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Everything posted by EdjeNoh
Just rolled back and best decision ever. Rebuild with new modded build. All my beloved mods back in this and great performance. Never ever enable update again in steam. BGS has become a s#*! company and probably won't buy another game by them. TES6 will be s#*! due to creation club with no free mods = mediocre game at best.
Bethesda is total garbage. They come out after ten years with a game upgrade that just breaks mods and adds.... fishing and add-ons that existed for years. Worst part is this will probably be the latest real BGS game with good modding community, they will never allow this on TES6 or Starfield.
Should've stayed on Oldrim not SE xD
Very tough, SKSE is such a must for Skyrim. Can't bear to play without it... Why they have to wreck my build all the time...
Ishara thanks for sharing that tutorial, I didn't know you could temporarily turn an esp into a master and then back to esp again. Its not that my second posed method doesn't work, but it will unneccarily bloat your plugin by a bit with the copies. It will still function, but it just makes the esp a bit more heavy to load. I guess it depends if you want to make your plugin dependent on the other mod or you decide to ship the additional files from the other mod (with permission ofcourse) right along with your own mod and have a more stand-alone version of your mod.
My estimate is that you can do two things: - I think if you convert HT44's mod into an ESM and make your mod dependent on it, that could work. This is not a preferable option IMO since your mod users will have to have an ESM version of the HT44 mod, which is undesirable. - The better option however would be to copy all the needed properties that are present in HT44 for your own custom mod. You can do this by loading both plugins in the CK and just duplicating everything (mostly the stuff under armor and armoraddon) you need that was created and present in the HT44 plugin. You have to realize that when you load a second esp in the CK you're basically just viewing it, the active esp doesn't become dependend on it and it can't really interact with assets in the other inactive plugin. So you will have to create custom duplicate assets in your active plugin to be able to use the resources brought about by another plugin. You mentioned you created some forms, Im not exactly sure what you're refering to, but you absolutely must be making new custom 'armor' and 'armoraddon' inside your plugin for things to work. If you already did that, I have no clue why it wouldn't work.
Hi guys, I'm working on a mod that overhauls npc's hair models, height and body meshes. You might wonder, why, there are many mods already out there that do the same. Well yes, yes and no. Most of these mods change appearance and height, but do not alter body meshes for individual npcs. I got this to work for 3 npc's, all with unique female body meshes (made different body and outfit meshes with bodyslide) and corresponding outfits. I achieved this by making custom races for them and then giving them custom default outfits (with custom 'armor'/ 'armoraddon' pieces. As I started working on the 4th npc, my CK started crashing more frequently when I go into the NPC details menu for the modded npcs. It was doing this before also at times (not always) when I would try to preview the npc in the npc details window. It keeps popping up errors about failing to access certain texture paths and chargen files (some of the files are present in the folders in my data folder, others are packed in the BSA's). I dont understand the presence of these errors. Am I missing something when making custom races/meshes for npcs. Its really weird because my plugin works flawless in game. Skyrim never crashes and loads the different bodies and outfits perfectly fine, yet the darn CK keeps crashing on me. Also, when modding with the CK, is it in general a good idea to unpack all my vanilla BSA's or doesn't this matter at all?
After making your load out, use LOOT, TES5Mergepatch with TES5Edit and a bashed patch. Here's some mods I prefer: -Unofficial patches for Skyrim and DLC (if you have it) -Falskaar -Important information overhaul -KS hairdo's -Amazing follower tweaks (I really prefer it over UFO) -Scarlet Dawn Armor -Enhanced Character Edit, Racemenu and Racecompatibility -Convenient horses -SkyUI -Interesting NPCs (one of the best mods out there) -Achieve that -Ihud -SkyUI -JKs Skyrim (or just a few of the seperate overhauls) -Lore weapon expansion -Any ENB you like (if your pc can handle it) -Bandolier -Fine goods from morrowind (gray quarter overhaul) -Helgen Reborn -Realistic needs and diseases -Frostfall -Run for your lives -Farm animals (love this little one, adds a few new animals) -Wearable lanterns (great for dungeon dwelling) -When vampires attack (if you have DG DLC) -Drinking fountains of Skyrim -Skycomplete legendary -Realistic carry weight -Apocalypse spell pack -Real clouds -The eyes of beauty -Live another life -Travellers of Skyrim -Immersive armors I would be cautious going past 120 plugins, extremely cautious going past 200, that's what experience taught me with the engine.
I was looking into the same issue. I tried to plow thru some of the factions for a clue, but I guess it must be some already existing dialogue under quests in the CK that we could be using as a base, but I can't find which one it is...
LOL, I just started a game a while back and got this add-on and wanted to wait with traveling to Solstheim and go after I leveled up some more. Sounds like a good idea, untill those patches are out :P
Best Skills and Strategies for playing high difficulty
EdjeNoh replied to EdjeNoh's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Good points, guys! I have the assisin's blade perk and found that to be working very well, but it's tougher to be stealthy in more open-battle ground types of environments and when you encounter a group of enemies as you'll be spotted faster. Also Draugr and undead sometimes just emerge from their crypts when you enter proximity, which may make stealth a bit harder. The tip for taking out the short-range combat enemies is worth a try. Perhaps my difficulties also come from mods like wars in skyrim as more enemies will spawn in the outside world, which will make it very tough to win against a group of strong forsworn, bandits or even five werewolves xD I did not know about the invisibility tome, I always regarded Illusion magicka as pretty useless, so I never investigated it. Maybe I should start leveling in that. I also heard a co-worker of mine talk about double-enchanting his bow with both fire and frost damage so that it became a very powerful weapon. Might try that too.. -
When I started my first character I sucked s***. I tried to level all skills equally and ran around with companions all the time. I got by fine on the lowest difficulty level, had occasional troubles on the second and couldn't do so well on the third difficulty or higher. I'm now playing my third character and now I'm doing quite fine with the Adept (third) difficulty level as I focus more on specific skills (did destruction, restoration and conjuration mage on my second character) and working on a sneak, one-handed and archer right now. Yet I cannot imagine myself playing the highest difficulty level. Especially in those moments when the spawning enemies start to get tougher (you know how Skyrim adapts this to your current level and then after you reach some point the spawning enemies become relatively easier again), I find I'm having troubles. I wonder what you guys most effective strategy is for creating a strong character to play those higher difficulty modes (expert and master)?
Food is pretty useless in Skyrim. Okay some health can be gained from cooking certain meals, but it's overall value is limited as most will rely on healing spells and health potions. It would be great to have a mod that would somehow create a hunger/satiety meter similar to the exposure level meter that is used in the Frostfall weather mod (an amazing mod for more immersion). Satiety should then have an impact on stamina and recovery rates of stamina (and perhaps health/magicka) and how fast your skills are building (similar to the Well Rested bonuses). This would mean that you would have to think in advance of bringing some cooked meal with you or cook some on the fly if you find a cooking pot. There should definetely be a difference in impact for eating raw and cooked foods, so that it is worth it to cook some meals and bring them with you before you head out on a quest. Additionally, eating different kinds of foods could make you more leaner and faster, whereas other foods might make you slower and more muscular. The different foods could also have an impact on how fast a certain skill progresses (say you eat a lot of greens most of the time you gain more progress in magic skills, whereas eating more meat will make you progress faster in wielding one- or two- handed weapons). I currently have only experience in creating simple mods that create new worldspaces and simple quests so I would have no idea how to go about creating something like this, but I though it would be a great idea for a mod as the foods currently aren't engaged very well into playing Skyrim.
[LE] [Workaround] Skyrim Dialogue Bug Fix
EdjeNoh replied to Arthmoor's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I have seen some new mods that have dialogue in them (the Vilja Companion mod for instance). Did the creator of this mod found a reliable way to fix this dialogue issue? -
[LE] [Workaround] Skyrim Dialogue Bug Fix
EdjeNoh replied to Arthmoor's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I found the .seq file, it was in the main skyrim folder, not the data folder and then I created a SEQ folder in the data folder, and placed the .seq file in there. Still my dialogue is not working, unfortunately. It's kind of weird, because even without this thing, the dialogue randomly did work at times during my mod building process (maybe the save, load, reload strategy), but most of time it just doesn't function. -
[LE] [Workaround] Skyrim Dialogue Bug Fix
EdjeNoh replied to Arthmoor's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I tried this, but don't understand where I need to move the .esp file to in the end. You say move it to the data/seq but I have no such folder in my Skyrim directory. I do believe that the process created a new folder in the data map called DialogueViews, so it is doing something. Nonetheless, my dialogue still does not work, so I think I miss a step. -
No, it has to do with the fact that Skyrim and the Creation kit are full of bugs. It kinda sucks :P
Go to the object view window, click actors, select (but don't open the next window) your NPC (the khajit you created), then press Ctrl + F4. The creation kit will ask if you want to export face textures. Click yes. This fixed my skin tone issues for my created NPCs that had white faces. It's a bug in the creation kit or something. Hope that helps.
f***, I'm having the same problem, just when I finished my f***ing mod! It was actually kind of a fun and complete quest. And the dialogue worked at some point, then it stopped working.. then it worked again, now it doesn't. I tried doing the save and reload thing, which worked sometimes, but other times it didn't? (edit: tried the save reload thing a couple times and I can't get it to work, I don't get this, because during the building process of the mod the dialogue was working most of the time) WTF, I after all my unfinished mod project I finally complete a decent one that was actually worth sharing on the nexus and I get this. Is there really no way to get this to work? BTW: I created a MOD back in March with a lot of dialogue and that worked perfectly. Proof: I tried it just a second ago and guess what: it has the same problem and does not function any more, whereas it worked perfectly in March. So yes, BETHESDA ROCKS, WAY TO GO! *end of rant*
I understand what you're saying. My mod needs a lot of polishing and I'm completely new to level design etcetera, so I can understand your criticism. I have just started out and I still want to add more detail and change things up a bit, but I just wanted to put this out there so I could get feedback like this. Also, I'm not trying to make the most perfect thing out there, I'm just having fun with Skyrim. The mod will contain quite some silliness in it (like the goat farm :P), which is why I choose to make it a new worldspace outside of Skyrim, because it doesn't really fit into the style of Skyrim completely.
Several voice actors needed for a skyrim mod.
EdjeNoh replied to Ashtasu's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I can record a male voice for you. -
I would like to create a topic for a mod in progress I'm working on called Swinstead Estate (located between the borders of Skyrim and Hammerfell. I'm currently working on creating the worldspaces, but also plan on creating NPC's with dialogue and a couple of small quests. Here are some preview pics of the new worldspace: http://i49.tinypic.com/bf5nqs.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/2q1rs52.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/2uh1tzq.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/ossoll.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/219e7d.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/ym1rb.jpg
Creation Kit - Some Statics turn Invisible..
EdjeNoh replied to EdjeNoh's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'll put it on the Nexus once it's finished. Will probably take quite some time, though, working out the quests and putting in the dialogue. I guess I'll start a thread with some pictures from the development of the mod soon for those who want to check it out beforehand. -
Sometimes when I create a new NPC and I change the skin color, I get it so that the head of the NPC differs in color from the body of the NPC. Why is this and how do I fix this?
You should create a world hook-up in Skyrim (worldspace Tamriel or any of the other worldspaces) somewhere by just creating a teleport door that links to a door in your new world-space. That's how I did it. Or you could create a fast-travel marker in the new world-space or create an interior which also has a teleport door into the new worldspace. I think the first option is the most logical and straight forward, since you're going to need to create a link to the province of Skyrim anyway sooner or later to have it in embedded in the game.