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  1. Distinct Skyrim Landscapes Nexus Download Note: This mod will look several orders of magnitude better if you run DynDOLOD by Sheson. I didn't want to make the Highly Recommended mods listed below as requirements but to get the full effect of the mod they are necessary! When I first read about Skyrim in the lore from previous elder scrolls games, I had a much different impression of what the land actually looked like when compared to Bethesda's vision which was released to us. This mod is a representation of the mental image I created when I first read about Skyrim. Currently, this mod affects seven Holds; Hjaalmarch, The Pale, Winterhold, Whiterun, Eastmarch, Haafingar, and Falkreath. The idea for this mod actually started a long, long time ago back in the days of Morrowind when I first read about the land of Skyrim in the in-game books. I've always been a huge fan of TES Lore and this is my attempt at interpreting that lore and bringing a new and unique look to the land of Skyrim. Now on a more personal note, this mod has been my brainchild on and off for more than two years. It's been a very slow project and I really appreciate those of you who have followed with interest even through the long periods of my absence. One of the more recent breaks I took away from this mod came after my father passed away suddenly in an accident on September 11, 2015. I was coming into a time in my adult life when my dad was not only my dad but my friend and having that taken away from me was really tough. I have included a small tribute to my father in an out of the way location as part of the mod. Current Release Version 1.0 Requirements Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Not totally required but it won't be the same without it) DynDOLOD (Again, not totally required but the old LOD will pop in and out unless you update it with DynDOLOD) Release Changes Hjaalmarch remove trees Nordic ruins sticking out of the mud dead skeletons Falkreath Huge trees Very little underbrush The Pale Remove trees frozen tundra jagged rocks Eastmarch Dead Trees and grass More animal skeletons Make River Yorgrim navigable Winterhold No foliage Whiterun Hold no trees expand on giants Haafingar Hold thinning the trees snowy road barren coast Throat of the World No trees, gives it an Everest-y feel! Installation Install with your favorite mod manager or drag and drop the files into your Data Folder Compatibility At the moment compatibility will be hard to determine, in the coming days as people start using the mod in their playthroughs I hope to compile a more defined list to see what needs patching. Patched Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor Skyrim Better Roads by SilentResident Enhanced Towns and Cities by Missjennabee Coming Soon Skyrim Bridges JK's Skyrim Master the Summit Highly Suggested Mods Verdant by Preeum Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt Supreme and Volumetric Fog by MannyGT FAQs Q: Will you make this change for me? A: I'm always willing to listen to new ideas, but there is no guarantee it will happen. Q: Is this compatible with "X" mod? A: That depends on the mod. Texture and mesh mods will almost always be compatible. Mods that add objects to the landscape may be incompatible only in that they do not match the new aesthetic of the region. The good news is that 9.9/10 cases a compatibility patch will be made fairly easily and I will be doing my best to cover most of the requested mods. Q: I like this change, but that change makes me cringe. A: Sorry, can't help you on that front. Feel free to download and remove whatever you want for your own personal use. Whats Next? Priority for the next couple weeks will be providing patches for major mods that may conflict. After that I'll be continuing development of the mod by adding new content! I'll be posting screenshots of development here as I go to get feedback from people about what they think about progress on the mod!
  2. Woohoo! Well, now that I've been officially weeded out, I wanted to make a post here thanking Robin and also the community for such a cool opportunity. I applied for the Community Manager (CM) job back in March when the announcement was first made and a little over two months later I received an email from Robin saying that I had made the short-list of 30 for the position. Having been around the modding community for almost a decade, its awesome to see when someone from the community is going to be making the transition from hobby to employment in something we all love. As much as I would love to be that person, it was enough for me to receive that email from Robin because it showed me that all the time and effort I've spent modding Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind hasn't gone unnoticed, as it can sometimes seem. So a big shout-out from one modder to the Nexus community and Robin for the opportunity, and to the four remaining candidates I wish you the best of luck and can't wait to see what you do with the position. You guys are all awesome. :smile:
  3. I don't think that's Dragonbone Ebonsteel, unless there's been an update recently and there aren't screenshots of the new armor set. Dragonbone Ebonsteel looks like this. I've never seen this before and I've had both Dragonbone Ebonsteel and Immersive Armors installed. I'm interested to find out where this armor came from though. It's pretty cool looking!
  4. Update time! I've set myself a deadline of getting the mod released by the end of Summer 2015. A ton of progress has been made although I've been silent on the updates for a while and I've now reached the point where I desperately need a small group of beta testers to playtest, identify bugs and provide feedback on the mod. If you're interested please PM me as soon as possible and I will fill you in with all the details. Thanks!
  5. In response to post #23529854. #23544324, #23544814, #23548199, #23553714 are all replies on the same post. I applied within the first couple days of the announcement from my Gmail account and didn't have that issue. Did you try sending the exact same email to a different address like an alternate email of yours and see if you got the same error? Perhaps Gmail isn't happy with your attached documents. There's no guarantee your confirmation email won't end up in the black hole we created at the Nexus admin inbox by flooding it with applications, but if all else fails its worth a try. Missing out on an opportunity like this because of a little mix-up would really be a bummer. You should have plenty of time to get it straightened out though. I have a feeling its going to be a while! Good luck!
  6. I applied a few days ago and I've been checking my email on the hour ever since. When I read about this upcoming position in the State of the Union address I started writing down ideas and it has grown into quite the list. Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to share them. Having this position would be an amazing experience. It would allow me to give everything I've got to the modding community that I've been a part of since I bought the PC version of Morrowind back in 2005. I'd love to be able to add to this wonderful community in meaningful ways, and here's hoping that nearly a decade of experience will at least get my foot in the door. Good luck to all my fellow applicants! Whoever gets hired will do a great job, and I'm looking forward to exciting things to come here at the Nexus in 2015 and beyond!
  7. Good point :P If you want to sign up, shoot me a PM and be sure to mention which Hold you're interested in and I'll get back to you!
  8. Reporting back in! Its been about a month since you guys heard from me and the recovery process is going well. If everything goes as planned I will be able to mod efficiently again by the 25th of February. Now I've got a couple announcements to make! First off, I'd like to announce that I am no longer working on this project alone . My friend bjs_336 has come on board to help with the project and he's been doing some amazing work that I can't wait to share with you all. At the moment he's getting his hands dirty with Winterhold, which is great because it frees me up to work on another area of Skyrim! Woohoo! My second announcement is that I'd like to start putting together a list of beta-test candidates. Ideally I'd like to have a small group for each Hold, so if you consider yourself particularly attached to one particular Hold, please sign up as I would love some input from those of you who have a vested interest in each area. Cheers friends, and Happy (Early) Valentines Day! :)
  9. Hey everyone, just want to hop in here and explain the lull in progress over the last few weeks. I broke my left wrist just before New Years and finally had surgery yesterday. I wont be making any progress in the next week or two but should hopefully regain the use of my fingers without causing any pain soon after that and then I'll hop right back on to getting this thing accomplished. :) Hope everyone had a great holiday season!
  10. Will there be more information provided in a later post for those who are interested in applying for the community manager position? Sounds interesting and I'd like to put forward a CV if possible. :) Thanks for keeping us up to date Robin, its always good to hear that progress is being made!
  11. Just gonna bump this up to the top of the forums again. :) I'm taking a small break for the Christmas holiday but I'll get back to working on this once the festivities are over. Cheers guys and Happy Holidays!
  12. I'm finishing up the cleanup I wanted to do on Haafingar taking care of some weird odds and ends from the vanilla game. There wasn't a whole lot to do so it went pretty quickly. I think I'd like to replace the trees in the mountains of Haafingar to something more unique. What are your guys thoughts on this? Any suggestions for trees from resource packs that you think might fit the bill?
  13. If you're a casual user, plan on downloading most if not all of your mods here and aren't planning on doing anything crazy complicated that would require more advanced tools, I'd say your best bet is to use the Nexus Mod Manager. As for mod ideas, its totally up to personal preference but a good place to start would be at the Skyrim GEMS site (use google) which has a great breakdown of a ton of great mods. :)
  14. MINOR UPDATE I'm going back and adding some new stuff to Hjaalmarch today and if I've got time I'll continue work on Winterhold. I'd say in its current stage Eastmarch is about 90% done unless I find there's other things I'd like to add.
  15. Nice! Questions to answer! Okay, so in answer to your initial question, I removed the mountain for a couple reasons. First, it doesn't thematically fit with the image of Whiterun which is intended to be a frozen tundra. Two, it actually subtracts from the aesthetic of the region. With the mountain gone, you can see Whiterun from clear across the Hold where you couldn't before. Three, it serves no purpose. The mountain takes up roughly 17 cells in the center of Whiterun Hold and the only thing of value in that area that's being effected is a single gold ore vein. There's nothing of value to the game in the area. The fourth and final reason I'm removing the mountain is because it's kind of an odd duck geographically speaking. It's completely on its own, it's not close enough or in line with another mountain range that it could be explained away as a detached part of one of the ranges, it literally sits smack dab in the middle of Whiterun Hold. Here's a link to a Skyrim map illustrating what I mean: http://srmap.uesp.net/?locx=-29817&locy=-4910&zoom=14 It just doesn't really make sense for a mountain to be there. I hope that answers that question satisfactorily. :) And as for your question about the map: Nope, the mountain will not show up on the map. Unless I'm mistaken the Skyrim in-game map is based on LOD so that will be taken care of with DynDOLOD. Regardless, I'll make sure that the in-game map accurately reflects the changes made by this mod upon release. Cheers and thanks for the feedback! :)
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