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Everything posted by TrigIII

  1. Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere in different wording, I just couldn't seem to find the same request / mod out there with the research I did :(. I've seen a ton of mods on samurai swords and bow draw speeds and the like, and it got me wondering, when dovahkiin draws his/her weapons sometimes s/he's realllly slow at it. I'd assume with all these samurai sword mods someone out there, like me, would really want a "quick-draw" iaido like mod where you unsheathe your weapon into a strike real fast like or unsheathe the weapon really fast period. What do you guys think :D? Does anyone think they can do a mod like that? Thanks a ton in advance.
  2. I'm bumping this post since I'm having the exact same problem. I'm using the Lydia CBBE 02 Lydia and for the life of me I can't get it to unbutch no matter what I mod. On the other hand if I don't use CBBE 02 Lydia, some of the unbutch mods work. I want to know what about Lydia CBBE 02 doesn't work with these mods or if there's something out there that can unbutch her for good regardless of what's going on in the operations (like maybe a vanilla overhaul for all npc animations including housecarls?). I'm sure the devs of this game went to great lengths or if not so, could provide an easy way in which to allow the female housecarls to exude some estrogen... They obviously made sure they were butch as hell without effecting the rest of the female npc's, so they should also know how to unbutch :S. P.S. somehow sex changing lydia into a man gives her the right pose but with rather... unflattering features obviously, though I have to wonder if she's tagged as an orc or male or something in the game data.
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