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About Czelious

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  1. Hi all! I just downloaded B.A.E and would like to change my Hunting Rifle .50 Sound w/ and w/o suppressor to the sounds in M82a3 AMR by Amoveve, i changed the names and added the folders and all that i need from M82a3 AMR to Hunting Rifle .50 Cal. The issue is, it uses the sound of both M82 and Vanilla suppressed on the .50 cal HR now instead of only using the M82 suppressed sound, any ideas?
  2. Yeah, I dunno, it's like Bethesda put on their trollface and said "Personality? No personality for you!" You certainly can't have sex without mods, I don't quite know why/how sexual themes are there either. Some mods to allow bartenders to do that, though. It's pretty neat. haha yeah. i know, yeah? what mod do that? :O :D haha ill check it out ;)
  3. yeah true, though it would be cool if bethesda could do it or something, or someone really skilled with clipping audio could clip, though yeah maybe it would be impossible. agreed, it really sounded like she was gonna marry you and with the things you can say to her like "i trust you completely" and stuff like that. One more thing i wonder is why does Dawnguard say "Sexual Themes and Use of Alcohol" sexual themes is only if modded? or can u actually have sex in skyrim now? and sure use of alcohol u can click up ur inventory and click a drink, whats missing is ordering in drinks to a table and by pressing "e" on the cup they placed on the table makes u drink a zip and so on, that would be awesome
  4. I have looked through 36 pages of armor, i just want a quicker way, if someone knows any they can link it and save me the hours of looking through pages
  5. I would like to request a mod that makes Serana Marriable! Write something if u agree so we know if more ppl wants this
  6. So, as the title says. Im using big 2 handed weapons and i really like the Darksiders War Armor, so im looking for armors like that one, butal armors like big spiky shoulders and so on to fit my huge *** weapons! Can also be fantasy like armor like the cleric male (the one with a robe and no chest armor)
  7. fixed it by jumping stages and doing some stuff so i would miss to much fun in soul cairn until i got out and i could talk to serana and then i could just go on like if nothing happend
  8. So i chose joining the dawnguard and when u shall enter soul cairn with Serena i chose Soul Trap, though when i walk down the stairs after she have done the spell on me its just like if i hit a wall and nothing happends :S Any fix? Anyone have this? or anything.
  9. Like the title says, i would like to request if possible a mod that makes it able to change more at the character creation, like mouth width, size, nose width, bigger cheeks (so u can look younger and not so much as arnold or dolph in the face as a nord), hair length and so on, so shortly more cusomizable characters. If possible?
  10. Just wanted to give a heads-up that Nexus have been very slow lately and now im getting errors like 500 - Internal Server and 502 - Bad Gateway.
  11. anyone know which mod that is incompatible with shenk or tytanis?
  12. I have found some fantasy, but looking for some good looking bows, i got some but none breath taking looking bow yet, and not any dagger like that either. Then I mean standalone or retex but HD graphics. Also same thing with a standalone armor, dark brotherhood and thieves guild got some retex armors but anyone made or can make a good looking dagger/bow assassin armor mod? Lorefriendly or not i do not care about, im using fantasy Armor and Bow atm its really nice though u can see that it shouldnt be in the game ;) If u have seen any that does smthn like this anywhere please post a link or smthn and also if u got any you have made and just not uploaded please let me see a pic or smthn and if u could send me the mod or ofc if u are gonna make one please post so i can stay updated on release and so on, thnx! (Light Armor, Female UNP Body)
  13. I'm using FXAA and Realistic Lighting atm to make everything look better can i enhance it more with like ENB or ENB Superb? If so, how do i do it? anything special or just install?
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