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About Nylonathathep

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  1. It seems to work like a charm by just doing the version thinguie. I got the holotape and all that and had no more attacks since I disabled them with it... for now at least! Thanks again for your mod and your answer!
  2. Curious. Most mods I've seen that touch it either require stuff that is not stable on VR, require a new game, or are part of enormous mods with billions of features that would turn my game into a Dalí painting if I tried to install them mid playthrough, which led me to believe that modders had to tinker with convoluted stuff in order to disable them. I let it go and just took the attacks. In the beginning it was like once a week, but it's gotten too ridiculous. I'll try yours, I've done the 0.95 before with other mods with no problems, the main problem with mods on vr is when they require unsupported F4SE versions and stuff like that... Thank you very much for your help!
  3. Okay this has gotten too infuriating. I'm experiencing one settlement attack every single day, sometimes two at once. And the settlements always lose, no matter I have 400000 defence (yeah, from time to time they win, but it's mostly an anecdote) This is ruining the fun quite a lot. I'm currently in far harvor and it's constant attacks and constant defeats in the commonwealth settlements. A bit of a slap in the face every 10 minutes. Yeah, some people may like roleplaying this and whatnot, but to me it pretty much kills the fun of the damn settlements, because it feels like a bit of a middle finger to your efforts and increases that feeling that everyone in this world is a useless piece of crap to the asolute max, so even if you roleplay... it's godawful trash. Am I supposed to run to the commonwealth every 10 minutes? Or perhaps make a MASSIVE time consuming repair run through a billion settlements when I get back? Not to mention that then the attacks will still happen in the island! This cripples the game experience real bad. I tried a few mods but they do not seem to work in VR. I'm also surprised that the damn attack system was built to be so difficult to disable even by modders. Any solutions you guys have for VR? Yeah, I could have gotten straight to the question but I needed to rant, even if it doesn't provide info you didn't know about. I even managed to pretend that spectacle island wasn't completely broken, but this is like having an asshole sticking a finger in your eye constantly while doing the Butthead laugh.
  4. Did this. Doesn't exactly disable them, but it considerably reduces the annoying factor. It replaces pack brahmin for supply lines (and traders if you want) with eyebots. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14395/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D14395%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  5. Ok, just uploaded it. Not exactly new to modding, but it's the first time I've uploaded something for a console. The mod is simple enough, though. Should work without issues.
  6. Sweet! Would you please consider posting it to Bethesda.net for Xbox One? I don't have a PC capable of running Fallout 4, so I can only play on Xbox One? You'll have to post the settlement-only and all pack Brahmin versions separately, though. Sure. Let me see...
  7. Well... I did this little thing. MIght interest you, it replaces pack brahmin with eyebots. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14395/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D14395%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  8. Hey, Nylon, I am just wondering, how your doing? I hope your mod problems will be fixed as well. I've been trying to keep myself busy, waiting patiently though. And a few people that are waiting patiently, said that you could just drop in every now and then and give us a little progress report on how your doing. But I know that your very busy and taking your time.
  9. That's not something that is known to happen. I feared that, maybe, on a "save & quit" the geck crashed while saving and screwed things up... I am very careful with those things, but I've been working in this for so long that maybe one day I lowered my guard? But it would be a strange way to corrupt a file, too localized "corruption". I've been looking for someone with a similar issue with the doors, I found no topics about it, and I was worried, because the script is quite popular. It is reconforting to know someone else had this problem, this makes me less worried about it being a screwed up mod file. But I don't understand why the trigger boxes stopped working... and not even all of them! Just the new ones I place... I made other tests with new master files and they work... but not in this one.
  10. Yeah, it only upset my neighbor. As for the doors... well, yes, that would solve the thing, but I'd feel like I'm burying a problem rather than solving it. If this script stopped working for no reason, there's no guarantee that other less evident scripts are not dying as well... I don't want to one day realize I've been working in a corrupt mod file for three months haha EDIT: Hmmm... and now I've tried placing trigger boxes with a simple script around and... they don't work in the master file (IF i add an esp file and alter them -move them slightly, etc...-, they work, with the same script and trigger box). This is starting to look very worrying, since I reverted to a very old file to check this. I'm beginning to fear that the damn geck corrupted a file in a subtle way long ago... if so, this is serious and might lead me to abandon the whole project.
  11. Hi, mates! I don't usually hit the forums because I find some fun into trying to find solutions to my problems by myself, but this time I'm completely lost. I've been working on the next release of one of my mods for some time now, and, about a week ago, I stumbled upon a strange and sudden problem. The mod is an esp converted into an esm using FNVedit. It's a bit extense and contains many things, but what caught my eye is a specific issue: I use the famous autoclosing door script for the thing, and it seemed to work nicely... but suddenly, with no explaination, it stopped working. The doors open, but don't close after the timer is up! Here is the script: I thought maybe I had screwed up in the geck, so I reloaded a previous version that I knew that worked... and sure enough, the doors worked. But when I modified it with the geck, the doors failed again! Even just opening the esp, saving it with no modifications, converting it into an ESM and then going in-game causes the doors to stop functioning! “Maybe it's the esp to esm conversion then?” I thought, but nope. If I convert the untouched .esp file of a working version of the mod without touching it with the geck, it works. And there is a random component as well: some doors still work! Maybe doors in other cells, maybe some of the doors in the same cell. The results seem to be strangely semi-random, and this leaves me with little ground to detect a pattern. The only “consistent” element so far is that “persistent reference” doors seem to always work... for now. This thing got me completely paralyzed: I can't just ignore a “healthy” script deciding to malfunction like this! It could be a symptom of other less evident scripts malfunctioning as well, or a computer problem causing issues to my mod. So for the last week I've been testing like a madman, with zero results. I've tried... *Reinstalling the geck *Reinstalling FOSE *Clean save *Going back to a very old save *Shaking my fist at the screen *Deleting doors to check if it's a case of active script overloading -I use a lof of these doors- *Disabling all other mods *Yelling “Khaaaaan!” * Many other things I can't remember at this time *reverting and experimenting with different old versions. That last point has been interesting, but still confusing: -For some versions it seems to work, but then I locate a few doors that don't work. -In others, no door works. Except the “persistent reference” ones, which seem to work consistently in all versions. The door issue is the only malfunctioning thing I have been able to spot so far. I could ignore it and move on, but the fact that I can't find an explaination for it makes me believe that it could be a symptom of a more serious issue, and I won't feel like moving forward if I can't understand why does it happen. Any help or suggestions would be very apreciated!
  12. *Official communicate* S... Sally?! R... really?! ... ... Eeew... I... I mean... EeeeeWwwww... ...EEEEEWWWWWW!!!! *End of communicate* P.S.: EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!
  13. why did nexus bug and post 3 commont O_O lol bye!
  14. why did nexus bug and post 3 commont O_O lol bye!
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