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About paul666root

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  1. Hello I am using SUM through Mod Organizer with dual sheath redux and reproccer and when it reaches to export the reproccer.esp i have this error: "there was an error exporting the custom patch (null)" i've used the take ownership utility to change the permissions for windows 7, i checked if i have the lastest java i don't know why it isn't working anyone can help?
  2. So i removed more mods that were not on step except cbbe and now the game worked in the beginning more than 10 secs ... it worked until the carriage almost arrived at the gates to helgen and then CTD.... i still don't know why... please help ? this is the log
  3. I disabled Wearable lanterns mod that caused those errors and still the game crashes. here is the log:
  4. I have installed Skyrim and used STEP to install all mods and used only few suplementary ones this is my load order: I can't find what crashes the game right on beginning at the carriage intro. The game doesn't even run for more than 10 sec. This is what i get in papyrus log: I need help please
  5. Ok thank you. May i know how to do that please?
  6. noone can help ? or you need more details?>
  7. Hello i always ctd at the start of the game at the unbound quest right where you pass alduin on the wall. I get this log [09/28/2013 - 05:07:24PM] [sIC_ConfigMenuScript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (240C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings. [09/28/2013 - 05:07:25PM] Error: Unable to call GetTargetActor - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].xxxBowHitStagger.GetTargetActor() - "<native>" Line ? [None].xxxBowHitStagger.OnHit() - "xxxBowHitStagger.psc" Line 6 [09/28/2013 - 05:07:25PM] Error: Unable to call GetTargetActor - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].xxxBowHitStagger.GetTargetActor() - "<native>" Line ? [None].xxxBowHitStagger.OnHit() - "xxxBowHitStagger.psc" Line 6 what could be the problem?
  8. can you tell me what mods you have or its a sercret>?
  9. yeah it seems that way works. I thought limit was 255 and i have 150. Anyway i'll remove some. What you think i should eliminate?
  10. yes. Even when i create merged patch doesn't say any error
  11. doesn't work. Same CTD on start. If i activate any of those esps game crashes
  12. I already have uhud. I found out that if i remove these the game doesn't crash. But my question is: don't i need those patches? NVEC Complete NVCE FOOK Patch.espNVEC Complete NVCE Lings Patch.espNVEC Complete NVCE NVR2 Patch.espNVEC Complete NVCE MMUE Patch.espNVEC NVCE PN COMBO Patch.espNew Vegas Error Corrections Extras.espNVEC Complete NVCE AWOP Patch.esp
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