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no worry, that was not my intension to spread false information. sure you are right, body mods doesnt come with a plugin. Seems the day was a bit long^^
[LE] Weapon Texture Problem
Eimernase replied to renesuper's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Good to hear you got it fixed. :) I already thought after you showed the last screen here that there is something wrong with the texture-making in your program. Thats why the idea with the pure white texture to clarify where the issue coming from. ;) -
so far i know, not possible with simple ini-edits.
no explanation, just to make sure they works well. A lot of people installed mods in crazy amounts and load orders and then wondering why things go wrong. Ok, armor/weapon-mods are mostly not knowing for ctd's or similar, but its not wrong to put them always after a installed body-mod.
A bit more info could be helpful. Is AA/AF in your driver and also game settings off? Which ENB you try to use? correct installed? Your settings in enblocal/skyrimprefs.ini?
If i understand you right, you want to take off the hover info and the dimming when you are in enb-menu?
You need only the proxy if your enb requires them. otherwise dont change it. Enb comes always in 2 different ways, as wrapper or injector-version. Pick 1 of them, but never both. If you already have issues with them, i can just suggest to try another ENB-preset. This what you posted before is more a guideance. A serious ENB-preset have alot more information in his description, which mods are required/recommend, how install etc. If they havent, dont touch this, especially you are new to this.
If you use a body-mod, then after them. If you use replacer-mods for weapon/armor make sure they dont use the same asset to replace. Otherwise only the last in your load-order which replace the asset is able to see. Apart from that it doesnt matter.
Your Enb is right installed if you see the text in the left top corner. I can you only show my own settings, but that doesnt say it would fit yours well, because i use an older enb. enblocal.ini --------------- [GLOBAL] UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false UseDefferedRendering=true IgnoreCreationKit=true [PERFORMANCE] SpeedHack=true EnableOcclusionCulling=true [MULTIHEAD] ForceVideoAdapterIndex=false VideoAdapterIndex=0 [MEMORY] ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 VideoMemorySizeMb=3714 EnableCompression=true AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true MaxAnisotropy=16 ForceLodBias=false LodBias=0.0 AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=false EnableVSync=true VSyncSkipNumFrames=0 check also proxy settings in your enblocal.ini, is there an dll-library set to load? If so, the 1st two lines must be set as true, otherwise it cant load. If the 3rd line at the PROXY is empty, fine, the 1st two lines should be set as false. important settings are in skyrimprefs.ini as explained in your linked enb: [Display] ------------------------------------ bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 (important! otherwise enb will not work) bShadowsOnGrass=1 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawShadows=1 iMultisample=0 (Antialiasing) iMaxAnisotropy=1 (Anisotropic Filtering) <--- i would set here a 0 instead of 1 to take AF off Its also possible, that you need some updates for Directx 9.0c, because since Vista not all libraries are installed in a Win-System. So just check this out http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=35
LE Mod Request: more Mandalorian Armors for Skyrim
Eimernase replied to Fn4p's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Seriously, i'm sure for most of players here that would break their game-feeling to see such things in there game. Its definitly interesting only few. So why should someone do this then, if there isnt much interest for it? Can you imagine how long time it needs to make all of them? Thats not a task in few days, not in few weeks...that took months. And all that for a thing which never fit with the game and most will definitly unlike/not play? I'm sure you get the result now. -
You have racemenu-morph installed for 2 diff bodys. Which bodytype you use? By the way, you cant have both bodys installed at the same time, you can only chose one of them. Mods can required different bodys, they dont work always with any of them. This mod-list is horrible and near impossible to solve such issues without sort this list as Frankfranky sayed before. No way with just few steps, that needs longer time.
your system can handle skyrim with an enb, not at very high setting, but with mid settings for sure. I have a similar rig (Nvidia 840M) and can play well with enb and around 100 active mods. Firstly, did you see at the start screen at left corner above that enb is load? If not, check your enb-install again (also settings at skyrim/skyrimprefs.ini if your used enb are needed to changed there) If you get the message, check the page from your used enb, which other mods are required for it and look if you have it installed in the correct order. Check also your driver settings (Nvidia) and games settings, enb needs to take off AA/AF as example. If all goes well here, it could be your used enb. Not all enb can be run with lower system specs, some requires higher specs.
Its mainly his integrated graphic card which will always be the neck of a bottle. I would have the same if i take off the graphic card and try to play only with the integrated. An unmodded game is possible with very low settings, but as long you have installed mods with things like weather, lightning, water, reflexions, bigger textures i'm sure an integrated graphic card cant handle this without extremly frame drop. He said he have in startscreen around only 31fps. Thats a true sign that the integrated card runs at limit and cant handle more. Some things he can do without getting a new card: - lower resolution to play - lower settings (shadows as example, set as very low or off), things like AA take off - take all mods off and look how the game is running (with a fresh save), install mods step by step and look after every again how the game runs
The main reason for such low FPS isnt your installed mods or load-order. It is your lowend-processor whith integrated GPU, which are not maded to play games, work with graphic programs etc. The CPU is older as an I3, and the integrated GPU is lower as an integrated Intel HD Graphics 4400. Better look for a new pc or laptop. Yours is realy outdated and was purely maded for only office work.
[LE] Weapon Texture Problem
Eimernase replied to renesuper's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I see what you mean, thx for your screen. I dont think that this is a buggy texture like before. There are few black-parts at the blade which spinning around them and if you look at the diffuse-map, there isnt anything in dark color or black at the blade-part. So there must be something wrong how the texture was building around your mesh. I'm sure there is the mistake to find. EDIT: maybe make the texture-parts in the diffuse-map completly white and look again. If there are then also weird blacky parts then the issue is not the texture self, but how it build around the mesh. Its just a step to clear out where the issue coming from. Maybe it helps.