hello ! :D I think I´ve got kinda the same problem. All mods and stuff are there but as soon as I change graphic settings they dissapear and there is no way to get them back. Not even an re-install will fix it. I actually started playing with mods today so luckily it was a new game. But still, the inventory mod works with SKSE like usual. But the hardcore mod and buildings mod is missing. I don´t know if the others are missing too, but that seems believable. i can´t run skyrim on max so if you have a mod with lot of npc´s n stuff you might wanna dull it down a bit. So the only thing you can do is to just stay with a good setting that works, like medium (I play on high mostly), and never change the setting. In game settings works but if you go out from the game change it in the regular skyrim launcher it takes away the mods. Btw I launch with SKSE when I play. Sorry I´m new with that maybe it´s just me being stupid but if someone knows, tell me :) or maybe it happens just because I open the normal launcher :S Is there a way to change setting with the SKSE lancher ? Anyway I hope this gets fixed, sorry for a very long text xD