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Everything posted by Rebmob7577

  1. I'm having a similar problem. But I've noticed that it's from my creation club stuff. I purchased it all legit, but uploaded it to google because for some reason, BethNet takes F O R E V E R to download the creations. Well, I went and installed them as normal, but upon bootup, I've noticed that my game will initiate the online check, and then poof. instant CTD. I went and moved all the creations to a subfolder I created just thinking that maybe that was my problem... sure as s#*!, my game runs fine. So, my guess is that even though it's reading the download codes as codes attached to my account, they're not tied to my particular instance of Fallout 4, and that's causing the crash? I really dont wanna break down and download E V E R Y single creation from BethNet again, if I can avoid it. So does anyone have a workaround at all?
  2. Simple answer, you can't You're very, very wrong. You can, in fact, do so. I've done it once or twice before, but I dont remember how. Hence why I'm here.
  3. In response to post #59889451. #59916096 is also a reply to the same post. I'll be blatantly honest with you, Tragthemercenary. I got a new computer and switched over to only Vortex and have had less issues running massive amounts of mods with less issues than I've had with Nexus Mod Manager.
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