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  1. Hey :) I would like to request a mod like this one for FO4: Craftable Animation Markers: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10012/ We have tons of amazing animations, but not that many ways to use them. Ideally, it would be a framework, where you can add custom animations and name them. Like the mod for FO4, we should then be able to place the markers in game, and have NPC's be able to interact with them. Any Takers?
  2. Hi everyone. Through a litte TESV magic, I've combines a few mods, and done some tweaking. Basically what I've done is make the mannequins in vanilla houses male, and in hearthfire houses female. They should be compatible with body mods etc. (Currently untested) I made this for my own use, but if there is interest I'll share it if I get permissions from the original authors. It doesn't change any script files, so should be compatible with vanilla scripts, or any script fixes provided by the unofficial pathces. Let me know :smile: EDIT: As for modded homes, which mannequin you get depends on which mannequin the author has used. It *should* also be fairly easy to switch around mannequins in the houses by switching between the vanilla and HF "npc's" in TESV, to have both kinds in houses, but I haven't done any such thing myself.
  3. There are some decent mannequin mods out there, or mods that changes all mannequins from male to female, but it's not quite what I want. What I would like to see is a mannequin script that allows you to select the gender for individual mannequins. Maybe a spell, or power that when targeted on the mannequin, changes that individual mannequin from male to female and vice verca. Sexchange seems to change every mannequin, (because they all use the same baseID presumably). So I'm guessing it would require adding a new race, and applying a mannequin script to it, and a spell that exchanges the underlying NPC from one race to the other? I dunno. Any takers?
  4. Greeting modders! I would like to request a racemenu overlay plugin for the amazing Body Designs by Jeir. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37261/? So many amazing tattoo designs and combinations which would be perfect for a racemenu plugin. Cheers
  5. The problem is Frea has a unique voice type, and as such won't have proper responses. Or does more followers voices mod fix that problem? I was under the impression that, like serana it would require a rework of her voice files?
  6. Hi there. We've got a mod that will let you marry Serana, we've got a mod that will let you marry Karliah. It's time for a mod that will let you Marry Frea. Preferably with Hearthfire support. I tried playing around in the CK to do it myself but it is beyond my skill. Any takers?
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