Alright, I've been pulling my hairs out for the last hour or so trying to fix this. Usually I can manage, but this has me completely stumped and I'm all out of ideas. I've just completed enough small jobs given to me by Delvin and Vex to do the larger quest for Windhelm's Thieves guild presence. Also known as the quest "Summerset Shadows". The thing is, this quest doesn't start. At all. I turn in my job to Delvin and everything's great. He pays me and I walk off to turn in my other job to Vex. This job is the fifth one in Windhelm, and in turn enables new dialogue from Delvin, who tries to assign me "Summerset Shadows", but fails miserably. All the dialogue is there. He tells me where to go and such, but when the conversation is over, nothing happens. No quests are added to my quest log. Now I've done a whole lot of digging around and found several solutions. None of them work, though. As I understand it, this bug can be caused by killing Linwe earlier on in the game. When I read that notion, I looked through my chest of belongings, and yep, there was Linwe's armour along with his other stuff. I think it's safe to say I killed him at some point. A solution offered by someone I found while doing a search for this problem was going back to the place Linwe is initially spawned at, kill the bandit leader occupying the structure at that time, use a player.placeatme command for Linwe while residing in his natural habitat and then leaving. This would reinstate Linwe as the mighty leader of his very own dungeon and restore balance in the world. But alas, it wasn't so. The exact same problem persisted when talking to Delvin. After loading the save I made before talking to Delvin, I decided to go the more hardcore route of forcing the quest stage through the console. This, as it turns out, is not a fool-proof console command and it also resulted in nothing whatsoever. The last thing I tried before giving up and rushing over here to see if anyone else has any ideas was the showquestvars command. Now I'm not experienced in any way with the various commands and information they yield, so the slab of text following said command was pretty much like Chinese to me. However, after researching a little, I found the following thread: Now this person appears to have found a solution to the exact problem I'm having (albeit for a different quest). I was overjoyed to find this until I attempted to decipher his methods for fixing it. I can't make heads or tails of it. If I understand correctly, the fact that all the NPC aliases are set to "NONE" is a bad thing and seeing as the showquestvars command reveals the same thing in my case, I need to find a way to get these aliases to something other than "NONE", correct? The very obvious question I want to ask then is: How? If anyone knows how I can fix this, I'd very much appreciate the help. It's driving me nuts because I'm quite the completionist and with a huge bounty on my head in The Reach for killing some Thalmor on the road and being ratted out by a chicken, it would benefit me greatly to have someone in Markarth who I can get to erase said bounty. TL;DR: No matter what I try, Summerset Shadows quest doesn't start. Tried everything I can think of to no avail. Hlep.