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About escribner86

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    United States

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  1. In response to post #15043771. Ditto. Did you find a fix yet?
  2. @georgiegril oh my goodness you're my new hero. I do have the old Skyre because I can only afford vanilla at the moment and have only interest in one of the mods. Anyway, I will see what that forum says. Thank you thank you thank you! If that fails would you mind explaining to a newbie how to edit that file? :) EDIT: it's fixed so I don't need helping editing anything.
  3. I have a menu popup when opening doors that says: What should I do? Pick It keeps upping my fingersmithing perk even if the door is unlocked and I'm just opening it. Super annoying and cheaty. does anyone know what it comes from? Thanks. Edit: this has been resolved
  4. I tried out the one that makes the guards their enemies and it finally worked. Thank you thank you thank you!!
  5. I'm looking for 3 mods. 1. Changes draugr to something else (I've seen the elderly people mod and it's disturbing so not that) 2. Being able to burn notes etc 3. A mod or a tweak so npcs will actually sleep at night. What self-respecting thief sneaks in during the day? I can't seem to find anything useful through google, steam, or nexus so I'm hoping you guys know of something I might have overlooked. Thanks! Edit: still looking for these but I'm also looking for: Watching Gophers vids I know there's a mod that he uses that makes the companions be out and about in skyrim. I'm wondering if there's one for the other guilds? Maybe see them sneaking around at night going into places etc.
  6. I'm looking for the outfit conner wears from Assassin's Creed III but for a female and available in Skyrim. Does anyone know if this has been done?
  7. I'm not sure where to ask this question but I was trying to see if 'More Dynamic Injuries' had been updated etc and it shows as hidden. In cases like this should I be uninstalling these? How do I find out why it was hidden? Because if there's nothing wrong with it then I'd like to keep it but I don't want to break my game.
  8. @TacoRogue You could try this: Locational damage http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12615
  9. What about this one? Improved Sneak Detection. Lighting and such affects being detected. I've never used it so I can't attest to its accuracy but it's on my list of mods to try. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23353
  10. I use the mods 'locational damage' and 'more dynamic injuries'
  11. I will keep track of it but isn't there one I can use in the meantime? Keep an eye on Calientes Vanilla Outfits for CBBE it looks like theywill eventually CBBEfy all armors ;)
  12. I'm looking for a mod that makes the dragon armor sexier (but not trashy). It can either be a replacer for the females or as an additional armor option. Thanks!
  13. No, they're not necessarily in the wrong topic because there are mods that mess with followers and perhaps someone has addressed the issue or something similar to it.
  14. You must have done something wrong. Equiping jewelry is vanilla behavior for followers... My followers don't equip jewelry either. So obviously it has to be a rare skyrim issue I'm sure. Any real assistance would be nice.
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