside it create a new folder called "Trap", then finally put my textures in the Trap folder?
  11. Hi. My mod is getting closer to the point where it's ready (not there yet, though). Is there anything special I need to do? -For example: run the mod-file through certain program that removes unused stuff/makes the file smaller/etc. My mod uses a few (new) custom textures, how do I put them in the mod file? Or do I have to put them seperately and include a readme file on how to "install" the textures? Thanks.
  12. Hi. My friend gave me an idea that I wanted to try out in Skyrim. We were walking up to the Greybeards when he said: "You should go down hill on a sled here." I thought that sounded hilarious and decided that I would try to make a mod for it. Sadly I have no idea how, and my other mods are taking all my time at the moment; so I was hoping that someone here might be able to make it? A mod for a portable sled that the player can carry with him/her. The sled should accelerate as it goes downhill and the player might even die if going off high cliffs or crashing into trees/rocks/whatever. Thanks in advance.
  13. Correct. The weird thing is, I can drop lots and lots of gems without them stacking in a group. Ten traps are better than one. = (potentionally) ten times more damage, and a higher chance of the enemies actually stepping in the trap. After play-testing my traps I have realized that it's easier and more manageable to handle two traps at a time. But some enemies are just too strong. :P I could try the re-add thing, but I'm afraid that wouldn't make much sense to the player if they just drop a bunch of items and 90% of them came back into the inventory. Yes, "Return" is what I was looking for. Works like a charm. Thank you. -What will happen if I use two loops in the same function, though? -Is there anything else Return could affect? -Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Return break the entire function? (Not just the loop.) EDIT: I updated my script, adding Return and an if-function to check if the item was dropped: Scriptname HT_PlayerDropTrap extends ReferenceAlias {A script attached to the player, through a quest, that will replace the dummy item with an actual trap when the player drops it.} Activator[] Property HT_TrapActivator Auto MiscObject[] Property HT_MyItem Auto Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) int loop = 0 if (!akDestContainer) while loop < 5 If (akBaseItem == HT_MyItem[loop]) akItemReference.PlaceAtMe(HT_TrapActivator[loop]) akItemReference.Delete() Return endIf loop += 1 endwhile endIf endEvent EDIT #2: I played around with dropping gems. It seems I was wrong. As soon as I drop more than five at once they automatically stack. So I guess I have to live with that "bug". Unless, of course, if there's a way to make each trap item unique, so that they don't stack at all in the player's inventory? -Is that possible?
  14. Anything over two needs a loop, in my opinion. It gives a cleaner code, and easier to modify. I actually thought of that but, as you said, it's "dirty coding". If there's a loop function there should be a break loop function, imo. "loop += 1" is what makes the loop loop. It breaks when it finishes, of course. But if it matches on item[0] it loops through four more item checks when it doesn't have to, using up CPU power. I modified my script further, and this is what I came up with: Scriptname HT_PlayerDropTrap extends ReferenceAlias {A script attached to the player, through a quest, that will replace the dummy item with an actual trap when the player drops it.} Activator[] Property HT_TrapActivator Auto MiscObject[] Property HT_MyItem Auto Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) int loop = 0 int i = 0 ; This is my second loop while loop < 5 If (akBaseItem == HT_MyItem[loop]) while i < aiItemCount Debug.Notification("traps dropped " + aiItemCount) ;akItemReference.PlaceAtMe(HT_TrapActivator[loop]) akItemReference.Delete() i += 1 endwhile endIf loop += 1 endwhile endEvent As you can see I made the "PlaceAtMe()" function a comment, to easier see what's going on when I test it in-game. Here's what happens: -If I drop a single item, it is removed (works as intended.) -If I drop up to four items, they are removed (works as intended.) This works because the trigger runs once per item dropped. -if I drop more than five items at once they will group up (not working as intended.) When the items group up the trigger runs only once, because it thinks the group is one item. This is where my second loop comes in. I intended to loop through the group and create a new trap for each item in the group. What actually happens with my current trigger: If I drop seven items, one is removed and six dummy items are placed on the ground. I am guessing that if I made the "PlaceAtMe()" function not a comment it would place all the activators where the group was. The activators would then trigger each other and fly all over the place. And I would also get six dummy items lying around. The whole automatic group thing really messes up my trigger. =(
  15. Of course! I knew that. :P Here's my new code: Scriptname HT_PlayerDropTrap extends ReferenceAlias {A script that will replace the dummy item with an actual trap when the player drops it.} Activator Property HT_TrapActivator Auto MiscObject Property HT_MyItem Auto Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) If (akBaseItem == HT_MyItem) akItemReference.PlaceAtMe(HT_TrapActivator) akItemReference.Delete() EndIf endEvent It works really well, except for a few things: 1. HT_TrapActivator is only one activator. (I have six different.) I used to define them in each item that the script was attached to. -Now I need to check through six different items. I want to try if it's possible to do with a loop. 2. When I drop more than five (I believe) traps at once, they group up into one item with a (5) behind the name. Then the script kicks in and removes the entire group and replaces it with a single activator. -Meaning the game "steals" the player's trap. I'm gonna try to see if I can make an item counter somehow. Help appriciated. Thanks for the help so far. =) EDIT: I managed to solve question number 1, I am now looping through my traps and adding the correct one. Here's the script: Scriptname HT_PlayerDropTrap extends ReferenceAlias {A script attached to the player, through a quest, that will replace the dummy item with an actual trap when the player drops it.} Activator[] Property HT_TrapActivator Auto MiscObject[] Property HT_MyItem Auto Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) int loop = 0 while loop < 5 If (akBaseItem == HT_MyItem[loop]) akItemReference.PlaceAtMe(HT_TrapActivator[loop]) akItemReference.Delete() ; I would like to break the loop here; I don't know how.. endIf loop += 1 endwhile endEvent I am thinking of using another loop combined with "aiItemCount" to see if I can solve question number two, as well. -The best way to solve it, though, would be to prevent items from grouping up when they drop. But I don't think that's possible. 3. Is there a way to break a loop?
  16. I tried making a quest, adding an alias that points to "unique character -> Player" and add the script to that alias. When nothing happened I added a few "Debug.Notification()" to see what happens. The script doesn't even run at all. Did I do something wrong when trying to attach the script to the player?
  17. Hi. I have a script that when I drop a certain item it should replace that item with an activator. The script is working fine if I drop one item, then close the inventory, wait a while, then drop another item. -But if I decide to drop more than one item at the same time the script only replaces the first item; the rest of the dummy items are being dropped as if they had no script attached at all. Here is the script: Scriptname HT_PlayerDropTrap extends ObjectReference {A script that will replace the dummy item with an actual trap when the player drops it.} Activator Property HT_TrapActivator Auto event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if (akOldContainer && !akNewContainer) Self.PlaceAtMe(HT_TrapActivator) Delete() endif endevent The script is attached to the item. Some things I want to try, but don't know how, to see if it helps: -Making the item in the player's inventory "unique" - so that they don't stack up, so that the player can't drop stacks of dummy items. -I based the dummy item of a gem (ruby, I believe) because if you drop 5+ rubies they don't drop in one stack of five; they drop in five different stacks - which is what I want with my dummy items. I can't really tell if it's working or not, though. Is there a way to force dropped items to not stack with each other? -Force the player to only own one dummy item at the same time. (I don't like this, but it's better than dropping dummy items, instead of activators.) -Fix the script so that it somehow works no matter how many dummy items I drop. (This would be the best solution of all.) Thanks in advance.
  18. How do I select a different TextureSet?
  19. Hi. Is it possible to have two different textures on two different items of the same type? For example: If I grab one item and duplicate it. -Can these two items have different textures and how? Thanks.
  20. Hi. I'm new to this forum, so sorry if this was posted in the wrong section. I'm also new to Skyrim: Creation Kit (but I have played around a little with Fallout: GECK, though.) 1. Whenever I open up CK and start loading Skyrim.esm I get a whole bunch of warning messages. -How can I fix these messages? 2. It says "See Warnings file for more information." -Where is the warnings file? 3. It also says "Yes to all will disable all Warnings for this context.", but there is no "Yes to all" button. -The only buttons I have says: "Yes", "No", and "Cancel". I tried to follow the Bethesda Tutorials. I made it through Episode 1 all right. When I made it to ep2 I noticed some things that were different with my CK from the guy who made the video's CK. 4. In his CK, when he duplicated a room the room name turned green. In my CK the room name has the same color as all the other room names, which makes it harder to see which one I'm working with. I am guessing this is somehow related to the warning messages, but I'm not sure. -Any way to solve this? EDIT: 5. I just now found out there's more things my CK can't do, for example: after duplicating a room I can't delete it. I select it, right-click and press "delete", it asks me if I'm sure, I answer "yes", but the room is still there. -Why doesn't my CK work properly? Thanks in advance.
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