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Everything posted by theogn8219

  1. - Spend less time/money developing a game - Release the half-finished game - Release mod development kit - Let modders create awesome mods - Put a pay wall behind awesome mods and take most of the profits - WIN Future of game development.....
  2. What is it? Google didnt give me the answer :) Anyone knows? please lemme know.http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/414-skyrim-technical-support/
  3. Im having a weird issue in the Creation Kit when I try to modify/create a new NPC.Under Actor/Character Gen Parts , the preview for the Head part only showing a pair of eyes and teeth....instead of the whole head.....the weird thing is....i did not get this problem yesterday when i was creating another NPC, and nothing was changed or added to the game since then. Anyone seen this before? is there a way to fix it? This is such a random issue for me. Please help.
  4. +1 kudos Exactly the mod i was looking for. Thank you very much.
  5. Swords and/or bow stay visible on character even when hands are equipped with something else. Ex: holding a 2h sword with 1h sword still sheathed and visible on the hip. Or 2 hands are equipped with spells but swords are still visible. I remember a mod like this was created for Oblivion game...so wondering if this can be on in Skyrim also.
  6. Just wondering if someone could please create a mod where i have sword shown equipped although my hands are equipped with spells? For example: both hands are equipped with fire and ice spell while a 2h sword is shown equipped on the back. In the vanilla game, the moment i equip spells on my hand, the sword disappears. Is this mod possible? :biggrin:
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