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Everything posted by hltvpro

  1. I think this is doable as a magic spell. I noticed Midas Magic had a "force pull" spell, a bit over-powered but fun. This can serve as the foundation of the chain-spear mod. So, instead of shooting a magic blob, we can use a new animation of harpoon/spear head/arrow head flying out of the hand followed by a chain in high velocity, to a short distance, and retract with an even higher velocity. Why? because this has to be done briefly. The spear will be launched when the hand reaches out, and make it back before the casting hand returns to the normal position. Sound effects can be "exported" from mortal kombat games, including spear launching and the infamous "GET OVER HERE"
  2. I don't know much about actual modding, but what if we just skip the entire reloading animation? Then a new bolt just appears on the rack right after you shoot the first one. As for scripting, it may be needed if the clip or magazine has a capacity, but might not require any if the crossbow is belt-fed, meaning all the "belt linked bolts" (crafted) in your inventory would feed directly into the weapon, just like a quiver. I'm not sure if that makes it any easier, or maybe we can just learn from "Dwemer Rifle" mod and use the staff animation and mechanism. Well, it appears that someone already made it happen. It was just like I said, the mod "skipped" the reloading animation. It looks a little weird but it works, and that's a good start. Try it out: Semi-automatic Crossbow by Bzhuan http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22100/ help "machine crossbow"
  3. funny thought but that shouldn't be, a ballista shouldn't have man-sized grips and trigger mechanism on the same scale.
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I did not dig too deep into the lore but my impression was that the Dwemer automaton "centurion sphere" was armed with a retractable blade in one arm and a crossbow on the other. I don't exactly recall how the robots operated the crossbow, but they definitely can't draw it with other arm because it has a sword for a hand. Since the robots and their weapons were powered by soul gems, so it's a possibility that the "Dawnguard chick" improvised the repeating crossbow based on a robot weapon. Yessir. Chu Ko Nu, or 诸葛弩 in Chinese. I'm Chinese myself, not knowing that is a sin :D But I would rather have a dwemer design because it's more lore friendly, unless somewhere in the lore there was a Akaviri repeating crossbow... I don't know much about actual modding, but what if we just skip the entire reloading animation? Then a new bolt just appears on the rack right after you shoot the first one. As for scripting, it may be needed if the clip or magazine has a capacity, but might not require any if the crossbow is belt-fed, meaning all the "belt linked bolts" (crafted) in your inventory would feed directly into the weapon, just like a quiver. I'm not sure if that makes it any easier, or maybe we can just learn from "Dwemer Rifle" mod and use the staff animation and mechanism.
  5. Now that Bethesda GENEROUSLY added TWO crossbows in the new DLC, I just can't wait to see some mods to improve them. The Dwemer is a race that have mastered engineering, they have created steampunk automatons...are they not capable of making repeating crossbows? The "true" repeating crossbow will be powered by a grand soul gem, fed from bolt clips, belt, box or even drum magazines; we can also add an lever-action version, which still sports a higher rate of fire. concept art (not my picture) http://www.milesteves.com/gallery/d/2349-2/Repeating+Crossbow_001.jpg Skyrim bows have a bash function that is mainly used to stagger opponents, because bows are unwieldy as melee weapons....but that WAS the case with bows; with a solid framed crossbow, we can add spikes, daggers and axe blades as bayonets, hell, even chainsaws like "Dwemer Autoblade" from the mod with the same name. This probably won't make crossbows superior melee weapons, but it will sure leave more than just a bruise when you bash your foe. again, not my picture http://images.wikia.com/deadliestfiction/images/b/b7/Crossbowknifehybrid.jpg Diablo fans, remember Buriza? http://blog-imgs-54.fc2.com/g/a/l/galvez/diablo3-buriza-do-kyanon02.jpg
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