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  1. Whoa... my PC is worse than that and I'm running Bleak ENB with tons of 2k textures (that are actually needed - no overkill textures for small objects), custom meshes and quite a few scripted mods. Runs like a charm. To provide you with some real advice: ENB is always recommended, even without any graphical enhancements (ENBoost). If you use any graphical enhancements, try tweaking it. SSAO for example has a large impact on performance and you barely notice it, so it's best to turn that off. Don't use any hardware AA, your best bet is a standalone SMAA Anisotropic Filtering: if used, use 4x or 16 (stay away from 8x as it's about the same in performance as 16x and worse in terms of quality). I'm using hardware AF and have the engine's and ENB's AF disabled as it is overall better, but I'm not sure about an AMD card. I have an nVidia. Textures: you really have to pick them by hand. Don't install whole texture packs. A lot of the official high res textures are actually quite good. No idea why anyone would suggest not using it. 1GB VRAM is sufficient (especially when using ENB which has memory compression and handles textures a lot better) and loose files will override them anyways. Compress textures! Diffuse textures should be DXT1 or 5 (with alpha), and if you don't use a gazillion custom textures: normals shouldn't be compressed if they are smaller than the diffuse. Use SMCO for easy compression (add "*_n.dds" to the exclusions without the quotes) if you can handle half sized uncompressed normals. Visually they make a huge difference. Check out the STEP guides. They have quite a lot of stuff about this, incl. tweaking shadows.
  2. Someone else asked the same question. My answer is: very unlikely
  3. It's up and running http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55518/?
  4. http://i.imgur.com/n7zQEeO.png
  5. I'm done with a total of 8 roads (out of 30) so far. I'll zip and upload those (+ some more I might do today). Edit: I'm done with 13 meshes. I found overlapping polygons even in the inner section (cut out piece) in one of the meshes. Hopefully I haven't overlooked that in the others. Edit2: 19 meshes are complete and only the easy road chunks are left, will upload once I'm done. Edit3: aaaaand done, all 30, Part 1 Part 2
  6. It is indeed as you say. I left tangent space updates for the last action taken before saving this time just to be sure, although I never had these normal map issues. The other meshes will be done this way and I'll double check the preview in Nifskope for the upcoming meshes as well. Thanks for the feedback. As for textures being mixed up... Skyrim assigns new textures for lets say snowy roads First mesh it finds gets snowroad01.dds Second gets a snow01.dds or maybe 02, can't remember The issue is... while I edit the NIF file, the NiTriShapes get switched in order. RoadStraight01:0 should be above RoadStraight01:2 If I move the whole RoadStraight01:0 branch up and save, it won't save the new NiTriShape order. It's nothing I can't fix with the Creation Kit, but it's still annoying. Edit: due to my bad routine I updated tangent spaces before setting the UV sets. This one (RoadCurve90R01) should be OK now. It's also the one that had mismatching UVs with the ground mesh in my previous attempt where I separated the rock meshes from the road to avoid having to patch up the road mesh with overlapping polygons resulting in having a lot of wrong open edges. I haven't tested this one myself as I need to get back to work now. As far as I remember there should be one near the entrance of Riverwood.
  7. That's odd. I don't have any normal map issues (see screenshots) and haven't touched the mesh since I uploaded it :o Updating tangent spaces, facing normals, setting BS Num UV Sets and updating arrays are always done when I import my own mesh into an existing NIF file, but I'll def. give it another shot and see if the other variants (snow, dwemer, reach etc) have their textures fixed. Currently Skyrim simply assigns the first mesh texture A and the second mesh texture B for the other variants. The first is the second and the second is the first and Nifskope won't save my mesh order, that's the current issue that requires CK editing. See screenshot. Anyways, thanks for the feedback and the screenshot. I think that screenshot pretty much answers most of my questions (height and specularity look good under different conditions as well). May I ask which textures you are using? I'm going to need a list of compatible textures. Some textures have a deviating pattern that won't really work with my meshes. Edit: I just updated all tangent spaces and no change on my end. Normals were OK in the first place and snow textures for example are still reversed. I'll start working on another mesh. Edit2: RoadStraight01 is up and running. You can download it here Screenshot Location for testing: Riverwood has some @Percevan please see if this has the same issue you described. It works exactly like the previous one for me. Tangent spaces are updated, I double checked.
  8. The meshes should take a few evenings (a week probably), and a CK edit about 2 hours, but I need feedback first. If you go to Dawnstar and start going down the road you'll notice that the snow/road textures are reversed. I already tried changing the NiTriShape order in NifSkope, but it keeps reverting, but a CK edit should fix that.
  9. Hello fellow modders I'm working on real 3D road meshes and I'm looking for feedback. The truth is... I've been working on this for about 2 weeks now. I've recreated about a dozen meshes several times and ran into various issues after finishing quite a few. I tried adding rocks on top of the existing roads and making the road mesh below use the dirt01/02 texture. Results were unsatisfactory. There was a high contrast between the flat road and the lower edges of the rocks, i.e. one could clearly see where the rocks started. Next try: don't replace the road texture. Everything looked almost perfect (the rock pattern on the flat road around the 3D rocks didn't match perfectly, but it was acceptable) until I finished 2 curvy roads and realized the UVs were off on those, but only under a few rocks, the others were alright. This time I figured I'd patch up that horrible road mesh that Bethesda created (lots of overlapping polygons >.<) and use that as a starting point. Anyways, one mesh is finished and ready for testing: Download (place it in meshes/landscape/roads if you'd like to try it out). There's one of these right in front of the Honningbrew Meadery. If you are willing to test and provide feedback, here's what I'd like you to analyze: Height: higher/lower Specularity: since it's not flat anymore there's an increase in specularity. Should I keep it at the default value or lower it? Visibility: how much of a difference do you see compared to flat meshes? Here's a preview During the night with magelight as light source Click to see image During the day, close up Click to see image
  10. Yes, the Pick Pocket trainer can raise it, but only so far without practical application and I have thought about the Bandits, the concern I have with them is I am pretty sure if they are pick pocketed first, the items then get tagged as 'stolen' in the Dovahkins Inventory...as he can't deal with Fences, I guess his only real option would be to forgo selling the loot and just have to drop it instead...but yeah, that may be the only way to achieve it....is a shame really.....Thank you Captain.... :happy: I have never tested this, but what if you'd simply train as much as you can and then instead of taking stuff, you place poisons in their pockets if you have the perk. Here comes the important part: I don't know if this will increase your skill or not!!! It is just a theory.
  11. I could say the same: people who use alchemy to boost alchemy simply benefit more than those who don't. The fortify restoration glitch also has a cap and I already mentioned it. It's 4294967295 (the cap of a 32 bit variable). An exploit is an exploit no matter how small. That's my point. Next time we talk I'll bring a present for... erm... I mean against you :dance:
  12. For me it clearly looks legit that "magic effects" caused by potions are increased as well when being undead thanks to necro mage... just say'in. :thumbsup: In that case a weapon with 200 million damage is totally legit as well. I mean it's just fortify restoration stacking with alchemical effects. It's like there was a fortify enchanting enchantment and you could do it endlessly until you hit the cap of a 32bit variable. It's clearly not legit, and Necromage says: All spells are more effective against undead. It's an implementation that hasn't been properly thought through.
  13. First of all, those are bloodcursed arrows which can be made by Serana, and Serana alone. You can also ask her mother, but she'll refuse. She's essential and therefore impossible to kill even if you temper with the pref. file. Second, they can only be fired with Auriel's bow. The effect is temporary and it's just an option to get rid of most of the cons while being a vampire. I'm not even sure what your question really was but the system is idiot proof. You can't break the game.
  14. Necromage as a vampire has the same effect as drinking one of each fortify magic school potion with a low magnetude. I don't think fortify restoration was ever meant to increase your alchemy potential nor the necromage being an advantage for yourself. The legal limit is 29% for enchanting (for 8% base magnetude effects at least). Alchemy shouldn't even be in a magic school in the first place. They never bothered to fix it and it still works (patch 1.7) @WaywardDovahkiin73 if you get yourself some fortify alchemy gear (29%) you could use 3x fortify destruction/restoration and 1 piece with 2x [magic school/magicka regen]. This way you could help the other schools of magic with some magicka regen and still have above 100% in 2 schools of magic but this requires some heavy investment in alchemy and enchanting.
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